

字词 政治态度


political attitude


McLellan, D. Marxism after Marx: An Introduction [M]. Translated by Zhang Yibing. London: Macmillan Press, 1998: 30.


McLellan, D. Marxism after Marx: An Introduction [M]. Translated by Zhang Yibing. London: Macmillan Press, 1998: 30.


[1] 迟福林,张占斌.邓小平著作学习大辞典[M].哈尔滨出版社,1992.
[2] 时蓉华.社会心理学词典[M].四川人民出版社,1988.


1. 考茨基也意识到一个“新中产阶级”正在产生,但他总是坚持认为,即便这个阶级的生活方式是资产阶级的,他们却终究要无产阶级化、并加入到阶级斗争中去。因为他们的经济地位基本上是无产阶级的,其政治态度必然要受到影响,从而会反映出这种经济地位来。虽然考茨基有时也意识到,德国许多中产阶级的群体具有潜在的反动因素,但无论他还是伯恩施坦,在对这个阶级最终采取的政治态度所持的信念上,都犯了悲剧性的错误。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2008:26

1. Kaustky also realised that a ‘new middle class’ was coming into existence, but he always maintained the view that, however bourgeois their life-style might be, they would eventually become proletarianised and enter the class struggle. For their economic position was essentially proletarian and, under the impact of automation, their political attitudes would come to reflect this. Although Kautsky sometimes realised that potentially reactionary motives of many middle-class groupings in Germany, both he and Bernstein were tragically mistaken in the faith they placed in their eventual political attitudes. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 75-76.

2. 列宁谈到了主观和客观的统一,谈到了马克思在《关于费尔巴哈的提纲》中把实践的标准引进认识论。他总结说“人的意识不仅反映客观世界,并且创造客观世界”。列宁不断强调,辩证法的主要规律就是对立面的斗争和统一。实际上,他有时也陷入到某种“非理性主义的活力论”中去了。当然,还不可能证明,在列宁对黑格尔的理解和他此后的政治态度之间到底有什么确切的联系,但显然,作为列宁对1914年世界大事变的哲学反应,《哲学笔记》是与他在经济学领域中对帝国主义的分析相对应的。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2008:107

2. He talked of the unity of subject and object and of Marx’s introducing the criterion of practice into the theory of knowledge in his Theses on Feuerbach. ‘Man’s consciousness’, he concluded, ‘not only reftects the objective world but creates it. Lenin emphasized continually the conflict and unity of opposites as the main dialectical law. 1ndeed, he occasionally got carried away into a sort of ‘irrationalist vitalism’. It is, of course, impossible to demonstrate any precise link between Lenin’s reading of Hegel and his subsequent political attitudes, but it is clear that Lenin’s philosophical response to the 1914 débâcle—the Philosophical Notebooks—is paralleled by his work on imperialism in the sphere of economics. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 116.

3. 在“文化大革命”中,有一个中国式的马克思主义的基本要素突显出来,那就是:中国人对人性和道德因素的重视。同马克思一般地突出经济的决定作用以及上层建筑对经济基础的依赖不同,毛主义恢复了上层建筑的地位,这与20世纪许多马克思主义形态相似,如葛兰西、斯大林主义等。中国历来就非常重视道德和政治态度,人们正是用这种观点而不是用任何其他观点来界定一个社会,并赋予其独特性。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2008:252

3. One element in the Chinese version of Marxism that is emphasized by the Cultural Revolution is the importance attached by the Chinese to human and moral factors. As against the general underlining by Marx of the determining role of ‘the economic’ and dependency of the base on the superstructure, Maoism involves a rehabilitation of the superstructure common to many variants of twentieth-century. Marxism: Gramsci, Stalinism, and so on. Traditionally, there had been a very strong emphasis in China on moral and political attitudes. These sorts of views more than any other were held to define a society and give it its character. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 254.


例句 1:
Employing the data from a representative sample of home owners in Beijing, this article examines the political attitudes among the middle class in urban China from four dimensions ad compares the political attitudes within the system and outside the system.

例句 2:
From a thorough understanding of the formation and the changing mechanism of the political attitude, we can accurately predict the development direction of the political behavior of College students’.

例句 3:
Political attitude is the most important component of political quality and political attitude education to undergraduates is a necessary demand to establish core value system of socialism and one of the important contents in university mental and political education.





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