

字词 政治上层建筑


political superstructure


McLellan, D. Marxism after Marx: An Introduction [M]. London: Macmillan Press, 1998: 1.






1. 在马克思称之为其研究工作的“主导线索”中,他认为自己已经表明:生产关系的总和,即人类组织社会生产及使用工具的方式,构成了社会的真正基础;在此基础上,出现了法律和政治上层建筑,并形成了与此基础相适应的一定的意识形态。因此,人类进行基本生活资料生产的方式决定了人类整个社会的、政治的和精神的生活。但是,在人类发展的一定阶段,生产力的发展会超过生产关系。这时,生产关系就会成为生产力发展的桎梏。这样的阶段就会开创一个社会革命的时期。只有当这些生产力在现存生产关系下发展到了尽可能充分的程度,旧的社会秩序才会崩溃。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2008:1

1. In what he called the ‘guiding thread’ of his studies, Marx considered himself to have shown that the sum total of relations of production—the way men organised their social production as well as the instruments they used—constituted the real basis of society on which there arose a legal and political superstructure and to which corresponded definite forms of consciousness. Thus the way men produced their means of subsistence conditioned their whole social, political, and intellectual life. But at a certain stage in their evolution the forces of production would develop beyond the relations of production and these would then act as a fetter. Such a stage inaugurated a period of social revolution. These productive forces had to develop to the fullest extent possible under the existing relations of production before the old social order would Perish. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 1.

2. 马志尼先生最近给法国皇帝写了一封信,从文学的观点来看,这封信大概在他的著作中要占首屈一指的地位。马志尼的许多作品所固有的那种假装热情、一味夸大、冗长噜囌和故弄玄虚的现象(这可以说是他所创立的那个意大利文学派别的特征),在这封信里只能看到少许的痕迹。同时可以看到,他的视野已变得较为广阔。到再在为止,他一直是欧洲共和派形式主义者的领袖。这些人只注意国家的政治形式,而不能理解作为政治上层建筑的基础的社会组织的意义。他们以其虚伪的理想主义自豪,认为研究经济现实有损自己的尊严。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第十二卷)》,1962:450

2. M. Mazzini has recently addressed a letter to the French Emperor, which, in a literary point of view, must hold, perhaps, the first place among his productions. There are but few traces left of that false sublimity, puffy grandeur, verbosity and prophetic mysticism so characteristic of many of his writings, and almost forming the distinctive features of that school of Italian literature of which he is the founder. An enlargement of views is also perceptible. He has, till now, figured as the chief of the Republican formalists of Europe. Exclusively bent on the political forms of the State, they have had no eye for the organization of society on which the political superstructure rests. Boasting of a false idealism, they have considered it beneath their dignity to become acquainted with economical realities. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 15), 1964: 485.

3. 罗-柯夫的错误就在于,他可笑地过高估计了农奴制经济向资产阶级经济的“转变”,这是一。第二,他忘记了一个“细节”(正是这个“细节”把马克思主义者同自由派区别开了),那就是:他忘记了政治上层建筑适应经济转变的过程的复杂性和飞跃性。只要举出普鲁士的例子,就足以说明罗—柯夫的这两个错误。在普鲁士,尽管整个资本主义的发展,特别是旧地主经济向资产阶级经济的转变已经达到非常高的阶段,但是直到现在,奥登堡家族和海德布兰德家族仍然势力极大,他们掌握着国家政权,并且使自己的所谓社会成分充斥整个普鲁士君主国和整个普鲁士官僚机构!——《列宁全集(第二十卷)》,1989:400

3. R-kov’s error is, first, in ridiculously exaggerating the “conversion” of feudal economy into bourgeois economy, and, secondly, in forgetting a “trifle”—just the sort of “trifle” that distinguishes a Marxist from a liberal—namely, the intricacy and spasmodic nature of the process of adaptation of the political superstructure to economic transformation. To explain these two errors of R-kov’s it is sufficient to cite the example of Prussia where to this day, despite the considerably higher level of development of capitalism in general, and of the conversion of the old landowning economy into bourgeois economy in particular, the Oldenburgs and the Heidebrands are still omnipotent and control state power, their social substance permeating, as it were, the entire Prussian monarchy, the entire Prussian bureaucracy! -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 17), 1977: 316.


例句 1:
对上层建筑定义应予再思考,即不能再把上层建筑固定划分“思想上层建筑”和“政治上层建筑”; 而应从语言学、解释学角度解释马克思、恩格斯在表述自己的思想时怎样使用这一概念、赋予了它哪些意义。——“马克思、恩格斯使用上层建筑概念之比较”,载于《清华大学学报( 哲学社会科学版)》2012年04期
We should make a reflection of the definition of superstructure which could not be divided rigidly into the two categories as the superstructure in thought and the superstructure in politics,but should be interpreted from the perspectives of linguistics and hermeneutics and be related to the context of the word being used in Marx’s and Engels’ works and the meanings the word is given within it.

例句 2:
The economic base determines the political superstructure. Democratic accountability activities can only be built on the “political emancipation” basis, while the latter can only be built in a full developed market economy and civil society.

例句 3:
The general factors influencing the change of international relations include productivity, economic system and superstructure which including political superstructure and the ideological superstructure, etc. There are specific factors including internati





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