

字词 《论欧洲联邦口号》


On the Slogan for a United States of Europe


[1] Lenin, V. I. Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 21) [M]. Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1974: 339.
[2] Via: http://www.95live.ru/world-history/united-states-of-europe.html


 《论欧洲联邦口号》一文.是列宁阐述马克思主义科学社会主义思想的一篇经典著作。它在马克思主义理论宝库中占有重要的地位。列宁在这篇文章中第一次明确提出了社会主义革命可能首先在一国或几国获得胜利的理论,冲破了对待马克思主义僵化保守的教条主义的束缚,为各国无产阶级指明了前进方向。列宁的社会主义一国胜利学说鼓舞了俄国无产阶级的革命斗志。增强了他们革命胜利的信心,使俄国无产阶级不失时机地利用帝国主义战争所造成的薄弱环节,实现了十月社会主义革命的伟大胜利,开辟了人类历史发展的新纪元。(列宁的《论欧洲联邦口号》.via: http://xsc.fzxy.edu.cn/thread.aspx?id=178)


[1] 金炳华,冯契.哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2001.
[2] 列宁的《论欧洲联邦口号》.via: http://xsc.fzxy.edu.cn/thread.aspx?id=178


1. 我们在《社会民主党人报》第40号上曾报道说,我们党的国外支部代表会议决定把“欧洲联邦”口号问题推迟到报刊上讨论了这个问题的经济方面之后再来解决。我们的代表会议上就这个问题进行的争论,只涉及政治一个方面。其部分原因也许就是因为中央委员会的宣言把这个口号直截了当地表述为政治口号(宣言说“当前的政治口号......”), 同时,宣言不但提出了共和制的欧洲联邦,而且还特地着重指出,“如果不提以革命推翻德、奥、俄三国的君主制度”,这个口号便是毫无意义的和欺骗性的。——《列宁全集(第二十六卷)》,1990:363

1. In No.40 of Sotsial-Demokrat we reported that a conference of our Party’s groups abroad had decided to defer the question of the “United States of Europe” slogan pending a discussion, in the press, on the economic aspect of the matter. At our conference the debate on this question assumed a purely political character. Perhaps this was partly caused by the Central Committee’s Manifesto having formulated this slogan as a forthright political one (“the immediate political slogan…”, as it says there); not only did it advance the slogan of a republican United States of Europe, but expressly emphasized that this slogan is meaningless and false “without the revolutionary overthrow of the German, Austrian and Russian monarchies”. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 21) 1974: 339.


例句 1:
Lenin reiterated and further developed his socialism “one country obtains victory first” put forward in On Federal Europe Slogan in Military Program of the Proletarian Revolutionary: making a positive universal judgment further for “one country obtains victory first”; He affirmed that the country obtaining the victory of socialist revolution first can survive, and can carry on the socialist construction; He tended to believe the relatively underdeveloped bourgeoisie(imperial) countries would obtain the first socialist revolution victory; The theory changed from selfcriticism to fighting with the “left” and “right” erroneous ideology in the socialist movement.

例句 2:





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