

字词 宪法


the Constitution


Marx, K. & F. Engel. Marx & Engels Collected Works (Vol. 25) [C]. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1987: 38.


宪法,是指国家的根本大法。在整个国家法律体系中,宪法具有最高的法律权威和效力,它的地位是至高无上的,是其他立法工作的根据。我国古代很早就使用“宪法”或带“宪”字的词汇,其含义是国家的典章制度和普通法规,但是同我们现在的“宪法”一次区别很大。现在我们使用的“宪法”一次相当于英文Constitution或Constitutional Law,来源于拉丁文Constitu-tio。在中国,最早意义上使用“宪法”的是1871年王韬写的《法国志略》,而将“宪法”一词推广使用的便是近代改良主义思想家郑观应。在十九世纪末,他写的《盛世危言》要求清政府“立宪法”、“开议院”,实行君主立宪。“1908年清政府颁布了《钦定宪法大纲》。这样,‘宪法’一次就成了正式的法律用语,同时也就确定了其特定的含义”(齐小力等,2002:1)。“资本主义宪法首先在英国出现”(姜士林等,1997:1),不过英国宪法是典型的不成文宪法,而最早的成文宪法是在美国出现的。社会主义的宪法也有一个产生过程,1918年7月10日第五次全俄苏维埃代表大会通过了《俄罗斯苏维埃联邦共和国宪法(根本法)》。中华人民共和国成立后,1954年制定的《中华人民共和国宪法》,是我国第一部社会主义宪法。宪法的本质在于表现了阶级斗争中各种力量的实际对比关系,并且依据这种力量的对比,决定着统治阶级采用何种方式进行统治(孙国华,1997:452-453)。宪法是一定社会经济基础之上的上层建筑,是统治阶级意志的表现,是实现阶级专政的重要工具。


[1] 齐小力等.宪法学[M].工商出版社,2002.
[2] 姜士林等.宪法学辞书[M].当代世界出版社,1997.
[3] 孙国华.中华法学大辞典·法理学卷[Z].中国检察出版社,1997.


1. 新形势下,我们党要履行好执政兴国的重大职责,必须依据党章从严治党、依据宪法治国理政。——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014:142

1. In the new circumstances, to perform its duty properly in state governance and national rejuvenation, our Party should exercise strict discipline and govern the country in accordance with the Constitution. -Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 2014: 157.

2. 杜林先生以为,他可以不加入任何经验的成分,从那些“按照纯粹逻辑的观点既不可能也不需要论证”的数学公理导出全部纯数学,然后再把它应用于世界,同样,他以为,他可以先从头脑中制造出存在的基本形式,一切知识的简单的成分,哲学的公理,再从它们导出全部哲学或世界模式论,然后以至尊无上的姿态把自己的这一宪法赐给自然界和人类世界。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二十卷)》,1973:42

2. But just as Herr Dühring imagines that, out of the axioms of mathematics, "which also in accordance with pure logic neither require nor are capable of substantiation" he can deduce the whole of pure mathematics without any kind of empirical admixture, and then apply it to the world, so he likewise imagines that he can, in the first place, produce out of his head theaxioms of philosophy, deduce from these the whole of philosophy or world schematism, and then, by sovereign decree, impose this constitution of his on nature and humanity. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 25), 1987: 37-38.

3. 全国各族人民、一切国家机关和武装力量、各政党和各社会团体、各企业事业组织,都必须以宪法为根本的活动准则,并且负有维护宪法尊严、保证宪法实施的职责。任何组织或者个人,都不得有超越宪法和法律的特权。一切违反宪法和法律的行为,都必须予以追究。——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014: 138

3. The people of all ethnic groups, all government agencies, the armed forces, all political parties and public organizations, and all enterprises and public institutions in the country must take the Constitution as the basic standard of conduct and regard it as a duty to uphold the dignity of the Constitution and ensure its implementation. No organization or individual is privileged to act beyond the Constitution or the law. All acts in violation of the Constitution or the law must be investigated. -Quoted from: Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 2014: 153.


例句 1:
This article discusses the principles of constitution. The main point of the article is that, constitution contains two different types of principles: basic principle; and concrete principles, and every type of principle are very impotent to the research and practice of constitution.

例句 2:
On the basis of the understanding that constitution is a kind of law, constitutional liability (constitutional government liability) should be a form of the legal liability. As for such an important theory and practical question, the field of constitutional study hasn't paid great attention to that yet. At present, few people make a deeper and systematic research in constitutional liability in the field of constitutional study, except that a few scholars use the concept "constitutional liability".

例句 3:
The thesis is in the purpose of expatiating that socialistic constitution shall guarantee the fo





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