字词 | 客观规律 |
释义 | 客观规律【英】objective law译文来源Xi Jinping. Xi Jinping: The Governance of China [M]. Beijing: Foreign Languages Press, 2014: 28. 定义客观规律是指不以人的意志为转移的客观世界的规则。具体来说,客观规律具有以下特征:(1)必然性。在事物发展过程中,有的联系是必然要发生的确定的联系,有的联系是可以出现也可以不出现的联系,可以这样出现也可以那样出现的偶然的不确定的联系。规律就是事物的必然联系,而不是偶然联系。只有事物变化发展中的确定不移的、必然如此的联系,才能成为规律。(2)普遍性。自然界、人类社会和人的思维,在其运动变化和发展的过程中,都遵循其固有的规律。没有规律的物质运动是不存在的,没有规律的世界是不可思议的。唯心主义或者否认规律的存在,或者以这样那样的方式把规律说成是“绝对精神”、个人的主观意志等意识现象的产物,甚至认为规律是人强加给自然界的。(3)客观性。“规律的存在不以人的主观意志为转移,不管人的思维是否认识或意识到它的存在,事物都按照自身的存在方式而变化和发展”(刘国章,2007:60)。世界上的事物、现象千差万别,它们都有各自的互不相同的规律,其根本内容来说可分为自然规律、社会规律和思维规律。自然规律和社会规律都是客观的物质世界的规律,它们的表现形式有所不同:自然规律是在自然界各种不自觉的、盲目的动力相互作用中表现出来的;社会规律则必须通过人们的自觉活动表现出来。思维规律是人的主观的思维形式对物质世界的客观规律的反映(via: http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=BJ5UvpuSAiGwvbZXbZjGdNaOPBptYM-y6CRbK1cLH9kp-4fnmoCYDIVABmTBGWYK7PrVg4uNZPlVjjjuioCHsq)。 定义来源[1] 刘国章.关于客观规律问题的现实性探讨[J].岭南学刊,2007(4). 例句1. 坚持实事求是,就要坚持为了人民利益坚持真理、修正错误。要有光明磊落、无私元畏、以事实为依据、敢于说出事实真相的勇气和正气,及时发现和纠正思想认识上的偏差、决策中的失误、工作中的缺点,及时发现和解决存在的各种矛盾和问题,使我们的思想和行动更加符合客观规律、符合时代要求、符合人民的愿望。——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014:26 1. While seeking truth from facts, we should always uphold the truth and correct mistakes for the sake of the people’s interest. We should be frank, selfless and fearless, courageously speak out truth based on facts, discover and correct ideological deviations and mistakes in decision- making and work as soon as they arise, and discover and solve all kinds of conflicts and problems when they come up so as to make our thoughts and acts conform to objective laws, the requirement of the times and the wishes of the people. -Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 2014: 28. 2. 尤其请大家需要着重鉴别的是,这个自然秩序已经不完全是康德那种外在的“自然意图”(固然它有时还披着神学或者封建的外衣),而是存在于人与人之间的经济活动中但不以个人意志为转移的客观规律。这种规律恰恰是通过人与人的自由竞争自发实现的。例如,自由竞争可以将劳动以正确的比例分配给各产业部门,以形成一种合理比例的自组织。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:47-48 2. We must be careful to differentiate one point, which is that the natural order spoken of by the physiocrats is not Kant’s “intention of Nature”(though it is true that the intention of Nature was sometimes described in theological or feudal terms). Rather, the natural order is an objective law, which exists in the economic activities of inter-human relationships; however, it is not determined by human will. Thus, the natural law is spontaneously realized through free competition between individuals. For instance, free competition can distribute the correct proportion of labor to various production departments, creating a natural organization of reasonable proportions. -Quoted form Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 21. 3. 不平衡是宇宙的客观规律,事物总是从不平衡走向平衡,又从平衡走向不平衡,循环不已……而每次循环都达到一个更高的水平。不平衡永远是绝对的,平衡是暂时的,相对的。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2005:232-233 3. Disequilibrium is a universal objective law. Things for ever proceed from disequilibrium to equi1ibrium and from equi1ibrium to disequilibrium, in endless cycles..., but each cycle reaches a higher level. Disequilibrium is constant and absolute equilibrium is temporary and relative. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 243. 网络参考例句例句 1: |
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