

字词 商业劳动


commercial labour; commercial activity


[1]Marx, K. & F. Engels. Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 3) [M]. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1956: 32.
[2]Zhang Yibing: Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics [M]. Göttingen: Universitätsverlag Göttingen, 2014: 427.


商业劳动,主要是指为实现商品流通而进行的劳动力支出,在商品流通领域联系生产和消费、提供商业服务,起中介作用的劳动。商业劳动使生产者较早地把商品转化为货币,完成商品形态转化,缩短商品流通时间。对于商业劳动的价值,“商业经济理论界对商业劳动是不是创造价值,是不是生产劳动”(商业部商业经济研究所资料室,1982:17)商业劳动包括了两部分:生产性劳动和非生产性劳动。生产性劳动主要是指商品实体运动或生产过程在流通领域中继续进行的劳动,例如进行商品加工、包装、分类、保管、运输等方面的而支出的劳动。在这里,商业劳动中的生产性劳动能够创造价值。同时,需要注意的是,商业劳动中非生产性劳动,纯粹买卖商品的劳动,例如商品的购买、销售和管理,从事商品销售、簿记、广告、通讯等方面所支出的劳动,既不创造产品又不创造价值,但能实现商品价值,劳动消耗要追加到商品价值中去(刘建明,1994:90)。总之,“在实际经济生活中,商业的生产性劳动与非生产性劳动往往是交织在一起的,这是商业劳动的一个显著特点”(何盛明等,1990:1097)。商业劳动是创造价值的劳动,它是社会总劳动的重要组成部分。“一方面,通过商业劳动把商品卖出去,实现物质生产部门所创造的价值,而实现价值与创造价值是一样必要的,都是社会价值的一部分;另一方面,通过自身劳动、使产品增值或直接创造服务价值”(商业劳动.via: http://baike.baidu.com/view/988055.htm)。另外,商业劳动和普通劳动一样,包括简单劳动和复杂劳动。简单劳动是不需要经过专门学习、训练和培养就可以从事的劳动。而复杂劳动则需要经过专门的学习,训练和培养,以至于达到具备一定的技术和知识才可以从事的劳动。


[3]商业劳动.via: http://baike.baidu.com/view/988055.htm.


1. 某一民族内部的分工,首先引起工商业劳动和农业劳动的分离,从而也引起城乡的分离和城乡利益的对立。分工的进一步发展导致商业劳动和工业劳动的分离。同时,由于这些不同部门内部的分工,在某一劳动部门共同劳动的个人之间的分工也愈来愈细致了。这些种种细致的分工的相互关系是由农业劳动、工业劳动和商业劳动的经营方式(父权制、奴隶制、等级、阶级)决定的。在交往比较发达的情况下,同样的关系也会在各民族间的相互关系中出现。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第三卷)》,1956:24-25

1. The division of labour inside a nation leads at first to the separation of industrial and commercial from agricultural labour, and hence to the separation of town and country and to the conflict of their interests. Its further development leads to the separation of commercial from industrial labour. At the same time through the division of labour inside these various branches there develop various divisions among the individuals co-operating in definite kinds of labour. The relative position of these individual groups is determined by the way work is organised in agriculture, industry and commerce (patriarchalism, slavery, estates, classes). These same conditions are to be seen (given a more developed intercourse) in the relations of different nations to one another. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 36): Capital, 1975: 32.

2. 按照假定,商人用b购买的,只是商业劳动,即只是对资本的流通职能即对W—G和G—W起中介作用所必要的劳动。但商业劳动是使一个资本作为商人资本执行职能,并对商品到货币和货币到商品的转化起中介作用所必要的劳动。这种劳动实现价值,但不创造价值。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二十五a卷)》,1974:332

2. What the merchant buys with b is, according to our assumption, nothing but commercial labour, hence labour required to perform the functions of circulating capital, C—M and M—C. But commercial labour is the labour generally necessary for a capital to operate as merchant's capital, to help convert commodities into money and money into commodities. It is labour which realises, but does not create, values. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 37): Capital, 1998: 296.

3. 此时,马克思已经以十分清晰的思路,再现了“劳动一般”这一范畴在资产阶级经济学中的历史抽象过程:首先,在早期货币主义那里,财富还只是客观的东西,即能够看得见摸得着的“外在于自身、存在于货币中的物”。而重商主义和重工主义则已经初步穿透物相,“把财富的源泉从对象转到主体的活动——商业劳动和工业劳动”,固然他们还只是局限于“取得货币的活动”,但这已经是一种历史抽象中的“很大的进步”。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:541-542

3. At this time, Marx clearly reproduces the process of historical abstraction in bourgeois economics of the category of “labor in general:” first, in the early monetary system, wealth was still an objective thing, something that could be seen and touched, “an external thing, in money.” In contrast, the commercial or manufacture system began to pierce the level of material phenomena, “by locating the source of wealth not in the object but in a subjective activity—in commercial and manufacturing activity—even though it still always conceives this activity within narrow boundaries, as money-making” This represents a “great step forward” for historical abstraction. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics: Capital, 2014: 427.


例句 1:
It is the reform concluded that the proposition about commercial labor creates value is both an important issue in the field of economic theory and a practical subject of far-reaching significance.

例句 2:
Commercial Labors include three kinds —— the subsidiary manufacturing labor, the commercial labor and the administrative labor, and the last one is the greatest form of the three. 

例句 3:





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