字词 | 战略防御、相持、反攻 |
释义 | 战略防御、相持、反攻【英】strategic defensive; stalemate; counter-offensive译文来源[1] Mao Tse-tung: Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung (Vol. 1) [C]. Peking: Foreign Languages Press, 1965: 205. 定义抗日战争是指20世纪中期第二次世界大战中,中国抵抗日本侵略的一场民族性的全面战争。国际上称作第二次中日战争、日本侵华战争。从1937年七七事变国民政府发表《告全体将士书》至1945年日本宣布投降结束,历时八年,被称为八年抗战、或简称抗战。抗日战争是持久战,但不是一般的持久战,而是经历了战略防御、战略相持、战略反攻三个阶段的持久战。战略相持是其中时间最长、对抗战胜负起决定作用的一个阶段。这是中国抗日战争发展的特殊规律。我们党对这一规律的认识不是一次完成的,而是经历了一个不断深化的过程(王忠,1985:17)。1938年5月,中国的抗日战争全面爆发还不到一年。毛泽东就发表了《论持久战》,预见抗日战争将要经历三个阶段:(1)敌之战略进攻我之战略防御;(2)敌之战略保守我之准备反攻的战略相持;(3)我之战略反攻敌之战略退却。从那时到现在的50多年里,毛泽东的这种三个阶段划分,成为大陆史学界研究抗日战争史的基本依据(李继华,1995:29)。据此,长期以来全面抗战被划分为3个阶段,分别是战略防御阶段(1937年7月至1938年10月)、战略相持阶段(1938年10月至1943年7月)、战略反攻阶段(1943年7月至1945年9月)。1937年7月31日,蒋介石发表《告抗战全体将士书》,宣告战争已经全面爆发,全国抗日战争进入战略防御阶段;1938年10月下旬广州、武汉失守以后,全国抗日战争进入战略相持阶段;1947年7月,世界反法西斯战争发生根本转折,日军逐渐失去战略主动权,中国抗日战争进入战略反攻阶段(抗日战争.via: 定义来源[1] 王忠.试论我党对相持阶段的科学预见和慎重判断[J].淮北师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版),1985(2). 例句1. 在我们的十年战争中,对于战略防御问题,常常发生两种偏向,一种是轻视敌人、又一种是为敌人所吓倒。由于轻视敌人,许多游击队失败了,红军对若干次敌人的“围剿”不能打破。 ——《毛泽东选集(第一卷)》,1991:181 1. In our ten years of war two deviations often arose with regard to the strategic defensive; one was to belittle the enemy, the other was to be terrified of him. As a result of belittling the enemy, many guerrilla units suffered defeat, and on several occasions the Red Army was unable to break the enemy’s “encirclement and suppression”. -Quoted from Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung (Vol. 1), 1965: 205. 2. 只有不肯退却,仓促应战(例如硝石战斗),表面上似乎在力争主动,实际上是被动的。战略反攻,则不但内容是主动地,形式上也放弃了退却时的被动姿态。对于敌军说来,反攻时我军强迫它放弃主动权,同时即给以被动地位的努力。 ——《毛泽东选集(第一卷)》,1991:207 2. On the other hand, refusal to retreat and hasty acceptance of battle (as in the battle of Hsiaoshih) may appear a serious effort to gain the initiative, while in reality it is passive. Not only is a strategic counter-offensive active in content, but in form, too, it discards the passive posture of the period of retreat. In relation to the enemy, our counter-offensive represents our effort to make him relinquish the initiative and put him in a passive position. -Quoted from Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung (Vol. 1), 1965: 234. 3. 在新的国际环境中,在日本更加困难和我国决不妥协的条件之下,我国的战略退却阶段便已完结,而战略相持阶段便已到来。所谓战略相持阶段,即是准备反攻的阶段。但是,正面相持和敌后相持是成反比例的,正面相持的局面出现,敌后战争的局面就要紧张。所以,从武汉失守后开始的敌人在沦陷区(主要是在华北)举行的大规模的军事“扫荡”,今后不但还会继续,而且还会加紧起来。——《毛泽东选集(第二卷)》,1991:584 3. In the new international situation, as Japan comes up against increased difficulties and China firmly refuses to compromise, the stage of strategic retreat will end for us and that of strategic stalemate will begin. The latter stage is one of preparation for the counter-offensive. However, stalemate along the front means the reverse of stalemate in the enemy’s rear; with the emergence of a stalemate along the front lines, the struggle behind the enemy’s lines will become intense. Thus the large-scale “mopping-up” campaigns the enemy has been conducting in the occupied areas— mainly in northern China—since the fall of Wuhan will not only continue but will be intensified from now on. -Quoted from Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung (Vol. 2), 1965: 267. 网络参考例句例句 1: |
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