

字词 《火星报》




[1] Stalin, J. V. J. Stalin Works (Vol. 1) [M]. Moscow: Foreign Languages Publishing House, 1954: 55.
[2] Iskra.via: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iskra






1. 这里现在需要从第六十三期起的“火星报”(虽然它没有火星,但还是需要它,因为这报上至少还有一些时事简讯,那有什么办法呢,对敌人也必须好好地了解才行)。——《斯大林全集(第一卷)》,1953:40

1. What we need here now is Iskra (although it has no sparks, we need it: at all events it contains news, the devil take it, and we must thoroughly know the enemy), beginning with No. 63. -Quoted from J. Stalin Works (Vol. 1), 1954: 55.

2. 回信写迟了,请不要生气。一向都很忙。你寄来的东西(“同盟代表大会记录”、加略尔卡和略多沃依两人写的“我们之间的争论”、“社会民主党人报”创刊号、“火星报”最近几期)都收到了。略多沃依的见解(“结论之一”)我是喜欢的。——《斯大林全集(第一卷)》,1953:43

2. I am late with this letter, don’t be angry. I have been busy all the time. All that you sent I have received (Minutes of the League; Our Misunderstandings by Galyorka and Ryadovoi; Sotsial-Demokrat, No 1; Iskra, the last issues). I liked Ryadovoi’s idea (“A Conclusion”). -Quoted from J. Stalin Works (Vol. 1), 1954: 59.

3. 这里大家都爱读邦契出版的刊物,因为这些刊物很巧妙地表现出布尔什维克的立场。假如加略尔卡切实地论述了普列汉诺夫的文章(“火星报”第七十期和第七十一期),那就好了。加略尔卡论文的基本意思是说:普列汉诺夫从前讲的是一套,现在讲的又是一套,自相矛盾。——《斯大林全集(第一卷)》,1953:43

3. Everybody here likes Bonch’s publications as masterly expositions of the Bolsheviks’ position. Galyorka would have done well if he had dealt with the substance of Plekhanov’s articles (Iskra, Nos. 70, 71). The fundamental idea in Galyorka’s articles is that Plekhanov once said one thing and is now saying another, that he is contradicting himself. -Quoted from J. Stalin Works (Vol. 1), 1954: 59-60.


例句 1:
Soviet proletariat journalism developed about 100 years since the foundation of “Iskra” and formed a kind of media system which is completely different from the one of Western countries, which is characterized by a firm political stance, clear and highly political function of administrative management system.

例句 2:
Martov is one of the propagators and practicers of the Marxism in Russia. He is one of the primary founders of Iskra and a master editor at its edit board, and also one of the predominant theorists and leaders of the Russian revolutionary history.

例句 3:
Vera Zasulich, as “the first women Marxist”, is a famous women revolutionary in Russia, who is not only one of the pioneers of Russian Markism and among five members making up the original Labor Group, but also one of the editors of the famous Iskra in the late 19th century and the early 20th century.





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