

字词 渐进主义




[1] Lenin, V. I. Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 21) [M]. Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1977: 150.
[2] Sim, S. Post-Marxism: An Intellectual History [M]. London: Routledge, 2001: 29.


渐进主义主要是指那些在学术上坚持渐进改革取向或者是在实际的改革过程中坚持渐进改革取向。它既是一种学术理念,又是一种实践运动。实际中渐进主义的最主要的特征在于手段和途径的策略性。它强调的是一种实现理想目标的方法论,这种方法论试图以一种最稳妥的方法实现这样的目标。西蒙认为,在选择改革道路的过程中,理性决策人模式有很大的弊端。因为,理性决策模式(或者说最优模式)要求改革决策者在一定情况下想到此情况下所有可能的行动,要知道每一个可能行动的全部结果。此外,改革者的价值系统要求选择一个在结果上能获得最高价值或目的的行动,“要求决策者有能力用某种一致的效用尺度,去比较那些后果,无论那些后果种类多么繁杂,性质多么不同”(赫伯特·西蒙,1989:79)。正如林德布洛姆认为,这不仅要求改革精英认清问题、目标和解决的先后次序,还要掌握每一个目标的所有手段、政策及其这些手段与政策的成本、收益与后果预测,也就是说,试图以最少的损失达成最大利益的公共政策(C. Lindblom,1959,78-88)。不要求决策者具备先知先觉的长远预测功能,在现实的决策过程中更为有效、更合理并更有解决问题针对性。按照西蒙的研究成果,改革应该是不断微调的和稳健迈进的。渐进主义以稳定社会、创造一个平稳秩序为目标,针对需要解决的问题,试错式解决问题与缓慢式缓解各种社会冲突,既能要求社会成员长久与耐心等待又能满足社会成员暂时的要求。


[1] 赫伯特·西蒙,现代决策理论的基石:有限理性说[M].北京经济学院出版社,1989.
[2] Lindblom, C. The Science of Muddling Through [J]. Public Administration Review, 1959(19).


1. “对工作和斗争的过细的限制,无孔不入的渐进主义,这些被一些人奉为原则的时代标志,对于另一些人来说,则成了他们生活中习以为常的事情,并且成了他们心理的因素,思想的色彩。”——《列宁全集(第二十六卷)》,1990:147

1. “A detailed restriction of work and the struggle and an all-pervading gradualism—these signs of the times, which by some have been elevated to a principle, have become to others an ordinary fact in their lives, and, as such, have become part of their mentality, a shade of their ideology”. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 21), 1974: 150.

2. “无孔不入的渐进主义”,绝不象波特列索夫和托洛茨基所说的那样是在整个现代民主派里占绝对统治地位的情绪。不,这种渐 进主义己经形成为一定的流派,在这个时期的欧洲,这个流派经常在现代民主派中产生出单独的派别,有时甚至是单独的政党。这个流派有自己的领袖,自己的报刊,自己的政策,对人民群众有自己特别的一而且是特别有组织的一影响。不仅如此,这个流派愈来愈依据,而且可以说最后己经“完全依据”现代民主派内部的某一社会阶层的利益行事。——《列宁全集(第二十六卷)》,1990:149

2. “All-pervading gradualism” was in no way the predominant sentiment in all-contemporary democracy, as the writings of Potresov and Trotsky imply. No, this gradualism was taking shape as a definite political trend, which at the time often produced individual groups, and sometimes even individual parties, of modern democracy in Europe. That trend had its own leaders, its press organs, its policy, and its own particular-and specially organised-method of influencing the masses of the population. Moreover, this trend was more and more basing itself and ultimately based itself solidly-on the interests of a definite social stratum within the democracy of the time. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 21), 1974: 152.

3. 拉克劳和墨菲都意识到了这些问题,并且他们解决办法是带着一个改换门庭的使命进入敌人的心脏,“因此,左翼的任务不可能是放弃自己的民主的思想,而是相反,按照激进多元的民主的方向深化和扩展它。”对于经典马克思主义者而言,这将会成为共谋和渐进主义的一种可憎混合,也不是非常令人尊重的政治策谋。他们始终认为,共谋扫除了渐进主义获得成功的一切机会,因为工会的改良主义在这个方面是一个具有启示意义的榜样。——《后马克思主义思想史》,2011:45

3. Laclau and Mouffe are aware of such problems, and their solution is to go into the enemy heartland with a mission to proselytise: The task of the Left therefore cannot be to renounce liberal-democratic ideology, but on the contrary, to deepen and expand it in the direction of a radical and plural democracy. To the classical Marxist this will constitute an unsavoury blend of collusion and gradualism, neither very highly regarded political manoeuvres, and the argument is always likely to be that the collusion wipes out any chance of the gradualism being successful anyway, with trade union reformism constituting an instructive model in this respect. -Quoted from Post-Marxism: An Intellectual History, 2014: 29.


例句 1:
In short, we believe that, although China’s gradual reform path have a lot of problems, but both the economic reform or political reform, progressive reform may be suitable for China’s national conditions of the road of transition.

例句 2:
According to the decision theory of C. E. Lindblom and other scholars such as Yehezkel Dror, the decision path of the peaceful development is characterized by its gradualism and partial selective radicalism.

例句 3:
Therefore, this study argues that the realization of rule of law in administrative decision-making should take the road of gradualism.





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