字词 | 《法兰西内战》 |
释义 | 《法兰西内战》【英】The Civil War in France译文来源[1] 金炳华.马克思主义哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2003:146. 定义《法兰西内战》是马克思受第一国际总委会委托为巴黎公社革命而写的宣言,定稿于1871年5月30日。马克思在书中揭露了资产阶级政客的本质,论述了巴黎公社产生的历史必然性;论述了无产阶级用武装的革命反对武装的反革命进而夺取政权的经验教训;提出并论证了巴黎公社的伟大历史意义及其原则;高度赞扬了巴黎无产阶级的英勇斗争精神。指出工人阶级不能简单地掌握现成国家机器达到自己的目的,而必须用暴力打碎旧的国家机器,建立新型的无产阶级专政国家。马克思阐明了公社的实质是工人阶级的政府,它是生产者同占有者进行阶级斗争的结果,高度赞扬了公社实行的真正民主制度。该著作还指出,公社式的工人政府,不是资产阶级议会式的,它应是同时兼管行政和立法的工作机关。马克思认为无产阶级要实现自己的历史使命,必须经过长期斗争,经过一系列使环境和人都改变的历史过程。该著作是科学社会主义的一部力作。中译本由人民出版社1961年出版,中共中央马恩列斯著作编译局编译(汝信,1993:167)。 定义来源汝信.世界百科著作辞典[Z].中国工人出版社,1993. 例句1. 但是,马克思著作中最大的缺陷在政治学上。民族主义的持续存在及其实际增长,显然是马克思远未注意到的一种现象。尽管马克思曾对当时的一些政治事件作过有力的分析(如《路易·波拿巴的雾月十八日》、《法兰西阶级斗争》、《法兰西内战》),但他并没有留下系统的国家理论。本来,他是要就这个专题写一部专著的。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2008:3 1. But the largest gap in Marx's writings was in politics. The continued existence, and indeed growth, of nationalism was evidently a phenomenon to which he paid far too little attention. Although strong on the analysis of contemporary political events (Eighteenth Brumaire, Class Struggle in France, Civil War in France), Marx left no coherent theory of the state, a topic to which he had intended to devote a whole book. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 4. 2. 例子是,法国波旁王朝曾请求外国入侵以反对雅各宾党人,1871年,资产者曾请求外国入侵以反对巴黎公社。马克思在《法兰西内战》中写道:“旧社会还能创造的最高英雄伟绩不过是民族战争,而这种战争现在表明是政府玩弄的十足的欺骗勾当, 这种欺骗勾当的唯一目的不过是要推迟阶级斗争, 当阶级斗争变成内战的熊熊火焰时,这种欺骗勾当也就被抛在一边了。” ——《列宁全集(第二十八卷)》,1991:10 2. For example, the Bourbons in France invoked foreign invaders against the Jacobins; the bourgeoisie in 1871 invoked foreign invaders against the Commune. In his Civil War in France, Marx wrote: “The highest heroic effort of which old society is still capable is national war; and this is now proved to be a mere governmental humbug, intended to defer the struggle of classes, and to be thrown aside as soon as that class struggle bursts out into civil war.” -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 22), 1974: 314. 3. 列宁摘录了马克思在《法兰西内战》一书中对巴黎公社经验的分析,着重阐释了马克思根据公社经验得出的而且在马克思恩格斯看来必须加进《共产党宣言》的一个基本教训,即 “工人阶级不能简单地掌握现成的国家机器,并运用它来达到自己的目的”。——《列宁全集(第三十一卷)》,1985:III 3. “...One thing especially was proved by the Commune, viz., that ‘the working class cannot simply lay hold of the ready-made state machinery and wield it for its own purposes’....” The authors took the words that are in single quotation marks in this passage from Marx’s book, The Civil War in France. Thus, Marx and Engels regarded one principal and fundamental lesson of the Paris Commune as being of such enormous importance that they introduced it as an important correction into the Communist Manifesto. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Volume 25), 1974: 419. 网络参考例句例句 1: |
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