

字词 费尔巴哈的人本学


Feuerbach’s anthropology


Althusser, L. For Marx [M]. The Penguin Press, 1969: 35.


路德维希·安德列斯·费尔巴哈(Ludwig Andreas Feuerbach,1804年7月28日-1872年9月13日)是德国著名哲学家,他最具代表性和影响的思想之一就是其人本学,即关于人的哲学。也费尔巴哈人本学高扬人本主义的旗帜,为唯物主义的发展做出了重要贡献。费尔巴哈人本学的主要特点包括:用自然界代替存在,排除了社会存在;排除了人的思维的社会性;把人的本质就视为生物学上的本质(路德维希·安德列斯·费尔巴哈.via:http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=CeSAMoCiC7NmPDRv4Wd-9s3BsbfdKVWNJUWHAWZwmdMqxOc-E6p-qCgM2uB2tqMVrSsVfQ0mtUnM3sVuD7fLpfojW9OA-wURaiAu-3Aa5Yk15WCBE_SqB7ycoVT_ekZSQFUkJcg5TasUbfBYxe6_Ir6JvQijHl7u5bIGch_TwtW41H3t9pj9LRYJCYDrZL6J)。费尔巴哈特别注重人的自然属性,把自然看作是人生存的第一需要,认为人不仅靠自然生活,就连人本身也来自于自然,但是对自然属性的过分强调则造成他忽视了人的主观能动性,也忽视了人的社会属性。在经历了漫长的中世纪后,在绝对精神和宗教神学大行其道的德国哲学论坛上,费尔巴哈充分肯定人和人的价值是非常可贵的,其人本学对马克思实践唯物主义人学理论产生了深远影响。但是,马克思是在扬弃的基础上吸收费尔巴哈人本思想的,又全面超越了费尔巴哈人本学(潘峻岭,2014:14)。


[1] 路德维希·安德列斯·费尔巴哈.via:http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=CeSAMoCiC7NmPDRv4Wd-9s3BsbfdKVWNJUWHAWZwmdMqxOc-E6p-qCgM2uB2tqMVrSsVfQ0mtUnM3sVuD7fLpfojW9OA-wURaiAu-3Aa5Yk15WCBE_SqB7ycoVT_ekZSQFUkJcg5TasUbfBYxe6_Ir6JvQijHl7u5bIGch_TwtW41H3t9pj9LRYJCYDrZL6J
[2] 潘峻岭.马克思“新唯物主义”人学理论对费尔巴哈人本学的超越[J].湖北行政学院学报,2014,(2).


1. 我在《马克思主义和人道主义》一文中扼要地指出,第一阶段的著作意味着存在一个康德和费希特类型的总问题。相反,第二阶段的著作则建立在费尔巴哈的人本学总问题部基础上。受黑格尔的总问题影响的著作只有一部,即《1844年手稿》,严格地说,这部著作实际上是要用费尔巴哈的假唯物主义把黑格尔的唯心主义“颠倒”过来。 ——《保卫马克思》,1984:16

1. As my essay on “Marxism and Humanism” briefly suggests, the presupposition of the works of the first moment is a problematic of Kantian-Fichtean type. Those of the second moment, on the contrary, rest on Feuerbach’s anthropological problematic. The Hegelian problematic inspires one absolutely unique text, which is a rigorous attempt to ‘invert’ Hegelian idealism in the strict sense, into Feuerbach’s pseudo-materialism: this text is the 1844 Manuscripts. -Quoted from For Marx, 1969: 35.

2. 这个问题之所以成立,恰恰因为一个思想的总问题并不限于作者所考察的对象的范围,因为总间题并不是作为总体的思想的抽象,而是一个思想以及这一思想所可能包括的各种思想的特定的具体结构。例如费尔巴哈的人本学不仅能成为宗教的总问题(《基督教的本质》),而且能成为政治的总问题(《论犹太人的问题》),甚至能成为历史和经济的总问题(《1844年手稿》),而在本质上它依旧是人本学的总问题,即使费尔巴哈的“词句”已经被抛弃和扬弃。人们可以认为,从宗教人本学过渡到政治人本学,最后过渡到经济人本学,这是政治上的一件大事,而且在1843年的德国,人本学代表着一种先进的意识形态形式;对此,我也完全同意。——《保卫马克思》,1984:49

2. This question is possible precisely because the problematic of a thought is not limited to the domain of the objects considered by its author, because it is not an abstraction for the thought as a totality, but the concrete determinate structure of a thought and of all the thoughts possible within this thought. Thus Feuerbach’s anthropology can become the problematic not only of religion (The Essence of Christianity), but also of politics (On the Jewish Question, the 1843 Manuscript), or even of history and economics (the 1844 Manuscripts) without ceasing to be in essentials an anthropological problematic even if the ‘letter’ of Feuerbach is itself abandoned or superseded. It is, of course, possible to regard it as politically important to have moved from a religious anthropology to a political anthropology, and finally to an economic anthropology, and I would agree completely that in Germany in 1843 anthropology represented an advanced ideological form. -Quoted from For Marx, 1969: 68-69.


例句 1:
Feuerbach’ s humanistic materialism belongs to perceptual materialism and perception and non-thoroughgoing are two shortcomings in his humanistic materialism.

例句 2:
Marx interpreted Feuerbach’ s humanism critically and his interpretation was inherited and carried forward by Engels.

例句 3:
While analyzing Hegel’ s speculative philosophy of history and Feuerbach’ s historical idealism, Marx created his own philosophy of history, with historical materialism and science of history as its forms of narrow and broad senses.





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