

字词 北德意志联邦


North German Confederation


North German Confederation. via: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/North_German_Confederation


北德意志联邦,又作北德意志邦联(North German Confederation),是德意志邦联解散后,在普鲁士领导下,于1867年4月16日在德国北方建立的一个过渡组织,在1871年德意志帝国成立后被废除。北德意志邦联由二十二个邦国组成,包括普鲁士王国、萨克森王国、梅克伦堡-什未林、萨克森-威玛-艾森纳赫、梅克伦堡-斯特雷利茨、奥尔登堡、布伦瑞克、萨克森-迈宁根、萨克森-阿尔滕堡、萨克森-科堡-哥达、安哈尔特、施瓦茨堡-鲁道尔斯塔特、施瓦茨堡-桑德豪森、瓦尔德克、罗伊斯-格瑞茨、罗伊斯-施莱茨-格拉、绍姆堡-利泊、利泊、吕贝克、不来梅、汉堡和黑森(北德意志邦联.via:http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=pUItSKMr_CbiqG-eXEbOEMfzrxJ21wOmWo6CmfvJMp6EDi7DiIAvqmmK8ia8hd3FaseFVQw0oYxXErN5WhWJHK)。北德意志邦联对德国统一具有重要意义和巨大作用,它帮助普鲁士控制德国北部,加强普鲁士对南德邦国的影响力,邦联内部通畅的商品交流、统一的货币及度量衡制度为全德资本主义的发展创造了良好的条件。这一切,与俾斯麦的努力分不开的,因此,在北德意志邦联成立后,俾斯麦在德意志资产阶级中的威望大大提高(丁建弘,1981:167)。


[1] 北德意志邦联.via:http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=pUItSKMr_CbiqG-eXEbOEMfzrxJ21wOmWo6CmfvJMp6EDi7DiIAvqmmK8ia8hd3FaseFVQw0oYxXErN5WhWJHK
[2] 丁建弘.论俾斯麦在德国统一中的作用[J].历史研究,1981,(2).


1. 二者必居其一:或者公国的居民都是能干的人,并且他们在自己的发展方面超过了丹麦人,那末他们在等级院里就会获得对丹麦人的优势,因而他们也就没有什么可抱怨的了。或者他们,德国笨汉们不论在工业和政治的发展方面都落后于丹麦,那末早就应该让丹麦人拖着他们走了。强壮的什列斯维希—霍尔施坦人向4000万德国人求援以反对丹麦人,并且拒绝走上战场,其实在那里他们所到的战斗条件是和自己的敌人所处的战斗条件完全相同的,这真是荒谬绝伦的事情;他们向德意志联邦的警察求援以反对宪法,这是多么荒唐的事情。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第四卷),1958:531-532

1. Either the inhabitants of the Duchies are capable people, and more advanced than the Danes—in which case they will obtain preponderance over the Danes in the chamber of estate deputies and have no reason for complaint; or else they are German sluggards and lag behind the Danes in industrial and political development, in which case it is high time they were taken in tow by the Danes. But it is really too absurd for these upright Schleswig-Holsteiners to beg the 40 million Germans to help them against the Danes and to refuse to take up their positions on a battlefield where they can fight with the same advantages as their opponents; it is too absurd that they should appeal to the police of the German Confederation against a constitution. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 6), 1975: 543.

2. 冯·普富尔先生在波兹南划定的新界线是对波兰的新的掠夺。这个新界线把波兹南的“应当改组的”部分缩小到不及整个大公国的1/3,而把大波兰的大部分并入了德意志联邦。波兰的语言和民族性只是在沿俄罗斯边界的狭长地带才得到承认。这一地带包括弗勒申和普列申州以及莫吉尔诺、冯格罗维茨、格内森、施罗达、施里姆、科斯滕、弗劳施塔特、克廖本、克罗托申、阿德瑙和席尔德堡等州的一部分。这些州的其余部分以及布克、波兹南、奥博尔尼克、扎姆特尔、比恩包姆、梅泽里茨、博姆斯特、恰尔尼科夫、荷德捷日、维尔济茨、勃罗姆堡、舒宾、伊诺弗罗茨拉夫等州则根据冯·普富尔先生的命令,干脆全部变成了德国的领土。但是毫无疑问,就是在这一片“德意志联邦的领土上”,大部分居民讲的还是波兰话。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第五卷),1958:62

2. The new demarcation line of Herr von Pfuel in Posen is a new rape of Poland. It limits the part that is to be “reorganized” to less than a third of the entire Grand Duchy and joins the far larger part of Great Poland to the German Confederation. The Polish language and nationality are to be recognised only in a small strip along the Russian border. This strip consists of the Wreschen and Pleschen districts and parts of the districts of Mogilno, Wongrowiec, Gnesen, Schroda, Schrimm, Kosten, Fraustadt, Kröben, Krotoschin, Adelnau and Schildberg.b The other parts of these districts as well as the entire districts of Buk, Posen, Obornik, Samter, Birnbaum, Meseritz, Bomst, Czarnikow, Chodziesen, Wirsitz, Bromberg, Schubin,c and Inowroclaw are transformed without more ado into German soil by the decree of Herr von Pfuel. And yet there is no doubt that even within this “territory of the German Confederation”, the majority of the inhabitants still speak Polish. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 7), 1977: 64.

3. 这样,普鲁士政府手中还剩下27个国有地管理区和林业总管理处,总值至少有2000万塔勒。我们准备用手中的地图来证明所有这些领地和森林,除了极少数例外,甚至毫无例外,都在波兹南被归并的地区内。为了把这个无价之宝拯救出来,而且无论如何也不再归还波兰民族,就必须把它归入德意志联邦;但是因为它自己不能到德意志联邦来,所以德意志联邦就得到它那里去,于是波兹南3/4的土地就被并入德意志联邦了。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第五卷),1958:387

3. Thus 27 crown-land offices and forestry divisions, to a value twenty million talers at the very least, still remain in the hands of the Prussian Government. We are prepared to prove, map in hand, that all these domains and forests—with very few exceptions, if any at all—are located in the incorporated part of Posen. To prevent this rich treasure from reverting to the Polish nation it had to be absorbed into the German Confederation, and since it could not go to the German Confederation, the German Confederation had to come to it, and three-fourths of Posen were incorporated. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 7), 1977: 349.


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