

字词 贸易保护主义


(trade) protectionism


[1] McLellan, D. Marxism after Marx: An Introduction [M]. London: Macmillan Press Ltd., 1998: 135-136.
[2] Zhang Yibing. Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics [M]. Göttingen: Uinversitätsverlag Göttingen, 2014: 224.
[3] Protectionism. via: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Protectionism


贸易保护主义,指国家采取种种措施,干涉和管理对外贸易,以限制外国商品的进口,保护国内市场和生产的一种对外贸易政策(池元吉,1987:441)。贸易保护主义通过关税和各种非关税壁垒限制进口,以保护国内产业免受外国商品竞争。前者主要是通过征收高额进口关税阻止外国商品的大量进口;后者则包括采取进口许可证制、进口配额制等一系列非关税措施来限制外国商品自由进口。在自由竞争资本主义时期,较晚发展的资本主义国家,常常推行贸易保护主义政策。 发达国家则多提倡自由贸易,贸易保护主义只是用来作对付危机的临时措施。在帝国主义时期,帝国主义国家采取各种措施来维持国内垄断价格,保护国内衰老的、丧失竞争能力的工业部门和企业,并在保护国内市场的情况下,大肆争夺国际市场(池元吉,1987:441)。垄断资本主义国家推行的贸易保护主义,已不仅仅是抵制外国商品进口的手段,更成为对外扩张、争夺世界市场的手段。现在,贸易保护主义现指发达国家为争夺世界市场而采取的损人利己的贸易政策,这种带有侵略性质的贸易政策有时又被称为“超贸易保护政策”或“侵略性的保护贸易政策”,以区别于发展中国家为扶植本国幼稚工业、维护民族经济的平稳发展而采取的保护政策和措施。近年来,各资本主义国家在国际市场不断萎缩的情况下,也都加强了对国内市场的限制,实行贸易保护主义政策,限制国外商品进口,从而使资本主义国家之间的矛盾和斗争更加激烈,也使广大发展中国家处于更加不利的地位。贸易保护主义的特点是:它不是保护国内的幼稚产业,而是保护国内正走向衰落的垄断工业;它不是为了培养自由竞争的能力,而是为了巩固和加强对国内外市场的垄断;它不是防御性的限制进口,而是在垄断国内市场的基础上向国外市场进攻;它要求别国向其开放市场,而不愿向别国开放市场(赵晓等,2005:39)。


[1] 池元吉.简明世界经济辞典[Z].吉林人民出版社,1987.
[2] 赵晓,柳阳.经济全球化背景下国际经济摩擦的演变[J].经济研究参考,2005(47).


1. 托洛茨基在《走向社会主义还是资本主义?》一书中,强调了他同斯大林的贸易保护主义有根本分歧:如果我们突然把资源转到……新机器的制造上,我们要么将破坏各个经济部门之间甚至一个部门内部基本资金和流动资金之间的必要比例,要么将为保持必要的比例而大大降低整个发展系数。对我们来说,发展速率的下降绝对要比从外国进口我们通常所需的机器和商品危险很多。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2008:126

1. In his Towards Socialism or Capitalism? Trotsky pinpointed his basic disagreement with Stalin’s protectionism: If we were suddenly to shift our resources ... to the making of new machinery we would either destroy the necessary proportion between the different branches of the economy, and between the basic and circulating capital in a given branch, or, if we maintained the proportion we should be greatly decreasing the whole coefficient of development. And for us, a decrease in the rate of development is infinitely more dangerous than the import of foreign machinery and of the foreign goods we require in general. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 135-136.

2. 二是同时反对英法经济学家所主张的虚假的世界性的自由贸易,这是因为,面对发达的英法资产阶级社会,德国自然处于自由竞争中的劣势,所以他又主张对外实行国家关税保护主义,建立全德的关税同盟。由此,他也成了贸易保护主义学说的理论鼻祖。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:294

2. The second kind of reform that List advocated was List’s opposition to the false cosmopolitical free trade promoted by English and French economists. His opposition came because when faced with the advanced bourgeois society of England and France, Germany was naturally at a competitive disadvantage. Thus List advocated a protectionist policy of high national tariffs and the establishment of a tariff union encompassing all of Germany. This is what led List to become the theoretical ancestor of the theory of trade protectionism. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 224.

3. 在本国经济得到发展以后,再进行自由贸易。李斯特认为,这种保护政策来源于国家要求取得独立、强盛地位的自然努力。这就是后来著名的贸易保护主义的最初的理论基础。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:298

3. For a given country to attain a certain level of economic development before engaging in free trade, demonstrates, according to List, the country’s natural desire for independence and power. This is the theoretical foundation of the well-known theory of trade protectionism. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 228.


例句 1:
Financial crisis and trade protectionism always go hand in hand, one of the consequences of the 2008 financial crisis is the rise of trade protectionism.

例句 2:
20 世纪 70 年代,美国开始转向新贸易保护主义,此后,这一贸易保护主义在美国不断发展和加强,并对其国内经济产生了广泛的影响。——《美国新贸易保护主义对其国内经济的影响研究》,辽宁大学博士学位论文,2013
The United States transferred to New Trade Protectionism since 1970s,the effect became wide with its expansion.

例句 3:
Through the history, we can find that trade protectionism always has a close relationship with economic crisis.





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