

字词 合法主义


legitimism; legalism


[1] 金炳华.哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2001:512.
[2] Lenin, V. I. Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 21) [M]. Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1974: 174.


合法主义是主张革命政党的一切斗争都必须在反动统治阶级的法律所允许的范围内进行的一种社会政治思想。合法主义是右倾机会主义的一种表现,产生于十九世纪末的德国,代表人物有福尔马尔、奥艾尔等。十九世纪末的德国反动统治阶级采用社会改良的方法企图分化无产阶级队伍,宣扬“自由主义”及“和平过渡到社会主义”等思想,一批合法主义者们为此对中产阶级政府心生幻想,妄图在资产阶级法律所允许的范围内,通过合法手段,和平实现社会主义(郑州大学,1980:248)。合法主义思想认为,在资本主义国家,无产阶级及其政党只应利用罢工、游行示威、议会竞选和广播报刊等手段进行合法的斗争,以谋取无产阶级的利益;不应超过资产阶级法律所规定的范围,不能采取非法手段、特别是暴力革命的手段去谋取无产阶级的利益。马克思主义认为,“在可能的条件下,无产阶级政党不应放弃合法手段这一斗争形式,而应借以揭露资产阶级及其政府的虚伪和丑恶的行为,教育和组织无产阶级及广大人民群众,加强劳动者之间的团结,积聚革命力量。但如果把合法斗争作为无产阶级反对资产阶级的唯一的斗争形式,则是完全错误的”(林建公,1992,via: http://book.duxiu.com/EncyDetail.jsp?dxid=900006435520&d=109F395CB262E87F255452E490381019)。无产阶级为了争取社会主义的胜利,应当使合法斗争与非法斗争密切配合,相互掩护,不抛弃任何一种斗争。


[1] 郑州大学.国际共产主义运动史小辞典[Z].安徽人民出版社,1980.
[2] 林建公.合法主义[A].1992,via:


1. 1914年8月4日以前,德国(和其他国家的)社会民主党人说,我们将不惜任何牺牲,要以战争反对战争。而1914年9月28日中央委员奥托·布劳恩却谈到创办合法报纸己花费了2000万资金,雇用了11000个职员。几万个被合法主义腐蚀的领导人、工会官员和特权工人瓦解了社会民主主义无产阶级的百万大军。——《列宁全集(第二十六卷)》,1959:158

1. We shall stop at no sacrifice in the war against war, the Social-Democrats of Germany (and other countries) said prior to August 4, 1914, whereas, on September 28, 1914, Otto Braun, member of the Central Committee, made reference to the 20 millions of marks invested in legal papers, and their 11,000 employees. The tens of thousands of leaders, officials and privileged workers, who have been demoralised by legalism, have disorganised the million-strong army of the Social-Democratic proletariat. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 21), 1974: 130.

2. 谁幻想让革命社会民主党的工人同昨天的一也包括今天的一“欧洲”社会民主党的合法主义者“统一”,谁就是什么也没有学到,而且忘记了一切,谁就在实际上成为资产阶级的盟友和无产阶级的敌人。——《列宁全集(第二十六卷)》,1959:175

2. Whoever dreams of “unity” between revolutionary Social-Democratic workers and the “European” Social-Democratic legalists of yesterday, and of today, has learned nothing and forgotten everything, and is in fact an ally of the bourgeoisie and an enemy of the proletariat. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 21), 1974: 174.

3. 谁如果到现在还不了解,为什么俄国社会民主党工人党团同对合法主义和机会主义抱调和态度的社会民主党党团分裂,那就请他读一读对穆拉诺夫和彼得罗夫斯基的活动的审判报道吧。——《列宁全集(第二十六卷)》,1959:175

3. Whoever has to this day failed to realise why the R.S.D.L. group broke away from the Social-Democratic group that was making its peace with legalism and opportunism can now learn a lessen from the activities of Muranov and Petrovsky as described in the report on the trial. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 21), 1974: 174.


例句 1:
Viewing the history of American Blacks’ liberation struggle, it is Frederick Douglass’ Legitimate Reform Strategy that has represented the right way to American Blacks’ liberation.

例句 2:
The rise of Afro-American political power in the 1970s and 80s is a spectacular phenomenon in American politics. The causes of this new phenomenon lie in the following factors: massive urbanization of Afro-Americans, the increasing strength of the black middle class, their uplifting political awareness and their tradition of legalism.

例句 3:





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