

字词 政治规矩


political rules; political discipline and rules


[1] 中国关键词. via: http://www.china.org.cn/chinese/china_key_words/2016-03/01/content_37907413.htm
[2] Dictionary of Xi Jinping's new terms. via:http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/china/2015-12/30/content_22867406.htm


2015年1月13日,习近平总书记在十八届中央纪委第五次全会上的讲话中,正式提出了“政治规矩”一词。由此开始,这一概念迅速走进公众视野并受到广泛关注。对中共党员来说,“政治规矩”主要包括四方面内容:第一,党章是全党必须遵循的总章程,也是总规矩;第二,党的纪律是刚性约束,其中的政治纪律更是全党在政治方向、政治立场、政治言论、政治行动方面必须遵守的刚性约束;第三,国家法律是党员、干部必须遵守的规矩;第四,党在长期实践中形成的优良传统和工作惯例,也需要很好的遵守。领导人在当下重新提倡“政治规矩”,其主要目的是为了维护党中央权威,维护党内团结统一,重塑党组织的纪律性和约束力,净化党的政治生态。(中国关键词.via: http://www.china.org.cn/chinese/china_key_words/2016-03/01/content_37907413.htm)


中国关键词.via: http://www.china.org.cn/chinese/china_key_words/2016-03/01/content_37907413.htm


1. 讲规矩是中国共产党取得革命、建设和改革胜利的重要保障,也是党的光荣传统和独特优势。严守政治规矩需要理论与实践相结合。——《党员领导干部严守政治规矩方法探讨》,中共湖北省委党校硕士学位论文,2016

1. Adherence to political rules is not only an important guarantee for the victory of Chinese Communist Party’s revolution, construction and reform but also is the Party’s glorious tradition and unique advantage. Adherence to political rules requires a combination of theory and practice.

2. 文章着重探讨了以踏石留印、抓铁有痕的精神抓党纪和党的政治规矩,落实党委主体责任、强化纪委监督执纪问责,改革、创新巡视工作,注重运用科技手段、民间力量反腐,加强“一把手”“裸官”两类官员的监管和群众身边、重大责任事故背后的腐败惩处,反对“四风”、常抓不懈,对腐败零容忍、坚持“老虎”“苍蝇”一起打,分解权力以求“釜底抽薪”之效等等推进反腐建设的举措。——《党的十八大以来反腐偈廉建设新举播研究》,广西民族大学硕士学位论文,2015

2. The paper focuses on the new measures of promoting the anti-corruption construction such as maintaining the party discipline and political rules strictly, implementing the responsibility of the committee, reforming the inspection work, paying attention to the use of technical means and the civil power corruption , strengthening the supervision to the “number one” and “naked officials ” , punishing severely the corruption around the masses or in a major liability accident, putting an end to four kinds of unhealthy practices, eradicating anyone's corruption no matter who is a “tiger” or a “fly”, decomposing and balancing the power and so on.


例句 1:
本文第四部分以习近平关于政治生态建设的相关指示和论述为基础,全面总结概括出习近平政治生态思想的主要内容。习近平政治生态思想以构建山清水秀的政治生态为基本目标,从严明党的政治规矩和严守党的纪律入手,抓好领导干部的模范带头作用,通过减少腐败存量、遏制腐败增量,构建权力制约为核心的制度体系来不断优化党的政治生态。——《习近平政治生态思想研究 》,中共江苏省委党校硕士论文,2016年
In the fourth part based on a series of important exposition on party's political ecology by Xi Jinping proposed, it summarizes the main contents of Xi Jinping's political ecological theory. Xi Jinping’s political ecology theory builds a beautiful ecological politics as the basic goal, from the strict party political rules and strictly observe Party discipline of, do a good job of leading cadre's model leading role, by reducing the stock of corruption and curb corruption incremental, build an order of rule of law with checks of power to optimize continuously the party's political ecology.

例句 2:
Adherence to political rules is not only an important guarantee for the victory of Chinese Communist Party’s revolution, construction and reform but also is the Party’s glorious tradition and unique advantage. Adherence to political rules requires a combination of theory and practice. Method is the bridge leading theory to practice.





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