

字词 合作社




Xi Jinping. Xi Jinping: The Governance of China [M]. Beijing: Foreign Languages Press, 2014: 90.




[1] 辽宁省职工教育教材编审委员会.职工政治理论课名词解释[Z].北京师范大学出版社,1984.
[2] 秦池江.中国金融大百科全书:上编(卷三)·金融机构卷[Z].中国物资出版社,1999.


1. 主要是坚持家庭经营在农业中的基础性地位,鼓励土地承包经营权在公开市场上向专业大户、家庭农场、农民合作社、农业企业流转,鼓励农村发展合作经济,鼓励和引导工商资本到农村发展适合企业化经营的现代种养业,允许农民以土地承包经营权入股发展农业产业化经营等。——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014:81

1. We will maintain the fundamental status of family operation in agriculture; encourage the transfer of contracted land-use right to big, specialized operators, family farms, farmers’ cooperatives and agrobusinesses; encourage rural areas to develop cooperative economies; encourage and guide industrial and commercial capital to invest in rural areas to develop modern planting and breeding industries suited to commercialized management; and allow farmers to develop industrialized operation of agriculture by becoming shareholders using their contracted land-use right, among other measures. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 90.

2. 虽然与修正主义的论战并未直接牵涉帝国主义问题,但这个问题显然与考茨基的消费不足论有关,这也说明了他为什么不指望资本主义向自由主义的、合作社的方向演进。伯恩施坦有时陷入为德国的殖民扩张做辩护的境地,而对帝国主义的分析却是考茨基对马克思主义学说的主要理论创新之一。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2005:25

2. Although the question of imperialism did not enter directly into the Revisionist debate, it was clearly linked to Kautsky’s underconsumptionist views and also explained why he did not expect capitalism to evolve in a liberal, cooperative direction. Whereas Bernstein was driven on occasion to defending German colonial expansion, the analysis of imperialism was one of Kautsky’s chief theoretical innovations in Marxist doctrine. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 14.

3. 卢森堡还驳斥了伯恩施坦把希望寄托到合作社和工会上的想法。在他看来,合作社只不过是资本主义中的一种混合形式。至于工会,由于遭遇到不断增长的失业威胁的中产阶级的无产阶级化和劳动生产率的增长这两个相伴相生的过程,它那种能扩大惠及工人阶级的社会财富比重的作用是注定要受挫的。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2005:42-43

3. Luxemburg also contested the hopes that Bernstein placed in cooperatives and trade unions. Cooperatives were, for her, no more than a hybrid form in the midst of capitalism. As for trade unions, their function of increasing the proportion of social wealth accruing to the working class was doomed to frustration by the twin processes of the proletarianisation of the middle class which threatened increasing unemployment, and the growth of the productivity of labour. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 48.


例句 1:
It also summarizes the experience of foreign agricultural cooperatives with the method of comparative analysis, and conducts a legal security system of farmers’ professional cooperatives by applying relating theories and knowledge of Management, Law, Sociology.

例句 2:
In conclusion, the legal system on rural cooperation in China would be established business likely and effectively .

例句 3:
2013, 2014, 2015 three years in a row the number one in the middle of the file is closely related to agriculture, have emphasized the standardization development of farmer professional co-operatives, aims to enhance the vitality of rural economic development, speed up the construction of agricultural modernization





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