

字词 历史结构


historical construction; nature of history; foundation of history; fabric/structure of history


[1] Marx, K. & F. Engels. Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 28) [M]. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1986: 14.
[2] Lukács, G. History and Class Consciousness: Studies in Marxist Dialectic [M]. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press, 1971: 146.
[3] Zhang Yibing. Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics [M]. Göttingen: Universitätsverlag Göttingen, 2014: 95.




[1] 中共中央编译局.马克思恩格斯全集(第三卷)[M].人民出版社,2002.
[2] 宋一夫.历史结构与现实结构的二重论——马克思社会结构论新探[J].马克思主义与现实,2001(3).


1. 同这一历史结构—巴师夏就是凭借这种结构来用事变的形式杜撰他的肤浅的抽象理沦完全相适合的是这样一种合题,按照这种合题,英国的互助会和储蓄银行表现为雇佣劳动制度的最新成就和社会的一切二律背反的扬弃。于是,在历史上,不固定性是雇佣劳动制度的特点,也就是说,和巴师夏的结构正好相反。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第四十六卷上)》,1979:14

1. On a level with this historical construction- in which Bastiat deceives himself by imagining his shallow abstraction in the form of an event-is the synthesis in which the English FRIENDLY SOCIETIES and the savings banks are presented as the last word in the wage system and as the transcendence of all social contradictions. Historically, as we have seen, non-fixity is the character of the wage system: the opposite of Bastiat’s construction. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 28), 1986: 14.

2. 黑格尔确实用“理性的狡黠”来解释这样发现的历史结构。这样的历史结构是他的现实主义的天才既不能,也不愿意否定的。但不可忽视的是,“理性的狡黠”只有在真正的理性被发现而且实际上具体地被指出来以后才能不仅仅只是一种神话。那样一来,它才能是一种对于还未意识到的历史阶段的天才解释。旦只有从自我发现的理性已经达到的立场出去,才能担这些阶段理解和评价为阶段。——《历史与阶级意识:关于马克思主义辩证法的研究》,1996:225

2. It is doubtless true that Hegel whose realistic genius neither could nor would disguise the truth about the nature of history as he found it did nevertheless see to provide an explanation of it in terms of “the ruse of reason” can only claim to be more than a myth if authentic reason can be discovered and demonstrated in a truly concrete manner. In that case it becomes a brilliant explanation for stages in history that have not yet become conscious. But these can only be understood and evaluated as stakes from a standpoint already achieved by reason that has discovered itself. -Quoted from History and Class Consciousness: Studies in Marxist Dialectics, 1971: 146.

3. 从《克罗茨纳赫笔记》的总体思考路向来看,马克思在全部笔记中的焦点意识明显是欧洲国家的封建社会历史,其中包括法、英、瑞典、波兰和威尼斯的封建政治史,这些内容占据了笔记相当多的篇幅。本来马克思试图着力弄清楚政治在历史中的作用,而他却无意识地不断体认到,实际上围绕财产的所有制才是社会历史结构的真正基础。这将成为他不久之后与蒲鲁东进行思想交流中的一个重要共识。­­——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:137

3. In considering the totality of the Kreuznach Notes, Marx’s focal awareness is apparently the history of European feudal society, including the feudal political history of France, England, Sweden, Poland, and Venice; this content takes up a great deal of space in the notes. At first, Marx concentrated on discovering the effect of politics in history. However, Marx unconsciously realized again and again that private property was the true foundation of social history. This was to be an important consensus between Marx and Proudhon in their philosophical intercourse. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the context of Economics, 2014: 95.


例句 1:

例句 2:
This self-variation of Japan’s “historical structure” is a regular activity under some conditions.

例句 3:





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