

字词 历史成本会计


historical cost accounting








1. 当卢卡奇和施密特说,马克思历史唯物主义中的历史并不是一个可以被描述的对象,“而是作为被构成的概念”时,他们是深刻的。众所周知,历史的观点并不是马克思的发明,在德国,从赫尔德、康德到黑格尔,关于历史发展的思想是一条重要的线索。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:410

1. Lukacs and Schmidt provide profound insight in their observation that the idea of history in Marx’s historical materialism is not an object that can be described, but rather is a concept that is constituted. It is widely known that a historical view was not the invention of Marx; in Germany, thinking on the development of history was an important element of philosophy from Johann Herder to Kant to Hegel. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 318.

2. 银行开业以来,每年都亏损5万英镑,但是董事们年复一年地向股东恭贺生意兴隆。虽然正式的会计师科耳曼先生宣布股东根本不应当得到任何红利,每一季度仍支付红利6%。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第十二卷)》,1962:56

2. Every year since the bank went in operation, it had been losing £50,000, and yet the directors came forward every year to congratulate the shareholders upon their prosperity. Dividends of six percent, were paid quarterly, although by the declaration of the official accountant, Mr. Coleman, the shareholders ought never to have had a dividend at all. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 15), 1986: 111.


例句 1:
本文认为双重计量模式,即历史成本计量(含摊余成本计量)和公允价值计量是历史和时代的必然选择。本文指出三点:首先,在财务会计中,双重计量是必然的选择;其次,本文对两种计量属性的特点作了详细分析;最后,通过IASB制定的IFRS 9发现了双重计量模式,特别是公允价值会计改进的曙光。——“财务会计计量模式的必然选择:双重计量”,载于《会计研究》2010年第2期
This paper discusses Dual measurements [there are cost measurements (including amortized cost measurements) and fair value measurements] model was a necessary choice by history and age. The paper indicates three viewpoints: The first, dual measurements in Financial Accounting was necessary choice;the second, the paper gives a more detailed analyses for characteristics of historical cost measurement and fair value measurement and finally the paper discovers the dawn in proving dual measurements, especially in proving fair value accounting through IFRS No. 9 issued by IASB.

例句 2:
Against the macroscopic backdrop of the financial crisis and the convergence of accounting internationally, this paper looks into the relation-ship between fair value and accounting conservatism, revolving around property rights protection. it is found through the research, that unde





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