字词 | 语义分析 |
释义 | 语义分析【英】semantic analysis译文来源[1] 金炳华.哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2001:1870. 定义语义分析,逻辑实证主义者进行逻辑分析的内容之一,是由逻辑分析演变发展来的一种只注重于语言符号分析和形式主义公理探索的理论和方法,与语言分析、语法分析相并列,是逻辑实证主义的极端表现,代表人物有卡尔纳普和塔尔斯基等人。语义分析主要在逻辑原则、心理原则等分析原则下,采用逻辑演绎法、义素分析法等分析方法,去探索各语义单位的内容及其构成,描写语义之间的各种关系和联系。语义分析与语形分析共同构成逻辑实证主义者进行逻辑分析的内容,“语义分析运用逻辑语义学工具对科学概念和命题进行授义,对形式系统作解释,也就是为它们建立模型。语形分析的任务是把有意义的概念和命题建立为形式系统”(金炳华,2003:385)。科学哲学发展的历史证明,语义分析方法本身作为语义学方法论在科学哲学中的运用是“中性的”,这个方法本身并不必然滴导向实在论或反实在论,而是为某种合理的科学哲学的立场提供有效的方法论的论证。自二十世纪三十年代以来,语义分析方法在逻辑经验主义的成长中不断成熟,为科学实在论与反实在论的论争、借鉴与渗透提供了对话的平台,在科学哲学的传承和发展中具有重要的方法论意义。 定义来源金炳华.马克思主义哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2003. 例句1. 20世纪60年代,法国西方马克思主义者阿尔都塞以科学主义(主要是巴什拉的认识论和准结构主义)方法重新界划马克思思想发展进程,提出了所谓的马克思哲学思想的“断裂说”。阿尔都塞没有从一般文本的表层语义出发进行反思,而是着眼于马克思思想发展的不同特点的深层理论结构(“问题式”,即提问的基本方法和逻辑结构),从而指认了存在着以1845年4月马克思的《关于费尔巴哈的提纲》为分界线的两个马克思,即处于人本主义意识形态逻辑框架中的青年马克思与创立了全新科学世界观的马克思主义者的马克思。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:6 1. In the 1960s, the Western Marxist scholar Louis Althusser, using methods of scientism (primarily Gaston Bachelard’s epistemology and quasi-structuralism), re-categorized the progressive development of Marxist thought by proposing the “rupture theory” in the collection of essays entitled For Marx. Althusser’s analysis is not rooted in the surface semantics of the general texts, but rather focuses on the underlying theoretical structure (the “problematic,” or fundamental method and logical structure of posing questions) of the various characteristics in the development of Marx's philosophy. Thus, Althusser identifies two Marxs, divided by Marx's Theses on Feuerbach, which was published in April of 1845. The first Marx, supported by the logical framework of humanist ideology, he dubs “young Marx,” and the second Marx, the Marx who established a brand new scientific worldview, he calls “mature Marx”. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: xxiv-xxv. 2. 马克思主义的阶级分析已经转换成文化宽容的讨论。这显然是一种新型意识形态的悄然布展。无独有偶,在今天的中国,资产阶级已经不叫资产阶级,而叫“成功人士”,并成为人们崇拜的对象,无产阶级也不叫无产阶级.而叫“弱势群体”,成为人们同情的对象。一般人际称谓中的“同志”变成了“老板”、“先生”,“学雷锋”改做“志愿者”。这是一种隐性的微观话语转换。似乎,人们开始“默默地假定自由一民主的资本主义全球秩序在某种意义上是最终发现的‘自然的'社会政体”,资本主义再一次被确认为天然的社会存在方式。历史好像又回到了马克思当年所面对的那种“没有历史”的境遇之中了。——《文本的深度耕犁:后马克思思潮哲学文本解读》,2007:318-319 2. Marxist class analysis has been converted into the discussion of cultural tolerance, which, clearly, is the quiet spreading of a new ideology. (Coincidentally, in mainland China, the title of the bourgeoisie no longer denotes a derogatory sense; they have become the “successful people” and the object of worship. The proletarian class is not called the proletarians anymore; they have become the "disadvantaged group" and the object of sympathy. As for general descriptions of interpersonal relations, “comrade” changes into “boss” or “sir” and “one taking Lei Feng [a soldier always ready to help others in the early period of New China] as the example” is called a “volunteer.” All this belongs to an obscure conversion of micro-discourse.) It seems that people beginning to silently assume the global order of capitalist freedom and democracy is somewhat the ultimate discovery of the “natural” political system. Capitalism is once again recognized as a natural way of social existence, and history seems to return to the previous condition where “there is no longer any history” in Marx’s time. -Quoted from A Deep Plough: Unscrambling Major Post-Marxist Texts From Ad to Zizek, 2007: 416-417. 网络参考例句例句 1: |
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