

字词 实证科学


positive science; positivist science


[1] Lukács, G. History and Class Consciousness: Studies in Marxist Dialectics [M]. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press, 1968: 11.
[2] Zhang Yibing: Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics [M]. Göttingen: Universitätsverlag Göttingen, 2014: 312.






1. 他的“批判”的顶点是把辩证法同这两者截然区分开来,他把辩证法描述成为“一门实证科学”,“所谓马克思主义中的真正辩证法主要就是指这种科学”。这种辩证法或许叫做“对抗”更恰当,因为它简单地“主张个人的私利同限制它的社会形式之间存在对立”。——《历史与阶级意识——关于马克思主义辩证法的研究》,1996:59-60

1. His “criticism” culminates in the sharp separation of dialectics from both and he describes it as a “piece of positive science” which “is what is chiefly meant by talk of real dialectics in Marxism”. This dialectic might more aptly be called “antagonism”, for it simply “asserts that an opposition exists between the self-interest of an individual and the social forms in which he is confined”. -Quoted from History and Class Consciousness: Studies in Marxist Dialectics, 1968: 11.

2. 在恩格斯那里,哲学可以有实现和付诸实践的内容这一观念是不存在的,因为恩格斯预期有一天,“在以往的全部哲学中仍然独立存在的,就只有关于思维及其规律的学说——形式逻辑和辩证法。其他一切都归到关于自然和历史的实证科学中去了”。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2008:9

2. There was no notion that philosophy might have a content to be realised and put into practice; for Engels anticipated a time when “what still survives of all former philosophy is the science of thought and its laws—formal logic and dialectics. Everything else is merged in the positive science of Nature and History”. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 11.

3. 这种转变,基于马克思经济学视域中的更为基础性的重大转向,即从主体方面立足于无产阶级政治立场对资产阶级政治经济学的直接否定转向对它的基本肯定。通过《布鲁塞尔笔记》和《曼彻斯特笔记》,马克思已经发现,李嘉图是唯一没有浪漫色彩的人,他眼里只有客观现实性。而李嘉图式的社会主义经济学家的思想对马克思的重要影响,就是直接确证了一个逻辑,即基于资产阶级政治经济学的客观逻辑,才能真正现实地找到打倒资产阶级社会统治的现实道路。这样,政治经济学就成了马克思此时的全部思想和理论论述的基础(配第意义上的“实证科学”),但这是经过改造了的现实批判逻辑。因为,在资产阶级经济学家那里,资产阶级社会生产方式支配和建构起来的经济现实是非批判的,全部政治经济学的科学同样也是非批判的,这也就是说,马克思此刻的思想理论基础是建立在对古典经济学的政治立场的超越之上的。这是一个新的重要支援背景。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:403

3. This shift was rooted in the more fundamental, important shift in Marx’s economic outlook, i.e., the shift from direct refutation of bourgeois political economy from the standpoint of the proletariat to the basic affirmation of bourgeois political economy. Through his Brussels Notes and Manchester Notes, Marx had already discovered that Ricardo was the only philosopher devoid of romantic inclinations; he cared only for objective reality. The philosophy of the Ricardian socialist economists had already influenced Marx into accepting a new conclusion: the objective logic based on bourgeois political economy was the only thing capable of truly pointing out the real road to the overthrow of bourgeois society. Thus, political economy here becomes the foundation of all of Marx’s thinking and theoretical expression at this time (Petty’s “positivist science”).However, Marx’s logic is the logic of restructured critique of reality. This is because for the political economists, the economic reality controlled and constructed by bourgeois modes of production was non-critical; thus the whole science of political economy was also non-critical. Therefore, the foundation of Marx’s philosophical theories at this time was built on the supersession of the classical political economic standpoint. This is a new and important subsidiary awareness. -Quoted from Back to Marx:Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 312.


例句 1:
Taylor's scientific management theory contains deep philosophical implication. It emphasizes the scientific of the management theory, that is empirical science, it conceals the spirit of instrumental rationality.

例句 2:
Since historical materialism is not the dialectical historical philosophy, then how can we locate it, what is the relationship among the historical science、historical philosophy and empirical science.

例句 3:
Thus, it’s necessary to clear the misunderstand. I Excluding the traditional concept that the Middle Ages was completely dark, this paper will reveal the truth of the Middle Ages. It will tell us Renaissance was the product of historical development to a certain stage instead of turning out suddenly, and the heretical thoughts relative with the Christian founded for the birth of the modern science thought, which advocated the rational and empirical scientific method.





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