

字词 科学发展


scientific development


He Yiting. The Ideological Banner for the Development of Contemporary China—On General Secretary Xi Jinping’s Significant Instruction on the “Chinese Dream” [M]. London: New Classic Press, 2015: 19.






1. 发展是当今世界潮流,发展是当代中国主题。十八大以来习近平总书记对推动科学发展发表了一系列重要论述,为我国经济社会发展指明了方向。——《学习习近平总书记重要讲话》,2015:31

1. Development is the trend of the contemporary world, and the theme of contemporary China. Since the 18th National People’s Congress, General Secretary Xi Jinping has made a series of significant instructions on scientific development, pointing out a clear direction for the social economic development of our country. -Quoted from The Ideological Banner for the Development of Contemporary China—On General Secretary Xi Jinping’ s Significant Instruction on the “Chinese Dream”, 2015: 19.

2. 现在,我国面临的最根本问题,一是发展不足,历史欠账太多;二是发展不够好,科学发展亟待加强。面对新的形势,只有推动经济社会持续健康发展,才能筑牢国家繁荣富强、人民幸福安康、社会和谐稳定的物质基础。——《学习习近平总书记重要讲话》,2015:32

2. There are two most basic problems that we are faced with. First, the development is not adequate. We did not make enough development in the history. Second, the development is not satisfying. We should urgently promote the scientific development. In face of the new situation, only when we promote the sustainable and sound development of the society and the economy, could we consolidate the material basis of the prosperity of our country, the happiness of our people, as well as the harmony and stability of our society. -Quoted from The Ideological Banner for the Development of Contemporary China—On General Secretary Xi Jinping’ s Significant Instruction on the “Chinese Dream”, 2015: 20.

3. 这样,关心科学发展的历史学家便明显地有着两项主要的任务:一方面,他必须确定出当代科学的每一事实、定律和理论是何人何时发现或发明的;另一方面,他必须描述和解释阻碍着现代科学教科书诸成分更迅速地累积起来的错误、神话和迷信。大部分研究都指向这些目标,如今有些研究仍然如此。——《科学革命的结构》,2003:2

3. Concerned with scientific development,the historian then appears to have two main tasks. On the one hand, he must determine by what man and at what point in time each contemporary scientific fact, law, and theory was discovered or invented. On the other, he must describe and explain the congeries of error, myth, and superstition that have inhibited the more rapid accumulation of the constituents of the modern science texts. Much research has been directed to these ends, and some still is. -Quoted from The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, 1970: 2.


例句 1:
In the perspective of differentiation principle, the ongoing scientific development reflects the phasal characteristic of Chinese development since reform and opening up. But to carry out scientific development, we should also pay close attention to the proper handling of a series of problems concerning social differences. 

例句 2:
The pattern of educational development is closely related with the scientific development of educational undertaking. The transition of educational development pattern consists of the re-evaluation of property,subjects and objects in education,the re-setting of educational developmental objectives and tasks,the re-combination of elements in the development process and the adjusting of evaluation mechanism on educational development.

例句 3:为了能够充分汲取我国农村在探索科学发展过程中的经验教训,促使我国农村抓住当前的历史机遇实现科学发展,采用历史分析法,识别和总结新中国成立以来我国农村科学发展五次重要历史机遇的社会背景和政策要点。——“建国以来农村科学发展的主要机遇、问题与建议”,载于《农业现代化研究》2015年第3期
In order to fully absorb the experience and lessons of rural China exploring scientific development and promote rural China seizing the cur





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