

字词 斯巴达克联盟


the Spartacus League


McLellan, D. Marxism after Marx: An Introduction [M]. Translated by Zhang Yibing. London: Macmillan Press, 1998: 57.


斯巴达克联盟又称斯巴达克团,原称“国际派”,是德国左派社会民主党人的革命组织。斯巴达克团主要领导人有卡尔·李卜克内西(Karl Liebknecht,1871-1919)、罗莎·卢森堡(Rosa Luxemburg,1871年3月5日-1919年1月15日)、弗兰茨·梅林(Franz Erdmann Mehring,1846年2月27日-1919年1月28日)、克拉拉·蔡特金(Clara Zetkin,1857.7.5-1933.6.20)等。第一次世界大战前,以卡尔·李卜克内西、罗莎·卢森堡等人为首的左派坚持马克思主义,反对帝国主义战争,批判右派领导人对工人阶级事业的背叛,主张重建工人阶级的国际组织,被称为“国际派”。1916年1月1日,在“国际派”会议上,以古罗马奴隶起义领袖斯巴达克斯的名字发表了政治通信,该刊物后称《斯巴达克书信》,左派即称“斯巴达克团”。斯巴达克联盟在群众中进行反对帝国主义战争的宣传,揭露德国帝国主义的侵略政策和社会民主党右翼领导人的叛变行为。斯巴达克团广泛开展革命宣传活动,组织领导工人斗争和反战运动。斯巴达克团其机关刊物《红旗报》独立地宣传自己的观点。1919年1月5日,柏林工人举行示威游行,共产党人和独立社会民主党人组成革命委员会,号召工人起来推翻艾伯特政府。但是,起义遭到了残酷镇压,100多名起义者被杀害,无数群众受伤,《红旗报》社被占,李卜克内西和卢森堡于1月15日被逮捕杀害(斯巴达克团.via:http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=towJ-K0yihFGk9_nCjNofZ2sLp-YSzT0oqgogd7OINM3JITdd9OJBFJnYU4Pc5JWZpwZ46Jbkwmw--lBRhFQJa)。




1. 到1912年,左翼激进派在社会民主党内部开始形成一股凝聚的力量,它同时强调群众罢工(一般性的群众行动)和帝国主义同是核心的政治现象。随着战争的发展和反战的加剧,社会民主党的分裂达到了顶点。到1917年初,斯巴达克派(Spartacist,左翼激进派的称号)和持反对立场的中间派都被驱逐出党。于是组成了德国独立社会党(Unabhängige Sozialistische Partei Deutschlands, USPD),它包括从斯巴达克派到考茨基等所有的人,甚至包括和平主义者伯恩施坦。从一开始,左翼激进派就不容忍任何妥协。罗莎·卢森堡的《朱尼厄斯的小册子》(其中对第二国际的瓦解作了深刻的分析)与标题很是切题的《非此即彼》对他们的态度作了最好的阐述。这两本著作都已由斯巴达克联盟发表,其主要观点是:全面反对战争,把战争视为不同国家资产阶级之间的帝国主义竞争;顺理成章地强调国际主义;依靠群众的行动来达到他们的目标。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2008:51

1. By 1912, the Left radicals were beginning to emerge as a coherent force within the SPD with a twin emphasis on the mass strike (and mass action in general) and imperialism as the central political phenomenon. As the war progressed and opposition to it increased, the split in the SPD was consummated. By early 1917 both Spartacists (as the left radicals came to be called) and the oppositional Centrists were expelled from the party, and the Unabhängige Sozialistische Partei Deutschlands (Independent German Socialist Party) was formed to include everyone from the Spartacists to Kautsky and even the pacifist Bernstein. From the outset the left radicals would brook no compromise. Their attitude is best illustrated by Rosa Luxemburg’s Junius Pamphlet, with its trenchant analysis of the collapse of the International, and her appropriately entitled Either-Or. Both were published by the Spartacus League, whose main views were: wholesale opposition to the war, which was viewed as a result of imperialist rivalry between the capitalist classes of different countries; a consequent emphasis on internationalism; and a reliance on mass action to achieve their objectives. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 56-57.

2. 结果是,斯巴达克联盟对1918年11月至1919年1月的骚动事件影响甚微。直到1918 年最后几天,这个联盟还是德国独立社会党内的一个压力集团,只是于1919年1月1日才转变为德国共产党(Kommunistische Partei Deutschlands, KPD)。这个党只包括一些孤立的小宣传集团。1918年10月,社会民主党终于掌握政权(这是它彻底采取被动、容忍态度的典型后果)时,斯巴达克联盟及时反对了政府的议会形式,但它处在那种地位已是毫无建树的了。同年12月,斯巴达克联盟发布其纲领,正式承诺:“除非反映德国全体无产阶级绝大多数人明确无误的意志,决不推翻政权。” ——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2008:52

2. In the event, the impact of the Spartacus League on the turbulent events of November 1918-January 1919 was minimal. Up to the last days of 1918 it was a pressure group within the USPD, only transforming itself into the German Communist Party (KPD) on 1 January 1919. It consisted merely of small and isolated propaganda groups. When, in October 1918, the SPD finally had power put into its hands (typical of its all-pervasive passivity), the Spartacus League duly opposed the parliamentary form of government, but had little to propose in its place. In December it published its programme, with its formal commitment ‘never to take over governmental power except in response to the clear, unambiguous will of the great majority of the proletarian mass of all of Germany’. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 58.

3. 当1月初发生大规模街道示威之后,社会民主党政府出来执行指令时,曾爆发一次武装起义,它在几天内就逐渐平息下来。这次起义既非为斯巴达克联盟所发动,也未受其控制,更与它的目标不一致。但是起义却为政府提供了镇压极左派的机会,而且,卢森堡和李卡克内西二人均遭杀害。后来,德国的社会主义便分化为布尔什维化的德国共产党和社会民主党,而在后者那里,人们日益难以找到马克思主义的痕迹。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2008:52

3. When the SPD government tried to enforce order after large street demonstrations in the early days of January, there was an armed uprising which petered out in a few days. The revolt was neither initiated, nor controlled by the Spartacus League, nor did it agree with its aims. But it provided the government with the opportunity to crush the extreme left and both Luxemburg and Liebknecht were murdered. German socialism was then polarised between the subsequently Bolshevised German Communist Party and the SPD, where vestiges of Marxism became increasingly difficult to find. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 58.


例句 1:
Meanwhile the chapter made some interesting analysis of the relationship between  Marx and Aeschylus, Spartacus, Martin Luther, Dante, Cervantes, Shakespeare, Balzac, Danidl Defoe, Voltaire, Rousseau, Diderot, Goethe, Schiller, Immanuel Kant, Fichte, Hegel, Feuerbach, Hess, Friedrich Engels, Saint-Simon, Fourier, Robert Owen, P. Trémaux, Comte, N. Flerovsky, etc.

例句 2:
Rise up from the Spartacus upspring to Li Zicheng, European workers from the French Revolution to the three major upspring, from the Russian October Revolution to the war of liberation of our country through the ages, the countless heroes Patriots racked their brains to pursue freedom, fought a bloody war.

例句 3:
Historical evolution of human society is the process of mankind’s pursuit of freedom. From Spartacus uprising to the Reformation and the Peasant Movement in the Middle Age, then to t





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