

字词 法律形式


legal form; the form of law


McLellan, D. Marxism after Marx: An Introduction [M]. London: Macmillan Press, 1998: 140.


 法的渊源是法的外在表现形式,在不同的历史时期或不同的历史类型的法的渊源有所不同,而同一历史时期或同一历史类型的不同国家的法的渊源也不尽相同。 奴隶制社会初期,法律以不成文的习惯法为主。法的渊源主要表现为习惯、宗教教规、道德规范和判例。到奴隶制社会的中后期,开始出现成文法。 封建制社会,法的渊源有成文法和不成文法两种。中国封建制法最有代表性、发展最完备的是唐朝,成文法的表现形式各种各样,有律、令、格、典、科、比、例等。 资本主义社会,法的渊源有了进一步的发展。其正式渊源一般包括制定法、判例以及授权立法等。此外,在资本主义国家中,还存在非正式意义的法的渊源,包括权威性的法学著作、正义、公平等原则、道德准则和习惯等。当代中国法律渊源是以宪法为核心的制定法形式。(法律形式.via: http://baike.so.com/doc/6937000-7159356.html)。


法律形式. via: http://baike.so.com/doc/6937000-7159356.html


1. 有一种成书于1924年的不同的国家观,参见极富创意的下书E. Pasukanis, General Theory of Law and Marxism (London and New York, 1978)。该书的内容远远超出了其表面上的法理学主题。作者认为,法律形式是同商品生产相联系的,他还把资本主义社会中服从法律的崇拜主义看作是同马克思所谓的商品拜物教相并行的。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2005:131

1. For a different view of the state, written in 1924, see the highly original work by E. Pasukanis, General Theory of Law and Marxism (London and New York, 1978), which went much further than its ostensible subject of legal theory. Pasukanis maintained that legal forms were connected with commodity production and saw the fetishism of the legal subject in bourgeois society as parallel to Marx's fetishism of commodities. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 150.

2. 在这以前,社会学家不善于往下探究像生产关系这样简单和这样原始的关系,而直接着手探讨和研究政治法律形式,一碰到这些形式是由当时人类某种思想产生的事实,就停了下来;这样一来,似乎社会关系是由人们自觉地建立起来的。但这个充分表现在《社会契约论》思想(这种思想的痕迹,在一切空想社会主义体系中都是很明显的)中的结论,是和一切历史观察完全矛盾的。——《列宁全集集(第一卷)》,1977:109

2. Hitherto, not knowing how to get down to the simplest primary relations such as those of production, the sociologists undertook the direct investigation and study of political and legal forms, stumbled on the fact that these forms emerge from certain of mankind’s ideas in the period in question—and there they stopped; it appeared as if social relations are consciously established by men. But this conclusion, fully expressed in the idea of the Contrat social (traces of which are very noticeable in all systems of utopian socialism), was in complete contradiction to all historical observations. –Quoted from Lenin Collected Work (Vol. 1), 1984: 139.

3. 然而,贵族的这些习惯法是同合理的法的概念相抵触的习惯,而贫民的习惯法则是同实在法的习惯相抵触的法。贫民的习惯法的内容并不反对法律形式,它反对的倒是自己本身的不定形状态。法律形式并不同这一内容相抵触,只是这一内容还没有具备这种形式。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第一卷)》,1960:250

3. But whereas these customary rights of the aristocracy are customs which are contrary to the conception of rational right, the customary rights of the poor are rights which are contrary to the customs of positive law. Their content does not conflict with legal form, but rather with its own lack of form. The form of law is not in contradiction to this content, on the contrary, the latter has not yet reached this form. –Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 1), 1975: 232.


例句 1:
Focusing on the origin and development of Cao Wei legal system, this dissertation integrates the views of literatures handed down from ancient times and literatures unearthed regarding the various legal forms, institutions, rules, facts and cases of Cao Wei, in order to seize the intrinsic features of Cao Wei legal system dynamically.

例句 2:
but based on the social purpose of energy conservation, through the legal form of fixed and clear economy incentive mechanism, and by the means of economic incentives, Economic incentive type energy-saving legal system (EITELS) is a 3system of the package laws, regulations, policies, which guide the social economy to develop in the direction of energy-saving, and limit non-energy-efficient development, and estimate, audit, supervise the quantity of energy-saving.

例句 3:
The National Party established a public training committee, issued a series of rules made by the government,





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