字词 | 必要劳动 |
释义 | 必要劳动【英】necessary labour译文来源Marx, K. & F. Engels. Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 34) [M]. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1994:67. 定义“剩余劳动”的对称。指的是劳动者为生产维持劳动力再生产所必需的那部分社会产品而耗费的劳动。劳动者为维持本人及其家属的生活、再生产劳动力,需要一定量的社会产品,这部分产品称为必要产品。生产必要产品所耗费的劳动称为必要劳动。从事这种劳动的时间称为必要劳动时间。必要劳动时间的长短一方面取决于必要产品的数量和范围,另一方面取决于劳动生产率的高低。在必要产品的数量和范围为既定的条件下,劳动生产率是决定必要劳动时间长短的主要因素。劳动生产率越高,必要劳动时间就越短; 反之,则越长。 定义来源[1] 何盛明.财经大辞典·上卷[Z].中国财政经济出版社,1990. 例句1. 换句话说,因为剩余价值增大了,所以,在这里,劳动力的价值就相对地下降,虽然它的价值绝对地没有变。剩余劳动所以增加,并不是因为必要劳动绝对地减少,但是必要劳动与剩余劳动相比所以减少,却是因为后者绝对地增加了。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第四十七卷)》,1979:610 1. Or the value of labour capacity, although it remains the same absolutely, falls relatively, because surplus value rises. SURPLUS labour does not grow because necessary labour is lessened absolutely, but necessary labour falls in comparison with surplus labour, because the latter grows absolutely. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 34): Capital, 1994: 67-68. 2. 假定在生产力发展的一定阶段上,必要劳动为10小时,而剩余劳动为2小时。如果一般劳动生产率增长,而增长的结果反映在工人的必要生活资料上,那么,上述比例就变为9小时必要劳动与3小时剩余劳动。如果劳动生产率减低,那么,上述比例就变为11小时必要劳动与1小时剩余劳动。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第四十七卷)》,1979:613 2. At a certain level of productive power, let necessary labour = 10 hour s and SURPLUS labour=2. If there is a general growth in the productivity of labour, the results of which enter into the worker's necessary means of subsistence, the ratio will be changed into 9 hours of necessary and 3 hours of surplus labour. If the general productivity of labour declines, it will be changed into 11 hours of necessary and 1 hour of surplus labour. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 34): Capital, 1994: 71. 3. 就拿上述的例子来说,1小时劳动时间物化在6便士中,而12小时劳动时间就物化在6先令中。因为工人劳动12小时只得到3先令,所以他的剩余劳动与他的必要劳动的比例是100∶100;换句话说,这就是工人以工资形式所取得的他的劳动力的价值与这种劳动力的使用之间的差别,由于劳动力的使用,为资本家创造了剩余价值。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第四十七卷)》,1979:616 3. Let us take the above example. The labour time of 1 hour is objectified in 6d., and the labour time of 12 hours in 6s. Since the worker only receives 3s. for 12 hours of labour, the ratio of his surplus labour to his necessary labour=100:100, or, this is the difference between the value of his labour capacity, which is paid him in wages, and its valorisation, which constitutes surplus value for the capitalist. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 34): Capital, 1994: 73. 网络参考例句例句 1: |
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