字词 | “市场定价、价补分离”原则 |
释义 | “市场定价、价补分离”原则【英】principle of letting the market determine prices and delinking subsidies from pricesprinciple of market-based prices with separate subsidies译文来源[1]Report on the Work of the Government, 2016. via: 定义市场定价、价补分离即坚持实行玉米价格由市场决定,同时将对玉米的价格形成机制和补贴制度进行改革,实行价格和补贴分离的办法,将补贴从价格中剥离,价格根据供求关系回归到合理的水平。(陈锡文,2016:36)价补分离指的是政府不直接入市收购农产品,而是制定目标价格,再将目标价格和市场价格之间的差价直接补贴给农民。价补分离通过调低乃至取消价格支持来消除其对市场的干预和扭曲影响,把粮食价格形成还给市场机制,另外通过直接补贴措施来“保收益”。价补分离将对农民的补贴从价格中剥离出来;保障农民合理收益,综合考虑农民合理收益、财政承受能力。(via:http://wiki.mbalib.com/wiki/价补分离) 定义来源[1]陈锡文.价补分离,市场定价[J].农经,2016(03). 例句1. 粮食连续增产,为稳定物价、改善民生提供了有力保障,但也面临库存大幅增加、市场价格下跌等问题。要引导农民适应市场需求调整种养结构,适当调减玉米种植面积。按照“市场定价、价补分离”原则,积极稳妥推进玉米收储制度改革,保障农民合理收益。——《2016年政府工作报告》,2016 1. The output of food crops has continued to rise in recent years. This has helped to keep prices stable and ensure people’s wellbeing, but it has also resulted in a buildup of excess stockpiles and falling market prices. To resolve this problem, we will improve the pricing mechanisms for agricultural products, while guiding farmers in adjusting what and how much they grow and breed in response to market demand and in making appropriate reductions to the amount of cultivated land devoted to growing corn. Following the principle of letting the market determine prices and delinking subsidies from prices, we will reform in an active yet prudent way the system of corn purchase and storage to ensure reasonable returns for corn-growing farmers. -Quoted from Report on the Work of the Government, 2016. 网络参考例句例句 1: |
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