

字词 “港人治港”


the people of Hong Kong govern Hong Kong.


via: http://www.cctb.net/bygz/zywxsy/201608/t20160812_344433.htm


http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=Eb7990IIFQGU-bRdLFxwWv3iBwYhqI1pcoEONTeJL4S90AvXdiDeTq5zu8-OswTLQL95iaAO55hSbkXzy8djGqGhxR0tKQFAPJA5qpuW4T5gxBlKgjc9u6Npk6nwTx_3)。“港人治港”是充分考虑到香港的历史和现实情况,为保证香港回归后继续稳定、繁荣发展而制定的治港政策的基本方针。此后,经邓小平不断说明和补充,形成了一套较为系统的理论。邓小平指出,《香港特别行政区基本法》是“根本法”,是“港人治港”的根本准则。该方针的内容主要包括以下五个方面:①“港人治港”与“一国两制”、“高度自治”是一个完整的体系。“一国两制”是“港人治港”的重要前提,认同“一国两制”,必须首先认同“一个国家”,即中华人民共和国。主权回归是“港人治港”的前提和基础(潘敬国,2004:80-87)。在“一个国家”的前提下,香港实行高度自治,其方式就是“港人治港”。中国的主体是社会主义,但也允许香港区域内保持资本主义制度50年不变(邓小平,1993:59)。除外交和国防事务属于中央人民政府管理外,香港特别行政区享有行政管理权、立法权、独立的司法权和终审权。在经济制度上,保持原有格局基本不变。因此,也应由熟悉资本主义生产和生活方式的香港人来治理香港。②港人治港是由当地人即香港的永久性居民来治理香港,而不能由外国人继续治理香港。香港特别行政区行政长官必须是香港特别行政区永久性居民中的中国公民(联承谷,1997:9-14)。同时,“北京除了派军队以外不向香港特区政府派出干部”(邓小平,1993:58)。而派军驻兵是维护中华人民共和国领土安全和国家主权的象征。③要相信香港人能治理好香港。新中国成立后,香港人应有自豪感和自信心,“要相信香港的中国人能治理好香港。不相信中国人有能力管好香港,这是老殖民主义遗留下来的思想状态” (邓小平,1993:60)。④ “港人治港”的唯一界限和标准是必须以爱国之为主体的港人来治理香港。而爱国者的标准是“尊重自己民族,诚心诚意拥护祖国恢复行使对香港的主权,不损害香港的繁荣和稳定”(邓小平,1993:61)。⑤“港人治港”需要港人的广泛参与。从基本法的订立,到政府推选委员会的建立都需要香港各界人士的参与,今后香港也要培养人才,逐步参与他们的行政、司法、财政等各方面的管理。“香港的爱国者要考虑怎么样推荐和培养一批合格的人,特别是年轻人,逐步参与,将来才能把香港管好”(中共中央文献研究室,1998:259)。这一方针成为中央制定对港政策的重要依据,也为解决澳门、台湾问题提供了借鉴,保证了香港在过渡期和回归后的


[1] 港人治港.via:
[2] 潘敬国.试论邓小平“一国两制”构想中的“港人治港”思想[J].党的文献,2004(5).
[3] 邓小平.邓小平文选(第3卷)[M].人民出版社,1993.
[4] 联承谷.释“港人治港”[J].外交评论:外交学院学报,1997(2).
[5] 中共中央文献研究室.邓小平思想年谱[M].中共文献出版社,1998.


1. 中央会一如既往贯彻执行“一国两制”、“港人治港”、“澳人治澳”、高度自治的方针和澳门基本法,一如既往支持行政长官和特别行政区政府依法施政,一如既往支持澳门特别行政区发展经济、改善民生、推进民主、促进和谐。我们对国家和民族的未来充满信息,也坚信澳门各项事业一定会发展得更好。——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014:226

1. The central government will, as always, implement the “one country, two systems” principle, the policy of “Macao people governing Macao” with a high degree of autonomy and the Basic Law of the MSAR, support the chief executive and the MSAR government in their administration in accordance with the law and the performance of their duties, and support the MSAR in developing its economy, improving its people's well-being, and promoting democracy and harmony. We are fully confident of the future of our country and the Chinese nation, and we firmly believe that progress will be made in all social undertakings in Macao. -Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 2014: 248-249.

2. 我们将全面准确贯彻“一国两制”、“港人治港”、“澳人治澳”、高度自治的方针,严格依照宪法和基本法办事。全力支持香港、澳门特别行政区行政长官和政府依法施政。——《2016年政府工作报告》

2. Third, we will implement, both to the letter and in spirit, the principles of “one country, two systems,” the people of Hong Kong governing Hong Kong, the people of Macao governing Macao, and both regions enjoying a high degree of autonomy, and we will act in strict compliance with China’s Constitution and the basic laws of the Hong Kong and Macao special administrative regions. We pledge our full support to the chief executives and governments of the two regions as they conduct governance in accordance with their respective laws. -Quoted from Report on the Work of Government 2016.

3. 全面准确贯彻“一国两制”、“港人治港”、“澳人治澳”、高度自治的方针,必须把坚持一国原则和尊重两制差异、维护中央权力和保障特别行政区高度自治权、发挥祖国内地坚强后盾作用和提高港澳自身竞争力有机结合起来,任何时候都不能偏废。——《中国共产党第十八次全国代表大会报告》,2012

3. We must fully and faithfully implement the principle of "one country, two systems," under which the people of Hong Kong govern Hong Kong and the people of Macao govern Macao and both regions enjoy a high degree of autonomy. We must both adhere to the one-China principle and respect the differences of the two systems, both uphold the power of the central government and ensure a high degree of autonomy in the special administrative regions, both give play to the role of the mainland as the staunch supporter of Hong Kong and Macao and increase their competitiveness. At no time should we focus only on one side to the neglect of the other. -Quoted from Report to the Eighteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, 2012.


例句 1:
香港自 1997 年回归中国大陆,经过十多年执行「一国两制」、「港人治港」、「高
Hong Kong was returned to China in 1997. Ever since, a more vital and dynamic Hong Kong was portrayed to the world through over ten years’ implementation of  the administrative approach of "one country two systems", "Hong Kong people  ruling Hong Kong" and "a high degree of autonomy".





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