字词 | 必然性逻辑 |
释义 | 必然性逻辑【英】the logic of necessity; logical necessity译文来源[1] Sim, S. Post-Marxism: An Intellectual History [M]. Taylor & France e-library, 2001: 15. 定义必然性逻辑即逻辑必然性,是指无须借助于感性经验,仅依靠一定逻辑系统的逻辑证明或逻辑推理即可判定其必然为真的真理。例如,如果(如果P,那么Q)是真的,并且P是真的,那么Q是真的就是逻辑必然的。逻辑必然性作为哲学与逻辑学的核心概念之一,一直备受关注。在哲学与逻辑,尤其是现代逻辑的传统中,逻辑真理的必然性是先验的、绝对的、与经验无涉的。相对于这种标准观点,科学知识社会学的早期代表人物布鲁尔,对逻辑必然性进行了重新的解读:所谓的逻辑必然性,是一种社会现象,仅是道德义务性的一个子类。其权威性与强制性不是来自于某种先验,而是来自于社会。在一系列的论著中,布鲁尔系统深入地阐释了这一观点(臧艳雨,2010:23)。 定义来源臧艳雨.自然主义视野中的逻辑必然性[J].自然辩证法研究,2010(04). 例句1. 从对卢森堡的《群众罢工》的分析中得出的结论是:作为解释某些历史形势的两种不同的实证原则,偶然性逻辑和必然性逻辑没有趋同成为一种逻辑,反而成为了对立的逻辑,只有在对各自的结果进行相互限制的过程才会相互作用。——《后马克思主义思想史》,2011:24 1. The conclusion drawn from the analysis of Luxemburg’s The Mass Strike is that “the logic of spontaneism and the logic of necessity do not converge as two distinct and positive principles to explain certain historical situations, but function instead as antithetical logics which only interact with each other through the reciprocal limitation of their effects”. -Quoted from Post-Marxism: An Intellectual History, 2001: 15. 2. 拥护“必然性逻辑”和“偶然性逻辑”的双方出现了裂缝,而霸权则是用来弥合这一裂缝的关键战略之一——它实际上有利于前一种立场。——《后马克思主义思想史》,2011:25 2. A gap opens up between those espousing the ‘logic of necessity’ and those ‘the logic of contingency’, with hegemony being one of the key strategies devised to close that gap - to the advantage of the former position in real terms. -Quoted from Post-Marxism: An Intellectual History, 2001: 16. 3. 为了十分严格地阐明某些最重要的分配关系,并且从胚胎状态、从它们的逻辑必然性去研究它们的规律,除了这种简单的二元论,的确不需要更多的东西……——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二十卷)》,1973:169 3. In fact nothing more than this simple dualism is required to enable us accurately to portray some of the most important relations of distribution and to study their laws embryonically in their logical necessity... -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 25), 1987: 143. 网络参考例句例句 1: |
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