

字词 上海合作组织


Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO)


Xi Jinping. Xi Jinping: The Governance of China [M]. Beijing: Foreign Languages Press, 2014: 317.




[1] 上海合作组织.via:http://baike.baidu.com/item/%E4%B8%8A%E6%B5%B7%E5%90%88%E4%BD%9C%E7%BB%84%E7%BB%87?sefr=enterbtn
[2] 王健.上海合作组织发展进程研究[D].上海社会科学院,2012.
[3] 德拉干那.米特洛维克,何劼锴.上海合作组织:亚洲安全与经济合作的新架构[J].国际论坛,2009(1).


1. 我们要坚定相互支持,做真诚互信的好朋友。在涉及国家主权、领土完整、安全稳定等重大核心利益问题上坚定相互支持,是中国同中亚各国战略伙伴关系的实质和重要内容。我们愿同各国在双边和上海合作组织框架内加强互信、深化合作,合力打击“三股势力”贩毒、跨国有组织犯罪,为地区经济发展和人民安居乐业创造良好环境。——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014:288-289

1. We should firmly support and trust each other and be sincere and good friends. Rendering each other firm support on major issues concerning core interests such as sovereignty, territorial integrity, security and stability underlies China's strategic partnership with the Central Asian countries. We will reinforce trust and cooperation with the Central Asian countries bilaterally and within the framework of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) to combat the "three forces" of terrorism, separatism and extremism as well as drug trafficking and organized transnational crimes, and this will create a favorable environment for promoting economic development and improving the well-being of the people in this region. -Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 2014: 317.

2. 中国积极参与地区安全合作,同有关国家发起成立上海合作组织,倡导互信、互利、平等、协作的新安全观,支持东盟、南盟、阿盟等在地区事务中发挥积极作用。中国同俄罗斯共同提出亚太安全与合作倡议,为巩固和维护亚太地区和平稳定发挥重要作用。中国推动六方会谈进程,支持阿富汗和平重建,为通过对话谈判解决国际和地区热点问题而不懈努力。中国同地区国家和国际社会合作应对亚洲金融危机和国际金融危机,为促进地区和世界经济增长作出了应有贡献。——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014:358

2. As an active participant in regional security cooperation, China, jointly with other relevant countries, initiated the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and proposed the concept of mutual trust, mutual benefit, equality and coordination. China supports ASEAN, the SAARC and the LAS in playing a positive role in regional affairs. China and Russia jointly proposed an Asia Pacific peace and security initiative, which has played an important role in strengthening and maintaining peace and stability in the Asia Pacific Region. China works to push forward the Six-Party Talks Concerning the Korean Peninsula, and supports peace and reconstruction in Afghanistan, making unremitting efforts in solving international and regional flashpoint issues through dialogue and negotiation. China joined forces with countries in the region and the wider international community to tackle the Asian financial crisis and the international financial crisis, making its due contribution to promoting regional and global economic growth. -Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 2014: 395.

3. 我们要以更宽的胸襟、更广的视野拓展区域合作,共创新的辉煌。当前,世界经济融合加速发展,区域合作方兴未艾。欧亚地区已经建立起多个区域合作组织。欧亚经济共同体和上海合作组织成员国、观察员国地跨欧亚、南亚、西亚,通过加强上海合作组织同欧亚经济共同体合作,我们可以获得更大发展空间。——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014:289

3. We should expand regional cooperation with a more open mind and broader vision, and achieve joint progress. Global economic integration is accelerating, and regional cooperation is booming. The Eurasian regional has a number of regional cooperation organizations. The members and observers of the Eurasian Economic Community (EAEC) and the SCO are from Eurasia, South Asia and West Asia. By intensifying cooperation between the SCO and the EAEC, we will create further space for development. -Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 2014: 317.


例句 1:
The effect of research in central-Asia member states on the development process of Shanghai Cooperation Organization bears great academic and realistic significance.

例句 2:
One of the principles SCO follows is to open to the world, which means that SCO does not oppose to cooperating with USA. In the future, SCO will approach USA in the manner of counter-cooperation, and USA will adopt a splitting measure toward SCO. A proper treatment of the relation between SCO and USA will be conducive to both sides and to the stability and prosperity of Europe and Asia.

例句 3:
Shanghai Co-operative Organization, a world-wide regional organization established at the beginning of the 21th century, is an extension of the “Shanghai Meeting Regime of the Five Countries”, and has its own remarkable characteristi





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