

字词 三通


the Three Links; the Three Linkages


Three Links. via: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Three_Links


三通,这里特指两岸“三通”,指台湾海峡两岸之间双向的直接通邮、通商与通航。“海峡两岸‘三通’政策是中共对台政策的重要组成部分”(张春英,2009:120)。自1979年1月1日全国人大常务委员会在《告台湾同胞书》中初步提出两岸“三通”问题以来,“三通”一直是两岸人民共同关注的焦点。到80年代末,海峡两岸逐渐实现了间接“三通”,但两岸全面直接 “三通 ”毕竟是大势所趋,人心所向。在大陆的不懈推动和两岸同胞的共同努力下,经过 30年的漫漫之路,在特定的历史条件下,两岸最终形成共识,迈入直接“三通”之途。2008年11月4日,大陆海协会会长陈云林和台湾海基会董事长江丙坤在台北达成了海运、空运、邮政、食品安全等四项重要协议;2009年4月,两岸两会又在南京签署了三项补充协议。根据此协议,2008年12月25日,两岸海运直航、空运直航和直接通邮开始全面启动。大陆海协会与台湾海基会签署的有关两岸海运直航、空运直航、直接通邮的三项协议正式生效并成为现实,宣告两岸人民期盼已久的直接“三通”终于成为现实。两岸直接“三通 ”的实现,对两岸经贸关系乃至两岸关系的发展产生重大积极的影响,给两岸民众带来了更大的实际利益。在“三通”的实现过程中,尤其在李登辉和陈水扁主政台湾的20年间,因为分裂主义的干扰,两岸经贸交流长期处于间接、单向和不平衡状态,海峡两岸为此付出了巨大的经济成本和社会成本。经过中国共产党和两岸同胞的努力,终于在一片共识下达成共识,使两岸关系迎来一个大交流、大合作、大融合和大发展的崭新局面。




1. 我们坚持“和平统一、一国两制”的基本方针和现阶段发展两岸关系、推进祖国和平统一进程的八项主张。我们将积极推进两岸人员往来和经济、文化交流,促进直接“三通”,依法保护台湾同胞在大陆的正当权益,继续推动在一个中国原则基础上恢复两岸对话和谈判。我们将以最大的诚意、尽最大的努力,实现祖国的和平统一。——《2005年政府工作报告》

1. We will adhere to the basic principles of "peaceful reunification" and "one country, two systems" and the eight-point proposal for the current stage of efforts to develop cross-Straits relations and promote peaceful reunification of the motherland, safeguard peace in the Taiwan Straits and facilitate steady development of cross-Straits relations. We will encourage and promote visits by individuals and economic and cultural exchanges and cooperation across the Straits. We will encourage and facilitate establishment of the “three direct links” between the two sides. We will continue working to restore consultation and negotiation between the two sides under the one-China principle and on the basis of equality. We will make the greatest possible effort to do anything conducive to the development of cross-Straits relations and the country's peaceful reunification. -Quoted from Report on the Work of the Government, 2005.

2. 我们将努力争取在一个中国原则基础上恢复两岸对话与谈判;推动全面、直接、双向“三通”进程;支持海峡西岸和其他台商投资相对集中地区的经济发展;依法保障台湾同胞正当权益,竭诚为台湾同胞服务。两岸关系朝着和平稳定、互利共赢方向发展是人心所向,任何人妄图破坏这种大趋势是注定要失败的。最终完成祖国统一大业是全体中国人的共同愿望,是任何人都阻挡不了的。——《2006年政府工作报告》

2. We will strive to resume dialogue and negotiation between the two sides under the one-China principle and promote resumption of direct links for postal, air and shipping services and trade on a comprehensive, direct and two-way basis. We will support economic development on the west shore of the Taiwan Straits in Fujian and in other areas where Taiwan investment is concentrated, protect the legitimate rights and interests of our Taiwan compatriots in accordance with the law, and serve them whole heartedly. Everyone wants cross-Straits relations to be peaceful and stable and develop to the mutual benefit of both sides. Anyone who tries to reverse this major trend will most certainly fail. It is the common wish of all Chinese people to see the ultimate realization of the great cause of national reunification, a process that no one can stop. -Quoted from Report on the Work of the Government, 2006.

3. 牢牢把握两岸关系和平发展主题,积极扩大两岸交流与合作,促进直接“三通”,以最大的诚意、尽最大的努力为两岸同胞谋和平、谋发展、谋福祉。我们将继续在一个中国原则基础上,加强同主张发展两岸关系的台湾各党派的对话和交流,争取早日恢复两岸对话与谈判,努力推动两岸关系朝着和平稳定方向发展。——《2007年政府工作报告》

3. We will firmly adhere to the main goal of promoting development of peaceful cross-straits relations, vigorously expand exchanges and cooperation between the two sides, promote resumption of direct links for postal, air and shipping services and trade, and make every effort with the utmost sincerity to seek peace, development and prosperity for the people on both sides. We will continue to step up dialogue and exchanges on the basis of the one-China principle with all political parties in Taiwan that advocate development of cross-straits relations. We will strive to resume dialogue and negotiations between the two sides as soon as possible and work for greater peace and stability in cross-straits relations. -Quoted from Report on the Work of the Government, 2007.


例句 1:
Cross-straits “Three Direct Links” problem is an extremely important problem in the cross-strait relation, which has been the focus that cross-straits people pay attention to together.

例句 2:
"Decade of Education Informatization Development Plan", clearly points out the cause of national education information program of action for the next decade and the roadmap, and puts forward the core aim of "Twelfth Five Year Plan" and the sign engineering—— "three links two platforms", School Link namely broadband networks, high-quality resources links classes, network learning space for  everyone. The construction of educational resources public service platform and educational management of public service platform.

例句 3:
The branch junction is an important component in piping systems. Meanwhile, its rationality design and safety assessment, as an indispensable part of safeguard te





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