

字词 三讲教育


The “Three Stresses” Campaign; i.e. the stresses on study; politics and integrity


Jiang Zemin. Selected Works of Jiang Zemin (Vol. 2) [C]. Beijing: Foreign Languages Press, 2012: 352.




[2]求是杂志社政治编辑部. “三讲”教育经验谈[M].红旗出版社,1999.


1. 现在,三讲教育发展的形势是好的。各级党委首先是主要领导干部,要进一步坚定信心,再接再厉,认真贯彻中央的部署,始终以高度的责任感、严肃的态度和饱满的热情,把三讲教育继续引向深入。讲学习、讲政治、讲正气,三者是紧密相连和相互统一的,核心是讲政治。——《江泽民文选(第二卷)》,2006:360

1. The “three stresses” campaign is progressing well. Party committees at all levels, especially principal leading cadres, need to further fortify their confidence, make persistent efforts, earnestly implement the Central Committee’s arrangement, maintain a high sense of responsibility, a serious attitude and wholehearted enthusiasm, and continue to intensify the campaign. The stresses on study, politics and integrity are intimately related to and integrated with each other, the core being politics. -Quoted from Selected Works of Jiang Zemin (Vol. 2), 2012: 352.

2. 第一,要坚定正确的理想和信念。我们共产党人的根本政治信仰是社会主义和共产主义,世界观是马克思主义的辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义,这是任何时候都丝毫不能动摇的。一个党员特别是领导干部,如果在思想上动摇了这些根本的东西,也就动摇了共产党人的根本政治立场,就必然会偏离正确的政治方向。中央要求“三讲”教育把坚定理想信念作为必须解决的第一个问题,是有针对性的。——《江泽民文选(第二卷)》,2006:361

2. First, we need to strengthen the correct ideals and convictions. As communists, we fundamentally believe in socialism and communism, and our worldviews consist of Marxist dialectical materialism and historical materialism. We can never waver from these in the slightest. If a Party member, especially a leading cadre, vacillates on these fundamental beliefs, he or she will vacillate on Communists’ fundamental political position and is bound to deviate from the correct political orientation. That the Central Committee designated the strengthening of ideals and convictions as the first problem to be solved by the “three stresses” campaign indicates pertinence. -Quoted from Selected Works of Jiang Zemin (Vol. 2), 2012: 353.

3. 这次三讲教育,就是我们党为加强领导班子建设,提高干部队伍素质,解决新形势下党性党风方面存在的突出问题采取的一项重大举措。——《江泽民文选(第二卷)》,2006:369

3. The “three stresses” campaign is an important measure adopted by the Party to strengthen leading bodies, improve the quality of cadres, and solve serious problems concerning Party spirit and conduct in the new situation. -Quoted from Selected Works of Jiang Zemin (Vol. 2), 2012: 361.


例句 1:
This article contradictory achievement elaboration breakthrough point which “three emphases education” must be solved, closely holding the education spiritual essence, connecting with China’s reform and opening up and modernization construction, thus entrusting with the bright time content to party’s, advanced construction.

例句 2:
Yan' an Rectification campaign is a Pioneering Work of Proletarian political Party in its Construction history, The rectification spirit as acts as the Precious historic promotion to the “Three Talks”. We are carrying it on at Present throug hunderstanding and comprehension of Yan' an spirit .This article expounded the effect of the spirit on the ”Three Talks”, the thoroughness we should implement the rectification spirit with , and the effectiveness we should make sure to carry on the “Three Talks” education movement.

例句 3:





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