

字词 马尔萨斯效应


Malthus Effect




马尔萨斯效应是指当今发展中国家由于人口迅速增长而出现的曾被马尔萨斯(Thomas Robert Malthus)所描述的情景。马尔萨斯的人口增长理论曾认为,人口是按几何级数增加的,生活资料则按算数级数增加。人类所必需的生活资料的增长是受自然规律的限制的,因而要求两者必须平衡。如果人口增长超过了生活资料的增长,造成两者之间的不平衡时,自然规律必须使两者之间恢复平衡,其过程就是贫困和罪恶。所以人们必须有效地抑制人口的增殖。马尔萨斯认为,饥饿、战争、疾病、贫困等一系列积极抑制办法和节育等预防抑制办法都可以解决人口过剩问题。如今,以及许多发展中国家,由于经济落后而人口不断增长,平均生活水平恶化,出现了贫困、饥饿、时疫、平民的大批饿死和迁移等现象。这种情况被认为正是马尔萨斯所指出的人口超越经济发展而迅速增长的结果,故而称之为“马尔萨斯效应”(刘伟等,1994:28)。


[1] 刘伟,梁小民,雎国余,杨云龙.经济学大辞典[Z].团结出版社,1994.
[2] 胡代光,高鸿业.现代西方经济学辞典[Z].中国社会科学出版社,1996.


1. 最后,桑乔相信,英格兰和爱尔兰的救济穷人税是“施舍”;实际上这些钱是被占统治地位的资产阶级用来直接地公开地进攻无产阶级的经费。这些钱被用来办贫民习艺所,大家知道,这种贫民习艺所是对付赤贫的马尔萨斯式的威吓手段。大家请看,桑乔怎样“从爱的胸怀流入荒漠的规章的海洋”。——《马克思恩格斯选集(第三卷):德意志意识形态》,1960:424

1. Finally, Sancho believes that the English and Irish poor-rate is an “alms”; whereas it only provides funds for a direct and open offensive war of the ruling bourgeoisie against the proletariat. It pays the cost of work-houses which, as is well known, are a Malthusian deterrent against pauperism. We see how Sancho “proceeds from the bay of love into a barren ocean of definitions”. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 5): The German Ideology, 1975: 366.

2. 尽管利奥塔的辛辣尖刻令人不快——倘若只是根本不存在对工业化的反抗,不过这种反抗显然存在,但是他确实唤出了一些困扰着马克思主义的现代世界历史观的幽灵。“快感”可能并不是最恰当的词语,但是至少可以说工业化——尤其是它的早期阶段——给吸引着人们的英国社会带来了一种“兴奋”(excitement)感,即使它确实造成了大量的个人痛苦。(不管我们承不承认,战争常常具有带来相同的兴奋效应。)——《后马克思主义思想史》,2011:171

2. Unpleasant though Lyotard’s diatribe is--if it were that simple there would have been no resistance to industrialisation at all, and there patently was--it does conjure up some spectres to disturb Marxism’s version of modern world history. ‘Enjoyment’ may not be the most appropriate word, but it is at least arguable that industrialisation, particularly in its earlier stages, communicated a sense of excitement to English society that drew people in, even if it did involve a large amount of personal suffering. (Wars very often have the same effect of inducing excitement, whether we like to acknowledge it or not.) -Quoted from Post-Marxism: An Intellectual History, 2001: 110.


例句 1:
By giving an account of Malthus’s basic frame of population model, the present paper points out that the historic position of Malthusian population model should not be negated; it delineates the similarities and differences between post-Malthusian population model and Malthusian population model and expounds that the basic modern population theory is totally different from Malthusian models and that in the modern theory, human capital and technological advancement play a key role.

例句 2:
Preference for rural family population production has been changing from quantity to quality, which promoted agricultural development to jump out of “the Malthus trap”. It also is an endogenous power to promote agricultural development from labor-intensive to material capital intensive and generalized capital (physical capital and human capital) intensive. At present, stabilizing lower birth level and improving human capital stock of the rural labor s





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