

字词 农业产业化


industrialized operation of agriculture; industrialized agricultural operations


[1]Build A Well-Off Society In An All-Round Way And Create A New Situation In Building Socialism With Chinese Characteristics, 2002. via: http://book.theorychina.org/upload/9b5f418a-4ed3-447e-837e-faee6c1a8122/ 
[2]Xi Jinping. Xi Jinping: The Governance of China [M]. Beijing: Foreign Languages Press, 2014: 90.
[3]Report on the Work of the Government, 2008. via: http://book.theorychina.org/upload/0c537d4f-025a-4b16-8df8-444f68c849b4/






1. 全会决定提出了健全城乡发展一体化体制机制的改革举措。一是加快构建新型农业经营体系。主要是坚持家庭经营在农业中的基础性地位,鼓励土地承包经营权在公开市场上向专业大户、家庭农场、农民合作社、农业企业流转,鼓励农村发展合作经济,鼓励和引导工商资本到农村发展适合企业化经营的现代种养业,允许农民以土地承包经营权入股发展农业产业化经营等。——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014:81

1. The Decision proposes reform measures to improve the mechanisms and institutions for the integrated development of urban and rural areas: One, accelerating the building of a new type of agricultural operation system. We will maintain the fundamental status of family operation in agriculture; encourage the transfer of contracted land-use right to big, specialized operators, family farms, farmers’ cooperatives and agrobusinesses; encourage rural areas to develop cooperative economies; encourage and guide industrial and commercial capital to invest in rural areas to develop modern planting and breeding industries suited to commercialized management; and allow farmers to develop industrialized operation of agriculture by becoming shareholders using their contracted land-use right, among other measures. -Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 2014: 90.

2. 三是拓宽农民增收渠道。加快发展高产优质高效生态安全农业,支持农业产业化经营和龙头企业发展。加强农村现代市场流通体系建设,壮大和提升农村二三产业,发展乡镇企业,增强县域经济实力。加强农村职业教育和技能培训,提高农民转移就业能力,发展劳务经济。加大扶贫开发力度,继续减少贫困人口。——《2008年政府工作报告》,2008

2. Third, we will develop more channels to increase rural incomes. We will accelerate the development of high-yield, high-quality, high-efficiency, eco-friendly and safe agriculture and support the development of industrialized agricultural operations and pacesetting enterprises. We will increase efforts to build a modern marketing and retail distribution network for rural areas, strengthen and upgrade rural secondary and tertiary industries, develop township and village enterprises and strengthen county economies. We will step up vocational education and technical training in rural areas to make it easier for rural residents to find nonagricultural employment, and develop the labor economy. We will intensify poverty alleviation efforts through development and continue to reduce the number of poor people. -Quoted from Report on the Work of the Government, 2008.

3. 中部地区要加大结构调整力度,推进农业产业化,改造传统产业,培育新的经济增长点,加快工业化和城镇化进程。——《全面建设小康社会,开创中国特色社会主义事业新局面》,2002

3. The central region should redouble its efforts toward structural adjustment, giving impetus to industrialized operation of agriculture, transforming traditional industries, cultivating new economic growth points and speeding up industrialization and urbanization. -Quoted from Build A Well-Off Society In An All-Round Way And Create A New Situation In Building Socialism With Chinese Characteristics, 2002.


例句 1:
Agriculture industrializing management is a new manner of production management, which is developed in the domestic agriculture under market economy, and is another innovation of economic system and management means after the family-contract responsibilit

例句 2:
Agricultural industrialization is one important revolution which focuses on economic efficiency, pays attention to leading industry and its products, and reorganizes the factors of production. It aims to form the mode of farm production, animal rising, and processing-in-one by geographical distribution of agriculture, specialization of agricultural production, lager-scale cultivation, serial processing, agricultural social service, and enterprise management. 

例句 3:
So say from this meaning, the agricultural internationalization has the important push function to agricu





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