

字词 地租理论


theory of rent; rent theory


[1] Zhang Yibing. Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics [M]. Göttingen: Universitätsverlag Göttingen, 2014: 485.
[2] Marx, K. & F. Engels. Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 25) [M]. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1987: 211.


 2、地租论在马尔萨斯的庸俗学说中占有重要地位。他反对当时人们普遍指责地租收入来自对土地的垄断的说法,竭力维护土地贵族利益,论证了地租的合理性和必要性。按他的说法,地租是农产品总价值超过生产费用(工资和利润)的余额,它产生的基本原因在于土地具有生产剩余生活必需品的性质,是自然对人类的赠与,完全与垄断没有主系。这个余额通常是不断增加的,这是因为资本积累导致利润下降,人口增加使得工资降低,劳动生产率提高引起就业人数减少,从而都会减少生产费用。同时农产品需求增加又推动价格上涨。这样,农产品价格与生产费用的差额不断扩大,地租收入自然增长。马尔萨斯由此推论,地租收人的增长是社会进步繁荣的标志,倘若用法律来降低农产品价格(如废除谷物法) 导致地租减少乃至取消,就会阻碍社会发展。因此,地主阶级的利益和社会的全体利益完全一致。这种蓄意抹煞地剥削性质的做法,充分暴露出其作为地主阶段辩护士的真面目(刘伟等,1994:33)。


[1] 胡代光,高鸿业.现代西方经济学辞典[Z].中国社会科学出版社,1996.
[2] 刘伟,梁小民,雎国余,杨云龙.经济学大辞典[Z].团结出版社,1994


1. 此时,马克思还没有论及价值与交换价值之间、交换价值与价格之间、价格与市场价格之间的严格区别,从而他也无法深入地分析资产阶级社会具体的生产形态,并进一步得出科学的经济学结论。同时,他还无法清楚得知由劳动时间决定的价值同它变相的表现形式,即与资产阶级社会的生产价格之间的差别,所以他还是不加批判地接受了李嘉图的观点。马克思这里的想法既包含正确的内容,也存在错误的方面。这种错误始于他认为价值由生产费用或劳动时间的最低额决定,也就是说马克思所接受的“劳动价值”或“劳动的自然价格”这两个名词,以及在许多个别问题上(包括李嘉图的货币数量论、地租理论以及一般利润率),也都存在错误。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:485

1. Because of this, he was unable to deeply analyze the concrete productive state of bourgeois society, and therefore unable to reach further scientific economic conclusions. At the same time, he was unable to clearly understand the difference between value determined by labor time and its transformed expression --bourgeois society’s production prices. Therefore, he uncritically accepts Ricardo’s views. Marx’s thinking here encapsulates both correct content and incorrect aspects. This mistake originates from his belief that value is determined by the lowest level of production cost or labor time; in other words, the “labor value” or “natural price of labor” that Marx accepts have incorrect elements on many individual cases (including Ricardo’s quantity theory of money, theory of rent, and general profit rate). -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 380.

2. 新的经济学家们纯粹是些浅薄的蠢人。诚然,李嘉图自己也常常陷于混乱,因为,他虽然把剩余价值的产生看作是资本的前提,但是,他在这个基础上理解价值的增加时,除了认为由于同一产品中包含了更多的物化劳动时间,换句话说,由于生产变得更困难这一点而外,往往困惑不解。因此,在李嘉图那里就出现了价值和财富之间的绝对对立。因此,他的地租理论具有片面性;他的国际贸易理论是错误的,他认为国际贸易只产生使用价值(他称为财富),不产生交换价值。他认为,增加价值本身的唯一途径,除了生产越来越困难(地租理论)而外,只有人口的增长(由于资本的增加而引起的工人人数的自然增长),虽然他自己对这种关系从未作过简要的说明。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第四十六卷上)》,1979:289

2. The new economists are nothing but shallow simpletons. True, Ricardo himself often gets into confusion, because, although he understands the emergence of surplus value as the prerequisite of capital, he often falters in the attempt to understand on this basis the multiplication of values except by the investment of more objectified labour time in the same product, in other words only by production becoming more difficult. Hence the absolute contradiction between value and wealth in his theory. Hence the one-sidedness of his theory of rent; his false theory of international trade, which is supposed to produce only use value (which he calls wealth), not exchange value. The only remaining path leading to the multiplication of values as such, other than the growing difficulty of production (theory of rent), is the increase in population (the natural increase in the number of workers through the growth of capital), although he himself has nowhere coherently analysed this relation. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 28), 1986: 252.

3. 既然把地租说成农业中得到的全部剩余产品,杜林先生而前就出现了拦路虎:一方面是英国租地农场主的利润,另一方面是上面引证的、为整个古典经济学所承认的剩余产品之分为地租和租地农场主的利润,因而也就是纯粹的精确的地租概念。杜林先生怎么办呢?他假装丝毫不知道农业剩余产品分为租地农场主的利润和地租,所以丝毫不知道古典经济学的整个地租理论;好像在整个经济学中租地农场主的利润究竟是什么这个问题还根本没有“这样明确地”被提出来过;好像这里所探讨的只是一种除假象和疑难外丝毫不为人所知的、完全没有被研究过的对象。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二十卷)》,1973:245-246

3. In this presentation of rent as the whole surplus-product obtained in agriculture, Herr Dühring comes up against both English farmer’s profit and the division, based on English farming and recognised by all classical political economy, of that surplus product into rent of land and farmer’s profit, and hence against the pure, precise conception of rent. What does Herr Dühring do? He pretends not to have the slightest inkling of the division of the surplus-product of agriculture into farmer’s profit and rent, and therefore of the whole rent theory of classical political economy; he pretends that the question of what farmer’s profit really is has never yet been raised “in this definite form”, that at issue is a subject which has never yet been investigated and about which there is no knowledge but only illusion and uncertainty. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 25), 1987: 211.


例句 1:
Marx's  rent  theory  is  an  important  part  of  the  basic  principles  of  Marxist economics. Marx studied the rent theory in the capitalist market economy. Although
its rent theory is mainly concerning about capitalism, it has its particularity. However,
its general theory under market economy conditions is universal. Therefore, for rent
theory of the socialist market economy under the conditions of the same practical is of
significance. According  to  the  Rent  Theory, there  are  land  ownership  there  must  be rent. Ownership of land in China belongs to the state and collective, the separation of land ownership and management also exists in our country at this stage there must be rent. Rent  theory  on  the  practice  of  China's  economic  construction  is  also  of  great practical guiding significance.

例句 2:
房地产业的发展有很强的带动效应,房地产市场价格“居高不下”从短期看可能跟需求有关,但 长期而言实际上是由其租金决定的。通过对马克思地租理论的研究可以得出结论,即转轨经济背景下的城 市化和土地供给以及隐藏在背后的“土地财政”是房地产市场非理性繁荣的深层次原因。——“城市化进程中的土地财政与房地产价格——基于马克思地租理论的分析”,载于《云南财经大学学报》,





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