

字词 土地革命


the agrarian revolution


Stalin, J. V. J. Stalin Works (Vol. 3) [M]. Moscow: Foreign Languages Publishing House, 1953: 127-128.




[1] 土地革命时期.via:http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=lFpy-J6lS8YVCiE3boxjVOhK6ahTkGdVJEC38LAY-l_Mhotj-_LNbf66eMMS82qibf45yvDG6GBMekGa5W3er_
[2] 土地革命.via:http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=LN9leKZm7Sbr8LWuovUCEKfNwPtSszpeleo7egMKFcEaM5EFJ9L9KllNU1HothXr7nwYpXzsFqI7OAF5UwDvN_


1. 工人阶级原来比敌人所想象的更有理智:当他们明白苏维埃已经叛变的时候,他们在七月四日和五日就没有应战。而土地革命不过刚刚开展起来。——《斯大林全集(第三卷)》,1955:91-92

1. The working class has proved to be more sensible than its enemies thought. When it realized that the Soviets had betrayed it, it declined to accept battle on July 4 and 5. And the agrarian revolution is only just gathering momentum. -Quoted from J. Stalin Works (Vol. 3), 1953: 127-128.

2. 社会革命党,即所谓“土地革命”和“完整的社会主义”政党,在俄国革命的紧急关头对农民的根本问题竟没有明确的意见!——《斯大林全集(第三卷)》,1955:242

2. At a critical moment of the Russian revolution the Socialist-Revolutionary Party, the party of “agrarian revolution” and “integral socialism,” proved to have no definite opinion on the fundamental question of the peasants! -Quoted from J. Stalin Works (Vol. 3), 1953: 339.

3. 这里,我们会听到喜欢把自己称作“老布尔什维克”的那些反对者的喧嚷声:难道我们不是向来都说只有“无产阶级和农民的革命民主专政”才能完成资产阶级民主革命吗?难道土地革命这一资产阶级民主革命已经完成了吗?难道事实不正相反,土地革命不是还没有开始吗?——《列宁全集(第二十九卷)》,1985:137-138

3. But at this point we hear a clamour of protest from people who readily call themselves “old Bolsheviks”. Didn’t we always maintain, they say, that the bourgeois-democratic revolution is completed only by the “revolutionary-democratic dictatorship of the proletariat and the peasantry”? Is the agrarian revolution, which is also a bourgeois-democratic revolution, completed? Is it not a fact, on the contrary, that it has not even started? -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 24), 1974: 44.


例句 1:
The Communist Party of China the Agrarian revolution theory is Chinese Communist person a profound analysis of the historical mission of Chinese social economy status and the development of the revolution in modern times, closely focusing on "what is the Agrarian revolution, how to carry out the Agrarian Revolution", scientifically answer how to solve the problem of farmers in the new democratic revolution in different historical periods and the revolutionary stage and land problems, deeply reveals the history of the new democratic revolution in the Agrarian revolution.

例句 2:
Consequently,to deal with farmers’ land well,the Communist Party of China has abolished the feudal land ownership and has established one belonging to farmers by a series of agrarian revolution actives and reforms during the long-term revolution struggle.

例句 3:





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