

字词 马克思主义大众化


the popularization of Marxism


[1] CPC leadership stressed in philosophy, social sciences. via:
[2] 姜洁晶.当代中国马克思主义大众化研究[D].中共中央党校,2010.






1. 党的十七大提出,要“推动当代中国马克思主义大众化”,这是在党的全会上第一次明确提出这一任务。近年来,理论界对马克思主义基本原理和马克思主义中国化的研究不断深入,已取得重大进展,但是相比之下马克思主义大众化的专题研究较少。研究当代中国马克思主义大众化有着深刻的理论意义和深远的现实意义。在理论方面,它不但是深化和拓展马克思主义理论研究的需要,而且有利于促进相关学科领域研究的进一步深化。在实践方面,它是巩固和加强马克思主义指导地位的迫切要求,也是推进中国特色社会主义伟大事业的根本要求。——《当代中国马克思主义大众化研究》,2010

1. The 17th national congress of the CPC put forward that we should propel the popularization of Marxism of contemporary China. It’s the first time to put forward this task clearly on the party’s national congress. In recent years, theorists study the basic principles of Marxism and the Sinofication of Marxism deepeningly, which has made significant progress. Bu the topics about the popularization of Marxism of contemporary China are less comparatively. Studying the popularization of Marxism of contemporary China has profound theoretical significance and far-reaching practical significance. In theory, it can not only deepen and expand the research of Marxist theory, but also conduce to the deepness of research of the related disciplines. In practice, it is not only the urgent requirement to consolidate and strengthen the guiding position of Marxism, but also the fundamental requirement to promote the great cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics. -Quoted from Research on the Popularization of Marxism of Contemporary China, 2010.


例句 1:
The Chinese communists propagandaed the theory of Marxist, all the Chinese people accepted Marxist theory and regarded Marxist theory as a guide to action. The experiences including: persisting the guiding role of Marxism, continue to educate the whole Party and the people with the latest achievements of Marxism, the spread of Marxism combined with traditional Chinese culture, taking Marxism to public by popular means, taking Marxism to public must subject to the central work and policy of the Party.

例句 2:
Yan’an period is the important stage of the popularization of Marxism’s practice, the Communist Party of China to explore ways and means of the popularization of Marxism, the innovation in Marxism’s Popularization of the path, sow a critical period of the Marxist ideological fire, and the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Region as a party to carry out propaganda and theory of Marxist theory the main positions in educa





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