

字词 住房保障体系


the system of government housing support


Report on the Work of Government, 2016. via: http://english.gov.cn/premier/news/2016/03/17/content_281475309417987.htm






1. 持续增进民生福祉,使全体人民共享发展成果。坚持以人民为中心的发展思想,努力补齐基本民生保障的短板,朝着共同富裕方向稳步前进。坚决打臝脱贫攻坚战,我国现行标准下的 农村贫困人口实现脱贫,贫困县全部摘帽,解决区域性整体贫困。建立国家基本公共服务项目清单。建立健全更加公平更可持续的社会保障制度。实施义务教育学校标准化、普及高中阶段教育、建设世界一流大学和一流学科等工程,劳动年龄人口平均受教育年限从10. 23年提高到10. 8年。实现城镇新增就业5000万人以上。完善收入分配制度,缩小收入差距,提高中等收入人口比重。完善住房保障体系,城镇棚户区住房改造2000万套。推进健康中国建设,人均预期寿命提高1岁。构建现代公共文化服务体系,实施公民道德建设、中华文化传承等工程。我们既要让人民的物质生活更殷实,又要让人民的精神生活更丰富。——《2016年政府工作报告》

1. We need to ensure that continuous process is made in raising living standards, and see that everyone shares in the fruits of development Guided by the vision of people-centered development, we need to continue to strengthen points of weakness in meeting basic needs for the people in order to achieve common prosperity. We need to fight hard to win the war against poverty and help lift out of poverty all rural residents falling below the current poverty line, and achieve poverty alleviation in all poor counties and areas. We should put in place a national catalogue of basic public services. We should establish more equitable and sustainable social security systems. We need to ensure that all schools providing compulsory education comply with educational standards, that everyone has access to secondary education, that China has more world-class universities and first-class fields of discipline, and that the average number of years of schooling received by the working-age population increases from 10. 23 to 10. 8 years. We need to create 50 million plus new urban jobs. We need to improve the income distribution system, reduce the income gap, and increase the proportion of the middle-income group in the whole populace. We should improve systems of government housing support, which should include the rebuilding of 20 million housing units in rundown urban areas. We need to work for progress in building a Healthy China and achieve a one-year increase in average life expectancy. We should build a modem system of public cultural services and put into effect cultural programs to boost civic morality and keep Chinese culture thriving. These efforts should enable people not only to enjoy a better life in material terms, but also to live a more enriching intellectual and cultural life. -Quoted from Report on the Work of Government, 2016.

2. 人民生活水平全面提高。基本公共服务均等化总体实现。全民受教育程度和创新人才培养水平明显提高,进入人才强国和人力资源强国行列,教育现代化基本实现。就业更加充分。收入分配差距缩小,中等收入群体持续扩大,扶贫对象大幅减少。社会保障全民覆盖,人人享有基本医疗卫生服务,住房保障体系基本形成,社会和谐稳定。——《坚定不移沿着中国特色社会主义道路前进为全面建成小康社会而奋斗——在中国共产党第十八次全国代表大会上的报告》,2012

2. Living standards should be fully raised. Equal access to basic public services should be generally achieved. The educational level of the entire population should be significantly raised and training of innovative professionals markedly improved. China should have a large pool of competent professionals and be rich in human resources, and it should basically modernize its education. There should be more employment opportunities. Income gaps should be narrowed, middle-income groups should keep growing, and the number of people living below the poverty line should drop by a large margin. Social security should cover all the people. Everyone should have access to basic medical and public health services. The system of housing for low-income groups should take shape, and there should be social harmony and stability. -Quoted from Firmly March on the Path of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics and Strive to complete the Building of a Moderately Prosperous Society in All Aspects--Report to the Eighteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, 2012.


例句 1:
Housing guarantee system construction is a basic livelihood of the people of a country, which involves the social stability and people’s happiness.

例句 2:
Housing Association, as the representative of social organizations, is the main platform of the supply and management ofBritain security housing,and plays an important role in Britain housing security system.

例句 3:
But is is still necessary to strengthen the exploration and reform of housing security policy, standardize Chinese housing security system, improve the mechanism of housing security system, which make the houses affordable for low-income groups in our country and achieve beteer social welfare situation.





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