

字词 佛教






佛教是世界三大宗教之一。佛,意指“觉者”,也称如来、应供、正遍知、明行足、善逝、世间解、无上士、调御丈夫、天人师、世尊。佛教是由距今三千多年的迦毗罗卫国(今尼泊尔境内)王子乔达摩·悉达多所创建,故佛姓新称乔达摩(S. Gautama,P. Gotama),旧称瞿昙;由于乔达摩属于释迦(Sākya)族,人们又称其为释迦牟尼。西方国家普遍认为佛教起源于印度。(佛教.via: http://www.baike.com/wiki/%25E4%25BD%259B%25E6%2595%2599)佛教否定宿命论,认为人有命运,但希望人开创命运,而不鼓励人听天由命,因为在佛教看来,诸法因缘而生,命运亦因缘生法。佛教提倡缘起论,认为一切事物都是因缘和合而生,因者是主要的条件,缘者是辅助的条件,因缘不具备的时候,事物便消失了,亦即为“空”。此外,佛教反对自杀,认为众生在无量劫的轮回中,人身难得,无论是报养育之恩、求幸福生活、还是修学佛法,都要依靠极为难得的宝贵人身;佛教反对末日邪说,因佛教是给予人信心、希望、欢喜的宗教,佛教徒不应轻信和传播世界末日的说法(佛教.via: http://baike.sogou.com/v60037.htm)。恩格斯在《自然辩证法》一书中曾指出,“辩证的思维——正因为它是以概念本性的研究为前提——只对于人才是可能的,并且只对于较高发展阶段上的人(佛教徒和希腊人)才是可能的”。(马克思,恩格斯,1971:565)恩格斯此话明确肯定了佛教和佛教徒所体现的辩证思维。


[1] 佛教.via:
[2] 佛教.via:
[3] 马克思,恩格斯.马克思恩格斯全集[M].人民出版社,1971.


1. 现在封建阶级有封建主义,资产阶级有资本主义,佛教徒有佛教主义,基督徒有基督主义,农民有多神主义,近年还有人提倡什么基马尔主义,法西斯主义,唯生主义,“按劳分配主义”,为什么无产阶级不可以有一个共产主义呢?——《毛泽东选集(第二卷)》,1991:687

1. Since the feudal class has a feudal doctrine, the bourgeoisie a capitalist doctrine, the Buddhists Buddhism, the Christians Christianity and the peasants polytheism, and since in recent years some people have also advocated Kemalism, fascism, vitalism,13 the “doctrine of distribution according to labour”, and what not, why then cannot the proletariat have its communism? -Quoted from Selected Works of Mao Tse-Tung (Vol. 2), 1965: 362.

2. 根据信教自由的原则,中国解放区容许各派宗教存在。不论是基督教、天主教、回教、佛教及其他宗教,只要教徒们遵守人民政府法律,人民政府就给以保护。信教的和不信教的各有他们的自由,不许加以强迫或歧视。——《毛泽东选集(第三卷)》,1991:1092

2. All believers in Protestantism, Catholicism, Islamism, Buddhism and other faiths enjoy the protection of the people’s government so long as they are abiding by its laws. Everyone is free to believe or not to believe; neither compulsion nor discrimination is permitted. -Quoted from Selected Works of Mao Tse-Tung (Vol. 2), 1965: 313.

3. 历史上的伟大转折点有宗教变迁相伴随,只是就迄今存在的三种世界宗教——佛教、基督教和伊斯兰教而言。旧的自发产生的部落宗教和民族宗教不进行宣传,一旦部落或民族的独立遭到破坏,它们便失掉任何抵抗。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二十一卷)》,1973:328

3. Great historical turning-points have been accompanied by religious changes only so far as the three world religions which have existed up to the present, Buddhism, Christianity and Islam, are concerned. The old tribal and national religions, which arose spontaneously, did not proselytise and lost all their power of resistance as soon as the independence of the tribe or people was lost. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 26), 1987: 376.


例句 1:
基于社会服务视角的佛教慈善发展研究 本研究以佛教慈善的发展历史为主线,采用文献分析、田野调查和历史比较分析等方法,整理汉传佛教慈善思想和实践的历史与现状,指出佛教慈善发展的过程也是汉传佛教慈善服务专业化的过程,分析汉传佛教慈善专业化中存在的不足和构建汉传佛教慈善专业化的维度,探索未来汉传佛教慈善发展的方向和可能模式。——《基于社会服务视角的佛教慈善发展研究》,吉林大学博士学位论文,2015
Study on the development of the Buddhist charity based on the perspective of social service This study’s main line is the history of Buddhist charity, by the method of literature analysis, fieldwork and historical comparative analysis etc. finishing the history and current situation of Chinese Buddhism charitable thought and practice, Pointed out that the process of development of Buddhist charity is Chinese Buddhism charity specialization process, then further analysis the insufficient of Chinese Buddhist charity specialization and the dimension of build specialized Chinese Buddhist charity, to explore the developing direction and the possible models of the Chinese Buddhist charity in the future. To study the Chinese Buddhism charities based perspective of social services, on the one hand, can break through the bottleneck of the development of the Buddhist charity, on the other hand, also offer the suggestions for the charity development.

例句 2:
Buddhism obtains permanent meaning for its ultimate torture f





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