

字词 集体意志


collective will


Marx, K. & F. Engels. Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 5) [M]. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1975: 389.


集体意志指决定达到某种目的而产生的集体心理状态,由共同态度表现出来。集体意志具有抑制个人心理活动和语言倾向的力量,人们会根据集体意志约束自己、控制自己的冲动和盲目追随,并在必要时压制内心的欲望。人的意志产生于信念。那些坚持某种舆论的人,直接表现为追求某种信念。而多数人的信念一旦确立,舆论也就自然而然地广泛形成了。许多人在社会活动中由于共同意志的推动,能够发出共同的语言,形成一致的见解和整体的精神面貌。人们在各种舆论活动中,由于意志所决定,形成并展示不同的态度,它们标志着舆论人的信念倾向。没有态度,也就无法显示人们的意志。人们通过自身的态度,一方面表达自己的舆论立场,另一方面还显示出参与舆论的程度,标示出舆论强度的等级(via: http://xuewen.cnki.net/read-R2006061470002282.html)。具体的行为过程中,个人意志并不都是理性的,即使是理性的,其提出的决策也并不都是科学的,必须要得到集体意志的认同。而当个人意志凌驾于组织、集体意志之上,对事业造成的损害是无法估量的。


via: http://xuewen.cnki.net/read-R2006061470002282.html.


1. 在往后一点,还是这个桑乔,还是为了反对共产主义者,说了这样一些话:“不论财产是属于集体而由集体把这种财产的一部分给予我,或者是属于个别占有者,在我看来,同样都是一种强制,因为在这两种情况下,我都不能有所决定。”(因此,他的“集体群众”从他手中“夺去了”他们不愿让他单独占有的东西,从而使他强烈地感觉到集体意志的力量。)——《马克思恩格斯全集(第三卷)》,1956:454

1. Further, Sancho offers his recruits the prospect of a “share in the common property”. On a later occasion, this same Sancho says, again against the communists: “Whether wealth belongs to the whole community, which allows me a portion of it, or to separate owners, for me the compulsion is the same, since in both cases I am powerless to decide about it” (for this reason, too, his “collective” “takes away” from him what it does not want him to have in his exclusive possession, and so makes him feel the power of the collective will). -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 5), 1975: 389.

2. 现实哲学戏法中的活的力量就这样轻易地越过了最不容易通的障碍,而如果读者认为,他听了以后并没有比以前更聪明一些,那末杜林先生就这样回答他,不能这样轻易地对待这件事,因为“在理解集体意志的作用时,最微小的错误都会毁灭个人的主权,而这种主权正是唯一能从中引伸出真正权利的东西”。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二十卷)》,1973:340

2. Such is the ease with which the living force of the hocus-pocus of the philosophy of reality surmounts the most impassable obstacles; and if the reader thinks that after that he is no wiser than he was before, Herr Dühring replies that he really must not think it is such a simple matter, for “the slightest error in the conception of the role of the collective will would destroy the sovereignty of the individual, and this sovereignty is the only thing” “conducive to the deduction of real rights”. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 25), 1975: 299.

3. 只有通过纪律,党才能够把集体意志付诸实现,而接受资产阶级的自由概念则阻碍这种集体意志的形成,并把党变成为一个没有行动能力的事松散的个人集合体。更重要的是,甚至对个人说来,也只有纪律使得有可能采取那导致今天已可能的自由的第一个步骤,这种自由虽然还很原始,但符合社会发展的阶段。这是那种致力于克服现在的自由。——《历史与阶级意识:关于马克思主义辩证法的研究》,1996:408

3. Only through discipline can the party be capable of putting the collective will into practice, whereas the introduction of the bourgeois concept of freedom prevents this collective will from forming itself and so transforms the party into a loose aggregate of individuals incapable of action. More importantly, even for the individual it is only discipline that creates the opportunity of taking that first step to the freedom that is already possible even though it is freedom of a very primitive sort, corresponding as it does to the stage of societal development. This is the freedom that works at overcoming the present. -Quoted from History and Class Consciousness: Studies in Marxist Dialectics, 1968: 316.


例句 1:
在葛兰西那里,物质性的意识形态避免了基础—上层建筑的二分法,市民社会领域的意识形态霸权斗争赋予斗争主体以 “集体意志”,但是,葛兰西的霸权概念中残存着阶级霸权的最终的本体论基础。——“后马克思主义对葛兰西和阿尔都塞意识形态理论的批判与重构”,载于《常州大学学报(社会科学版)》2014年第3期
For Gramsci, material ideology avoids the foundation-superstructure dichotomy and ideological hegemony struggle in the civil society gives the fighting subjects “collective will”. However, in Gramsci’s concept of hegemony, there remains the final ontology foundation of class hegemony.

例句 2:
绝对的历史主义、人对唯物主义和唯心主义的超越、哲学的大众化和大众的哲学化、哲学的政治化、体系化哲学的批判、历史文化的构造理论与集体意志等是葛兰西解读马克思哲学的根本维度,人与人的活动是解读的根本出发点。——“马克思哲学的葛兰西解读”,载于《哈尔滨市经济管理干部学院学报》2000年第4期Absolute historicism, transcending the opposition of materialism and idealism through human, popularizing of philosophy and being philosophical of populace, being political of philosophy, the criticizing for systematic philosophy, the constructive theory by historical culture and collective will and so on, are the basic dimensions by which Gramsci understood Marx philosophy.

例句 3:
社会主义核心价值体系的建设有赖于集体意志的形成,通过依靠有机知识分子的核心作用并且进行长期的 “阵地战”,最终实现文化领导权的重塑。——“社会主义核心价值体系建设与文化领导权重塑——基于葛兰西领导权理论的当代理解与应用”,载于《学园》2012年第4期
In general, structuring the socialist core value system mainly depends on the formation of collective will and highlights the core function of organic-intellectual, and then realize the remolding the





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