

字词 剥削阶级


exploiting class


Mao Tse-Tung. Selected Works of Mao Tse-Tung (Vol. 1) [C]. Peking: Foreign Languages Press, 1965: 343.






1. 在人类历史中,存在着阶级的对抗,这是矛盾斗争的一种特殊表现。剥削阶级和被剥削阶级之间的矛盾,无论在奴隶社会也好,封建社会也好,资本主义社会也好,互相矛盾的两个阶级,长期地并存于一个社会中,它们互相争斗着,但要待两阶级的矛盾发展到了一定的阶段的时候,双方才取外部对抗的形式,发展为革命。——《毛泽东选集(第一卷)》,1991:308

1. In human history, antagonism between classes exists as a particular manifestation of the struggle of opposites. Consider the contradiction between the exploiting and the exploited classes. Such contradictory classes coexist for a long time in the same society, be it slave society, feudal society or capitalist society, and they struggle with each other; but it is not until the contradiction between the two classes develops to a certain stage that it assumes the form of open antagonism and develops into revolution. -Quoted from Selected Works of Mao Tse-Tung (Vol. 1), 1965: 343.

2. 这种新的历史观,对于社会主义的观点有极其重要的意义。它证明了:过去的全部历史都是在阶级对抗和阶级斗争中发展的;统治阶级和被统治阶级,剥削阶级和被剥削阶级是一直存在的;人类的大多数总是注定要从事艰苦的劳动和过着悲惨的生活。为什么会这样呢?这只是因为在人类发展的以前一切阶段上,生产还是如此不发达,以致历史的发展只能在这种对抗形式中进行,历史的进步整个说来只是极少数特权者的事,广大群众则不得不为自己谋取微薄的生活资料,而且还必须为特权者不断增殖财富。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第十九卷)》,1963:123

2. This new conception of history, however, was of supreme significance for the socialist outlook. It showed that all history hitherto revolved around class antagonisms and class struggles, that there have always existed ruling and ruled, exploiting and exploited classes, and that the great majority of mankind has always been condemned to arduous labour and little enjoyment. Why is this? Simply because in all earlier stages of development of mankind production was so little developed that historical development could proceed only in this antagonistic form, that historical progress on the whole was assigned to the activity of a small privileged minority, while the great mass remained condemned to producing by their labour their own meagre means of subsistence and also the increasingly rich means of the privileged. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 24), 2010: 193.

3. 因此,我们把反对富农的斗争称为最后的斗争。这并不是说,富农再不会多次举行暴动,也不是说,外国资本主义再不会多次向苏维埃政权进攻。所谓“最后的”斗争,是说我国最后一个、也是人数最多的一个剥削阶级起来反对我们了。 ——《列宁全集(第三十五卷)》,1991:36

3. That is why we call the fight against the kulaks the last, decisive fight. That does not mean there may not be many more kulak revolts, or that there may not be many more attacks on the Soviet government by foreign capitalism. The words, the last fight, imply that the last and most numerous of the exploiting classes has revolted against us in our country. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 28), 1974: 56.


例句 1:
She had a keen understanding of how the exploiting class oppressed the common people and how they squeezed fruits of the populace’s labor.

例句 2:
Socialism is a society in which the ruling class is distinct from the exploiting ones, and a kind of “social relation” in a considerably weak sense.

例句 3:
There are two dimensions in Marxist ideology. One of them is deconstructional dimension, referring to ruthlessly criticism on various schools of idealism and the ideologies of exploiting class Marx’s analysis and exposition of the variety of discourse strategies by which ideology tries to obscure the nature of economy and society becomes the centre of his criticism.





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