

字词 力学的崇高(又作力量的崇高)


dynamically sublime


[1] 金炳华.马克思主义哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2003:17.
[2] Kant, I. Critique of the Power of Judgment [M]. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002: 131.




[1] 金炳华.马克思主义哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2003.
[2] 金炳华,冯契.哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2001.


1. 但崇高的分析必须有一种美的分析所不需要做的划分,也就是划分为数学的崇高和力学的崇高。——《判断力批判》,2004:85

1. But one division is necessary in the analysis of the sublime which that of the beautiful did not require, namely that into the mathematically and the dynamically sublime. -Quoted from Critique of the Power of Judgment, 2002: 131.

2. 强力是一种胜过很大障碍的能力。这同一个强力,当它也胜过那本身具有强力的东西的抵抗时,就叫作强制力。自然界当它在审美判断中被看作强力,而又对我们没有强制力时,就是力学的崇高。——《判断力批判》,2004:99

2. Power is a capacity that is superior to great obstacles. The same thing is called dominion if it is also superior to the resistance of something that itself possesses power. Nature considered in aesthetic judgment as a power that has no dominion over us is dynamically sublime. -Quoted from Critique of the Power of Judgment, 2002: 143.

3. 如果自然界要被我们从力学上评为崇高的,那么它就必须被表象为激起恐惧的(尽管反过来并不能说,凡是激起恐惧的对象在我们的审美判断中都会觉得是崇高的)。因为在(无概念的)审美评判中,克服障碍的优势只是按照抵抗的大小来评判的。但现在,我们努力去抵抗的东西是种灾难,如果我们感到我们的能力经受不住这一灾难,它就是个恐惧的对象。所以对于审美判断力来悦,自然界只有当它被看作是恐惧的对象时,才被认为是强力,因而是力学的崇高。——《判断力批判》,2004:99

3. If nature is to be judged by us dynamically as sublime, it must be represented as arousing fear (although, conversely, not every object that arouses fear is found sublime in our aesthetic judgment). For in aesthetic judging (without a concept) the superiority over obstacles can only be judged in accordance with the magnitude of the resistance. However, that which we strive to resist is an evil, and, if we find our capacity to be no match for it, an object of fear. Thus, for the aesthetic power of judgment nature can count as a power, ethus as dynamically sublime, only insofar as it is considered an object of fear. -Quoted from Critique of the Power of Judgment, 2002: 143-144.


例句 1:
He denied the absolute truth of Kantian theory, and added new meanings into the theory of “mathematical sublime” and “mechanical sublime”.

例句 2:
Chapter Two: Kant’s analysis of the sublime theory. This chapter focuses on Kant specific analysis, this chapter is the main part of this paper and focus on the aesthetic ideas of the “sublime”. A general exposition from the beauty and the sublime relationship leads to Kant, on this basis, why not follow the method of analysis, but the “sublime” is divided into the two categories of “mathematical sublime” and “mechanical sublime” the reasons for the mathematical sublime and dynamical sublime to be discussed in detail, which is mainly together with their own understanding of Kant’s “sublime” analytics make a careful study of the original texts of Kant analytical and research.

例句 3:





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