

字词 构建中美新型大国关系


to develop a new model of major-country relations between China and the United States; to build a new type of major-power relationship between China and the United States


[1] Xi Jinping. Xi Jinping: The Governance of China [M]. Beijing: Foreign Languages Press, 2014: 306.
[2] Xinhuanet. via: http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/2015-09/17/c_134634801_2.htm
[3] Embark on a New Journey of China’s Diplomacy, 2013. via:


2013年6月,中国国家主席习近平与美国总统奥巴马在安纳伯格庄园会晤,提出共同努力构建中美新型大国关系,关于中美新型大国关系的内涵,习主席在会晤中用三句话作了概括:一是不冲突、不对抗。二是相互尊重。三是合作共赢。不冲突对抗,是构建中美新型大国关系的必要前提。相互尊重,是构建中美新型大国关系的基本原则。合作共赢,是中美构建新型大国关系的必由之路(中国关键词.via:http://www.china.org.cn/chinese/china_key_words/2014-11/18/content_34085269.htm)中美关系之所以能够实现螺旋上升,得益于两条重要经验。一是“斗而不破”, 即双方始终恪守底线,不因个别事件影响两国关系大局。二是“合而不同”。中美两国既没有因矛盾冲突而最终导致关系破裂, 也没有因持续合作而丧失自我,相反,中国特色社会主义生命力越来越旺盛,甚至引发国际社会关于“中国模式”、“中国道路”的大讨论。这正是中国不同于前苏联的根本之处,也是美国不得不考虑转换“西化分化”战略,不断调整对华政策思路应对中国崛起的重要原因。在总结过去 40 年中美关系成功经验和汲取现当代大国对抗教训的基础上,中国应以下列任务列为新时期发展中美关系的重点。其一,寻求新时期利益汇合点,并在共同利益基础上探索“共通价值”,为中美“新型大国关系”奠定更坚实基础。其二,丰富两国交流渠道,释放人文交流和地方交流的能量,发挥两军交流的独特功效,为构建新型大国关系注入源头活水。其三,在深化双边外交和发展多边外交基础上,推进“中美 + X”三边外交, 破解新时期中美关系发展的难题。其四,继续韬光养晦, 坚持苦练内功, 是构建中美新型大国关系的根本。最后,对美外交既需要大战略谋划,也需要细致推进,这是构建中美新型大国关系的重要保障。今天的中美关系现实则既需要解决战略性问题,还需要处理纷繁复杂的日常问题。既要大深远,又要细深实。既要登高望远,还需脚踏实地。这对新时期中国的对美工作显然提出了更高要求。(袁鹏,2012:1-8)


[1] 中国关键词.via:http://www.china.org.cn/chinese/china_key_words/2014-11/18/content_34085269.htm
[2] 袁鹏. 关于构建中美新型大国关系的战略思考[J].现代国际关系,2012(05).


1. 17日,国家主席习近平表示,中国将致力于同美方共同构建中美新型大国关系。——新华网.via: http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/2015-09/17/c_134634801.htm

1. President Xi Jinping on Thursday said that China is committed to working with the United States to build a new type of major-power relationship. -Quoted from Xinhuanet. via: http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/2015-09/17/c_134634801.htm

2. 第二,中美进入共同构建新型大国关系的新时期。历史上,大国之间,尤其是新兴大国与既有大国之间由竞争走向对抗甚至冲突,似乎成为一种难以摆脱的宿命。——《开启中国外交新征程》,2013

2. Secondly, China and the US have entered a new era of jointly building a new model of major-country relations. Historically, it seemed unavoidable for major countries, especially emerging powers and established powers, to engage in competition and eventually slip into confrontation or even conflicts. -Quoted from Embark on a New Journey of China’s Diplomacy, 2013.

3. 刚才,我同奥巴马总统进行了第一场会晤,就各自国家的内外政策、中美新型大国关系以及共同关心的重大国际和地区问题坦诚深入交换意见,并达成重要共识。——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014:279

3. President Obama and I have just had our first meeting. We had a candid and in-depth exchange of views on our respective domestic and foreign policies, on building a new model of major-country relationship between China and the United States, and on major international and regional issues of mutual concern. We have reached a consensus on many important issues. -Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 2014: 306.


例句 1:
To build a new model of major-country relations between China and the United States is the inevitable demand for the globalization and multi-polarization and also has the realistic feasibility.

例句 2:
In order to break the historical curse that emerging powers and established powers are destined to rivalry, China and the United States have reached a consensus on building a new type of major-power relationship.

例句 3:
There are three types of perspectives and observation on building a new model of major country relations between China and the U.S. among Taiwan scholars’: Optimistic, Sidelines, and Pessimistic. These different views were formed because of their different judgments on the trend of the China mainland, the United States and the international situation, also related with their different political backgrounds. These differences will be reflected in future triangular relationship of Chinese ma





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