

字词 温和的通货膨胀


mild inflation








1. 第二,无法控制的通货膨胀使有产阶级和广大农民陷于破产(工人由于以实物支付还有些保障),这意味着,政府不能靠多发行货币来增加其财力,而不得不征用农民的储备物资,这样就失去了中农的支持而导致农业生产率下降。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2008:119

1. Secondly, the runaway inflation which ruined the moneyed classes and large sections of the peasantry (the workers were partially protected by payment in kind) meant that the government could not increase its resources by issuing more money and had to requisition supplies from the peasantry. This alienated the support of the middle peasantry and resulted in a lowering of peasant productivity. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 127.

2. 由于蒋介石政府长期施行反动的财政经济政策,由于蒋介石的官僚买办资本在著名的卖国条约——《中美商约》中同美国的帝国主义资本相结合,使恶性通货膨胀迅速发展,中国民族工商业日趋于破产,劳动群众和公教人员的生活日趋于恶化,为数众多的中等阶级分子日益丧失了他们的积蓄而变为毫无财产的人,罢工、罢课等项斗争因之不断发生。——《毛泽东选集(第四卷)》,1991:1213

2. Because the Chiang Kai-shek government has pursued reactionary financial and economic policies for a long time and because Chiang Kai-shek's bureaucrat—comprador capitals has become linked with U.S. imperialist capital through the notorious and treasonable Sino-U.S. Treaty of Commerce, malignant inflation has swiftly developed; the industry and commerce of China's national bourgeoisie are daily going bankrupt; the livelihood of the working masses, government employees and teachers is deteriorating every day; large numbers of middle class elements are losing their savings and becoming penniless; and therefore strikes of workers and students and other struggles are constantly occurring. -Quoted from Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung (Vol. 4), 1965: 182.


例句 1:
This paper firstly proposed the two-stage pooled ordinary square estimations (2SPOLS) of the dynamic threshold panel data regression model and then made the empirical analysis based on the panel data of China’s 29 provinces during the period from 1978 to 2008. The results showed that, to a certain extent, there is “double threshold effect” in the relationship between inflation and economic growth and threshold values are 3.2% and 15.7%.

例句 2:
The economy in China had stepped out of the shadow of inflation by the end of 2002 and entered the mild inflation since August 2003.How to develop the national economy stably and rapidly is a key topic badly needed to be solved in macro-economic management.
例句 3:
Based on the macroeconomic situation in China, this article points out the deflation in China economy came to end i





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