

字词 社会改良主义  

社会改良主义  【英】

social reformism


Mao Tse-tung. Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung (Vol. 2) [C]. Peking: Foreign Languages Press, 1965: 644.




[2]爱德华·伯恩施坦.社会主义的前提和社会民主党的任务[M]. 殷叙彝译.三联书店,1965.


1. 中国无产阶级身受三种压迫(帝国主义的压迫、资产阶级的压迫、封建势力的压迫),而这些压迫的严重性和残酷性,是世界各民族中少见的;因此,他们在革命斗争中,比任何别的阶级来得坚决和彻底。在殖民地半殖民地的中国,没有欧洲那样的社会改良主义的经济基础,所以除极少数的工贼之外,整个阶级都是最革命的。——《毛泽东选集(第二卷)》,1991:644

1. First, the Chinese proletariat is more resolute and thoroughgoing in revolutionary struggle than any other class because it is subjected to a threefold oppression (imperialist, bourgeois and feudal) which is marked by a severity and cruelty seldom found in other countries. Since there is no economic basis for social reformism in colonial and semi-colonial China as there is in Europe, the whole proletariat, with the exception of a few scabs, is most revolutionary. -Quoted from Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung (Vol. 2), 1965: 644.

2. 谁不懂得议会制度和资产阶级民主制度的不可避免的内在的辩证法会导致比先前更激烈地用群众的暴力去解决争执,那他就永远不能在这种议会制度的基地上去进行坚持原则的宣传鼓动工作,真正培养工人群众去胜利地参加这种“争执”。在西欧同社会改良主义自由派、在俄国革命中同自由主义改良派(立宪民主党)实行联合、妥协和联盟的经验,令人信服地表明这种妥协只能模糊群众的意识,因为这种妥协不是提高,而是降低群众斗争的真实意义,把正在斗争的人同最不能斗争、最动摇、最容易叛变的人拴在一起。——《列宁全集(第十七卷)》,1988:17

2. Whoever does not understand the inevitable inner dialectics of parliamentarism and bourgeois democracy—which leads to an even sharper decision of the argument by mass violence than formerly—will never be able on the basis of this parliamentarism to conduct propaganda and agitation consistent in principle, really preparing the working-class masses for victorious participation in such “arguments”. The experience of alliances, agreements and blocs with the social-reform liberals in the West and with the liberal reformists (Cadets) in the Russian revolution, has convincingly shown that these agreements only blunt the consciousness of the masses, that they do not enhance but weaken the actual significance of their struggle, by linking fighters with elements who are least capable of fighting and most vacillating and treacherous. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 15), 1977: 37.

3. 米勒兰派是法国社会党中的机会主义思潮米勒兰主义的拥护者。法国社会党人艾·米勒兰于1899年参加了瓦尔德克一卢梭的资产阶级政府并支持其反人民的政策,米勒兰主义即由此得名。列宁认为米勒兰主义是修正主义和叛卖行为,社会改良主义者参加资产阶级政府必定会充当资本家的傀儡,成为这个政府欺骗群众的工具。——《列宁全集(第十三卷)》,1987:425

3. Millerandis—exponents of Millerandism an opportunist trend in Social-Democracy, so named after the French social-reformist Alexandre Millerand, who in 1899 entered the reactionary bourgeois government of France and backed its anti-popular policy. Lenin described Millerandism as revisionism and renegacy; he stressed that social-reformists who entered a bourgeois government invariably turned out to be puppets of the capitalists, and a tool which that government used for deceiving the masses. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 10), 1978: 553-554.


例句 1:
The form of Democratic Socialism is in essence a kind of society reformism that deviates from the socialist form with Chinese characteristics, fundamentally differing in the guiding ideology, the treatment of capitalism, the attitude towards Marxism, the construction of democracy and ownership of the means of production. 

例句 2:
Liang Qichao went into exile in Japan and the United States after the reform movement of 1898 failed; he put forward the social reformism under the influence of the social democratic thought of Japan and the United States.

例句 3:
The second one was the eonversation between Marxism and various non-Marxism.





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