

字词 对立(又作“对立面”)


opposite; opposition; antithesis


Zhang Yibing. A Deep Plough: Unscrambling Major Post-Marxist Texts From Adorno to Zizek [M]. Berlin: Canut International Publishers, 2011: 89, 261.


对立,又叫做“对立面”。它是一个哲学术语。对立是指事物或概念成为对立统一体的两个方面。古希腊毕达哥拉斯提出十个对立面,表达有限与无限、一与多、左与右、阳与阴、静与动、直与曲、明与暗、正方与长方、善与恶的对立。赫拉克利特提出对立面的矛盾,认为对立面的斗争推动事物的运动,也产生世界和谐。文艺复兴时期德意志库萨的尼古拉提出对立面一致的学说,认为直线与曲线、圆与三角形、极大与极小、肯定与否定是一致的。意大利布鲁诺发挥了库萨的尼古拉思想,认为点与体积、中心与周围、极大与极小、有限与无限都是一致的。德国黑格尔总结了他之前关于对立面的思想,形成其唯心主义辩证法,认为正题与反题是对立面,而合题达到对立面的调和。在其逻辑学的本质论中,提出由同一而进入差异,由差异而进入对立,然后达到矛盾。认为对立在自身内即包含有此方与彼方、自身与其反面之物。一个事物被看作有其自己特殊的别物,这特殊的别物就是它的对立而,例如光明与黑暗、南与北、冷与暖,总的说来,即肯定与否定。这两者之间的关系是反思的关系.即一方对另一方相互依赖的关系。黑格尔的范畴体系由对立、矛盾而达到根据,从纯反思的规定性揭示了亊物的内在矛盾而进入到物的阶段。马克思和恩格斯阐明了矛盾的内涵是对立面之间的同一。马克思说:两个矛盾方面的共存、斗争以及融合成一个新范畴就是辩证运动的实质,并且把矛盾规律称为"对立统一”规律。恩格斯指出自然界和历史都是在对立中运动的,并认为这种对立是以其不断的斗争和最后的互相转变或向更高的形式的转变,来决定自然界的生活。这种对立面的斗争是在统一体中进行的,因此,对立面之间有斗争,又有联结。列宁指出,可以把辩证法简要地确定为关于对立面的 统一的学说。认为对立面的同一就是承认自然界、精神和社会中的一切现象和过程具有矛盾着的、相互排斥的、对立的倾向。(冯契,2000:220-221)。




1. 以恩格斯之见,首先,竞争正是资产阶级社会经济运作中垄断的对立面。与私有制一样,它本身就是自相矛盾的。因为在竞争中,“个人的利益是要占有一切,社会的利益是要使每个人所占有的都相等。所以,公共利益和私人利益是直接对立的。其次,竞争的规律是“供和求始终力图互相适应,但是正因为如此,就从来不会互相适应。双方又重新脱节,并转而成为尖锐的对立”。这是因为,资产阶级社会生产过程的本质是经济规律的不自觉性和不健全性,竞争的规律永远是一种自发的无法控制的非主体性调节。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:129

1. According to Engels, competition is the opposite of the monopoly of bourgeois social economics. Just like the private system, it is full of internal contradictions. As he writes in Umriß zu einer Kritik der Nationalökonomie, this is because in competition “it is in the interest of each [person or company] to possess everything, but in the interest of the whole that each possess an equal amount. Thus, the interest of the whole and the individual are diametrically opposed to each other.” Furthermore, the law of competition is that “demand and supply always strive to complement each other, and therefore never do so. The two sides are torn apart again and transformed into sharp opposition.” This opposition arises because in terms of economic law, the essence of the production process of bourgeois society is unconscious and incomplete; the rules of competition are always a kind of spontaneous, uncontrollable, non-subjective process of adjustment. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 89.

2. 我们党领导人民进行社会主义建设,有改革开放前和改革开放后两个历史时期,这是两个相互联系又有重大区别的时期,但本质上都是我们党领导人民进行社会主义建设的实践探索。中国特色社会主义是在改革开放历史新时期开创的,但也是在新中国已经建立起社会主义基本制度,并进行了20多年的建设的基础上开创的。虽然这两个历史时期在进行社会主义建设的思想指导、方针政策、实际工作上有很大差别,但两者决不是彼此割裂的,更不是根本对立的。——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014:22-23

2. The process by which the people build socialism under the leadership of the Party can be divided into two historical phases—one that preceded the launch of reform and opening up in 1978, and a second that followed in from that event. Two phases—at once related to and distinct from each other—are both pragmatic exploration in building socialism conducted by the people under the leadership of the Party. Chinese socialism was initiated after the launch of reform and opening up and based on more than 20years of development since the socialist system was established in the 1950s after the People’s Republic of China (CPC) was founded. Although the two historical phases are very different in their guiding thoughts, principles, policies, and practical work, they are by no means separated from or opposed to each other. -Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 2014: 24-25.

3. 并且,马克思明确说过,“一旦交换价值不再成为物质生产的限制,而物质生产的限制取决于物质生产对个人的完整发展的关系,那么,这全部历史及其痉挛和痛苦也就终止了”。马克思的表达已经不能再清楚了!其实,对鲍德里亚暴力理论逻辑背后希望表达的真实意思我倒是能够体会一二,他是想表达自己不同意将有用性(不是只在与价值相对立的语境中才出现的使用价值,这个有用性是相对于巴塔耶所说的本体论上的无用而提出的)视为万物的尺度。——《文本的深度耕犁:后马克思思潮哲学文本解读》,2007:190

3. In addition, Marx stated that “when material production is no longer limited by exchange value, but [solely] by its relation to the overall development of the individual, all this business, with its convulsions and pains, comes to an end.” Marx’s statement cannot be clearer here! In fact, I can figure out the real intention behind Baudrillard’s logical violence. He means to say that he does not agree with viewing utility as the scale for everything. (He utility is proposed in line with Bataile’s ontological uselessness, not the use value in antithesis to value, which will be discussed in detail later.) -Quoted from A Deep Plough: Unscrambling Major Post-Marxist Texts From Adorno to Zizek, 2011: 261.


例句 1:
First, the duality of human life property is the external power of human nature’s opposite.

例句 2:
The author intends to clarify some important binary opposites embodied in the characters of the two novels.

例句 3:
Comrade Mao Zedong’s “Yan’an Forum on Literature and the speech” contains rich aesthetics unity of opposites, that the content and form of the unity of opposites, popularizing and promoting the unity of opposites, praise and exposure of the unity of opposites, art and life of the unity of opposites, This is not only philosophical and aesthetic significance, in terms of ideological and political education has significant meaning.





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