

字词 自然历史过程


process of natural history


Lenin, V. I. Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 1) [M]. Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1977: 141.






1. 最后,第三,这个假设之所以第一次使科学的社会学的出现成为可能,还由于只有把社会关系归结于生产关系,把生产关系归结于生产力的水平,才能有可靠的根据把社会形态的发展看作自然历史过程。——《列宁全集(第一卷)》,1984:110

1. Thirdly, and finally, another reason why this hypothesis for the first time made a scientific sociology possible was that only the reduction of social relations to production relations and of the latter to the level of the productive forces, provided a firm basis for the conception that the development of formations of society is a process of natural history. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 1), 1977: 140-141.

2. 马克思把社会运动看作一定规律支配的自然历史过程,这些规律不仅不以人的意志、意识和意图为转移,反而决定人的意志、意识和意图。(请那些因为人抱有自觉的“目的”,遵循一定的理想,而主张把社会演进从自然历史演进中划分出来的主观主义者先生们注意。)——《列宁全集(第一卷)》,1984:133

2. Marx treats the social movement as a process of natural history, governed by laws not only independent of human will, consciousness and intentions, but rather, on the contrary, determining the will, consciousness and intentions of men. (This for the information of the subjectivist gentlemen, who separate social evolution from the evolution of natural history merely because man sets himself conscious “aims” and is guided by definite ideals.) -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 1), 1977: 166.

3. 现在要问,如果一个人想批判科学唯物主义的“基石”之一即辩证法,他无所不谈,甚至连蛤蟆和拿破仑都谈到了,可就是不谈这个辩证法有何内容,不谈社会的发展是否真的是自然历史过程,把社会经济形态看作特殊的社会机体的唯物主义概念是否正确,对这些形态的客观分析的方法是否正确,社会观念是否真的不决定社会发展反而为社会发展所决定等等问题,那么,我们应该怎样评判这个人呢?是否可以说只是由于他不理解呢?——《列宁全集(第一卷)》,1984:134

3. How, then, we may ask, should we judge a man who set out to criticize one of the “pillars” of scientific materialism, i.e., dialectics, and began to talk about all sorts of things, even about frogs and Napaleon, but not about what dialectics is, whether the development of society is really a process of natural history, whether the materialist concept of social-economic formations as special social organisms is correct, whether the methods of objective really do not determine social development but are themselves determined by it, and so forth? Can one assume only a lack of understanding in this case? -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 1), 1977: 167-168.


例句 1:
The evolution of supranational political community is a process of natural history that has experienced the medieval, modern and contemporary three stages of development, and it embodied in three forms which are atom community, community of attachment and interactive community relatively.

例句 2:
The Yang Geng understand mistakenly “the evolution of the economic formation of society is viewed as a process of natural history” in the preface of Capital as “the evolution of the economic formation of society is viewed as a historical process of nature itself”.

例句 3:
Urbanization as a process of natural history on the one hand, there is an objective process of law, on the other hand, is the result of human being’s choice.





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