

字词 自然存在


physical existence; natural being


Marx, K. & F. Engel. Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 4) [M]. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1975: 137.


“自然存在”和“社会存在”都是历史唯物论的重要范畴。马克思在《184 4年经济学哲学手稿》中就认为, 人既是“自然存在物”,又是“社会存在物”, 是两种存在的统一。在此, 社会存在显然蕴含着自然存在。在原来的经济学研究 中, 马克思认为商品的二重性同样体现了自然存在和社会存在的统一,也体现了人 与人之间的关系和人与自然之间的关系。广义的社会存在蕴含着自然存在, 狭义的社会存在只表示物的某种特定的属人的性质或意义。在《1844年经济学一哲学手摘》中,马克思指出:人直接地是自然存在物,但人这个自然存在物不仅属于自然,还属于人自身,是为自己本身存在着的存在物,因而是类存在物。人作为自为地存在着的类存在物,意味着人无论在实践上还是理论上都把类——既把自己本身的类,也把其他物的类—当作自己的对象加以把握,并且“正是通过对对象世界的改造,人才实际上确证自己是类的存在物。这种生产是他的能动的、类的生活,通过这种生产,自然界才表现为他的创造物和他的现实性。”而作为人的创造物和人的现实性的自然就是社会:“社会是人同自然界完成了的、本质的统一”。正因为如此,马克思认为“社会”与“个人”决非彼此外在的.“个人是社会存在物”。可以说.在1884年手稿中,马克思已初步提出了自己的“存在”观:存在是属人的存在。而包括人本身在内的属人的存在具有自然和社会的双重规定性。这双重规定性的区别和统一应在人的对象性活动中加以理解。(张曙光,1995:1)




1. 我们现在不管“达到规定性的普遍性”、“单一性和无限性”(黑格尔的概念)的命运如何。——鲍威尔先生不指出,贯串在施特劳斯关于“公社力量”和关于“传说”的理论中的观点在斯宾诺莎关于实体的观念中有其抽象的表现,有其逻辑形而上学的象形文字;鲍威尔先生不说明这一点,而是强迫“实体抛弃自己的逻辑单纯性并采取公社力量的特定存在形式”他用黑格尔的魔术机来强迫“形而上学的范畴”(从现实中抽出的抽象概念)跳出使它们溶化于纯思想的“简单”因素中的逻辑框子,并采取自然存在或人类存在的“特定形式”,也就是说,强迫它们体现出来。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二卷)》,1957:174-175

1. Let us leave to their fate “the universality which attains certitude”,the “oneness and infinity” (the Hegelian Notion)—Instead of saying that the view put forward in Strams’ theory on the “power of the community” and “tradition” has its abstract expression, its logical and metaphysical hieroglyphic, in the Spinozist conception of Substance, Herr Bauer makes “Substance emerge from its logical simplicity and assume a definite form of existence in the power of the community”. He applies the Hegelian miracle apparatus by which the “metaphysical categories” —abstractions extracted out of reality—emerge from logic, where they are dissolved in the “simplicity” of thought, and assume “a definite form” of physical or human existence; he makes them become incarnate. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 4), 1975: 137.

2. 在这里,土地还被看作是不依赖于人的自然存在,还没有看作是资本,也就是说,还没有被看作劳动本身的要素。相反地,劳动却表现为土地的要素。但是,因为这里把过去的仅仅作为对象存在的外部财富的拜物教归结为一种极其简单的自然要素,而且已经承认——虽然只是部分地、以一种特殊的方式承认——财富的本质就在于财富的主体存在,所以,认识财富的普遍本质,并因此把具有完全绝对性即抽象性的劳动提到为原则,是一个必要的进步。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第四十二卷):1844年经济学哲学手稿》,1979:114-115

2. The land is here still recognized as a phenomenon of nature, independent of man—not yet as capital, i.e., as an aspect of labour itself. Labour appears, rather, as an aspect of the land. But since the fetishism of the old external wealth, of wealth existing only as an object, has been reduced to a very simple natural element, and since its essence - even if only partially and in a particular form—has been recognized within its subjective existence, the necessary step forward has been made in revealing the general nature of wealth and hence in the raising up pf labour in its total absoluteness (i.e., its abstraction) as the principle. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 3): Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844, 1977: 292.

3. 人作为自然存在物,而且作为有生命的自然存在物,一方面具有自然力、生命力,是能动的自然存在物;这些力量作为天赋和才能、作为欲望存在于人身上;另一方面,人作为自然的、肉体的、感性的、对象性的存在物,和动植物一样,是受动的、受制约的和受限制的存在物,也就是说,他的欲望的对象是作为不依赖于他的对象而存在于他之外的;但这些对象是他的需要的对象;是表现和确证他的本质力量所不可缺少的、重要的对象。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第四十二卷)》,1987:167-168

3. As a natural being and as a living natural being he is on the one hand endowed with natural powers, vital powers—he is an active natural being. These forces exist in him as tendencies and abilities—as instincts. On the other hand, as a natural, corporeal, sensuous, objective being he is a suffering, conditioned and limited creature, like animals and plants. That is to say, the objects of his instincts exist outside him, as objects independent of him; yet these objects are objects that he needs—essential objects, indispensable to the manifestation and confirmation of his essential powers. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 3), 1975: 336.


例句 1:
From the aspect that man is a natural being, Marx discussed in his 1844 Manuscript on Economic Philosophy that man is of activeness as well as of receptiveness.

例句 2:
Man can only be in harmony with nature. They can not be amalgamated in the natural world. Such amalgamation will reduce man as natural being.

例句 3:
在三本笔记中,人的本质分别被概括为“自然存在物”“类存在物”和“社会存在物”。——“《1844 年经济学哲学手稿》关于人的本质理论的探析”,载于《石家庄经济学院学报》2016年第2期
In these notes, human nature was respectively summarized as a natural being, a species-being and a social being.





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