

字词 自我解放




McLellan, D. Marxism after Marx: An Introduction [M]. London: Macmillan Press, 1998: 71.






1. 在策略上,民粹主义思想分为两派:一派相信人民能自我解放,并试图通过和平宣传来达成这一目标;另一派则认为,有必要通过恐怖分子小集团直接打击专制制度。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2008:65

1. When it came to tactics, there were two schools of Populist thought: those who believe in the self-emancipation of the people and tried to achieve this by peaceful propaganda, and those who believed in the necessity of attacking the autocracy direct1y through small groups of terrorists. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 71.

2. 委员会共产主义者自认为他们已经回到马克思那里了,因为他们断言无产阶级是历史上第一个能够获得自我解放的阶级。资本主义生产过程需要一支专业化的和组织良好的工人大军,从而也武装了无产阶级,使它有能力成就为历史变革的倡导者。由于接受了无政府工联主义观点,他们也在某种程度上越出了马克思,认为不需要经过过渡性质的国家就可以达到共产主义。这些观点的先驱是卢森堡凶,以及奥地利马克思主义者马克斯·阿德勒(Max Adler),还有被列宁称为“经济主义者”的阿基莫夫(Akimov)那样的早期俄国马克思主义者。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2008:179-180

2. The Council Communists saw themselves as returning to Marx in their assertion that the proletariat was the first class in history to be able to achieve self-emancipation. The capitalist process of production required large units of specialised and well-organised workers and thus equipped the proletariat with the capacity to become the initiators of historical change. They also went to some extent beyond Marx by drawing on anarcho-syndicalist views to say that communism could be achieved without passing through a transitional state. Their views had been preceded by Rosa Luxemburg, by such early Russian Marxists as Akimov, who was labeled an ‘economist’ by Lenin, and by the Austro-Marxist Max Adler. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 187-188.

3. 工人阶级的自我解放绝对需要新的组织形式,这种形式不允许把工人阶级的活动与他们对社会生活和思想各个领域的管理分裂开来。潘涅库克认为,重要的是,只要工人阶级是在革命形势下被迫起来捍卫自己的利益而反对资本的利益时,他们的组织就该采取工人委员会的形式。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2008:181

3. Working-class self-emancipation required absolutely new forms of organisation which would not allow the separation from the working-class activity and control of the various spheres of social life and thought. Pannekoek considered it significant that whenever the working class, in a revolutionary situation, were forced to protect their own interests against those of capital, their organization took the form of workers' councils. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 189.


例句 1:
There might seem to be two quite different “takes” on the relations between freedom and culture that Kant proposes: the first, connecting culture to the self-emancipation of the working class; and the second, inscribing culture as a mechanism of government that works through the means of self-regulation it makes possible.

例句 2:
In a communist society,the true historical existence of humans against the development of world history is continuously revealed, the new social relations in modern production activities are shaping, and the comprehensive free individuality of humans is gradually realized in the course self-emancipation.

例句 3:
These ballads express the claims of the Anti-Japanese War mobilization and the impressions of women in the Anti-Japanese War mobilization. They reflect women’s appeal of self-emancipation, and show sympathy and understanding for wo





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