

字词 企业工团主义


syndicalism of enterprise








1. 四是积极支持企业加快技术改造,建设创新型企业。中央财政拟安排200亿元专项资金,主要用贴息方式支持企业技术改造。鼓励企业应用新技术、新工艺、新设备、新材料,适应市场变化,开发适销对路产品,推进产品创新,提高产品质量和生产经营水平。——《2009年政府工作报告》,2009

1. Fourth, we will actively support enterprises in accelerating technological upgrading and develop innovation-based enterprises. The central government will allocate 20 billion yuan, mainly in interest subsidies, to support technological upgrading in enterprises. We will encourage enterprises to apply new technologies, new production processes, new equipment and new materials so that they can adapt to market changes, develop more readily marketable products, undertake product innovation, and improve their product quality and the level of production and business operations. -Quoted from Report on the Work of the Government, 2009.

2. 在企业,有三大因素阻碍了修正主义运动的出现。首先,关键性的对立是发生在社会主义与工团主义之间,而不是发生在各种不同的马克思主义之间。在德国,工会在1878-1890年“反社会党人法案”期间遭到镇压,党反倒被许可通过选举发挥作用,并由此成为左右局势的力量;在法国,工会则逃脱了这种政治的控制。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2005:19

2. In France, there were three main factors militating against the emergence of a revisionist movement. Firstly, the key opposition was: between socialism and syndicalism rather than between different varieties of Marxism. In Germany, the trade unions had been suppressed during the anti-socialist legislation of 1878-90 whereas the party had been allowed to function electorally and thus became dominant; in France, the trade unions escaped from such political control. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 22.

3. 19世纪60年代以来,意大利的工人运动基本上处于无政府状态。只是到了19世纪90年代,随着一个不断壮大的社会主义政党的形成,马克思主义才开始产生影响。不过,这个党仍“十分软弱,观点十分混乱”,缺少牢固的工业基础,且不断受到无政府工团主义者的威胁。在19世纪90年代,该党设法吸引了几位知识分子,其中有一位哲学教授安东尼奥·拉布里奥拉(Antonio Labriola),他在经历了青年黑格尔主义时期后,于1894年成为一位马克思主义者。尽管拉布里奥拉倾向于把马克思主义仅仅视为一种方法(因此,马克思主义似乎可以与其他的哲学流派兼容、并存),但在恩格斯逝世不久的那些年,他仍可算是对马克思主义的各国诠释者中最好的一位了。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2008:18-19

3. In Italy, the workers’ movement had been largely anarchist from the 1860s onwards: Marxism had only begun to make an impact in the 1890s with the formation of an increasingly successful socialist party. Nevertheless, the party remained ‘very weak and confused', lacking a firm industrial base and continually threatened by the anarcho-syndicalists. The party managed to attract several intellectuals in the 1890s, among them Antonio Labriola, a professor of phi1osophy, who after a period of youthful Hegelianism, became a Marxist in 1894. In spite of a tendency to regard Marxism as merely a method (and thus compatible with several different sorts of philosophy), Labriola was probably the best interpreter of Marx in any country during the years immediately following Engels’s death. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 21.


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