

字词 大拒绝


great refusal; abnegation; rejection


[1] 金炳华.马克思主义哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2003:965.
[2] Zhang Yibing: Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics [M]. Göttingen: Universitätsverlag Göttingen, 2014: 389.
[3] Zhang Yibing. A Deep Plough: Unscrambling Major Post-Marxist Texts From Adorno to Zizek [M]. Berlin: Canut International Publishers, 2011: 54, 61.


一般来说,“大拒绝”(Great Refusal)是马尔库塞在20世纪60年代早期扩展至单向度社会的美学原则。这项策略总结了有关改革和革命的旧的辩论。在社会富裕到几乎可以使任何诉求都能被满足的背景下,这种彻底的、不妥协的批判是一个很吸引人的立场。但是具有讽刺意味的是,对不可吸纳(uncooptable)之需求的寻求使马库塞本人成为1968年起始的大众文化的象征,至今他还承担着这个名声。在当代背景下,对互联网反乌托邦式的批判激发了类似的坚定的拒绝。但它忽视了当今所发生的真实斗争。值得注意的是,一旦条件发生改变,马尔库塞便不再坚持“大拒绝”。20世纪70年代出现了一种新的格局,马尔库塞称之为“预防性反革命”(preventive counter-revolution)。吸纳(cooptation)还在继续,但增补了后退和约束。新左派解体了,但它创造出了一个巨大的批判社会,以及一种被约束之可能性的感觉。现在马尔库塞响应德国人的口号:“体制内的长征”(A Long March through the Institutions)。在政治黑暗时期,人必须在社会制度中找到安身之所。但是,有可能带去一些争论,从而对社会制度产生影响,这就是马尔库塞的任务,他接受了结果的模棱两可性(安德鲁·芬伯格,邱慧译,2014:154)。简而言之,大拒绝的前提是大批判。


[1] 安德鲁·芬伯格.“大拒绝”还是“长征”:如何看待互联网?[J].邱慧译.工程研究——跨学科视野中的工程,2014(2).
[2] 关于马尔库塞大拒绝理论的现实可能性.via:


1. 1968年之后,那场事件所象征的“大拒绝”的拥护者之一马尔库塞,似乎看起来不怎么正统了。他在《论解放》(An Essay on Uberation)主张,新的斗士承接了早期共产主义的衣钵,所有那些制度都成了他们的敌人,包括晚期共产主义,后者以集体意志的名义压迫和控制个体。显然,压迫性的官僚机构能够依赖于社会主义分界线上的任何一边。——《后马克思主义思想史》,2011:132

1. Post-1968, Marcuse, one of the champions of the ‘Great Refusal’ symbolised by the événements, can sound even less orthodox, arguing in An Essay on Liberation that the new militants have taken on the mantle of early communism, with their enemy becoming all those institutions, such as later communism, which seek to repress and control the individual in the name of the collective will. Repressive bureaucracies, it is clear, can lie on either side of the socialist divide. -Quoted from Post-Marxism: An Intellectual History, 2001: 85.

2. 其实,阿多诺在理论上是强大的,他几乎站到了他那个时代能够昭示的超越性反思的最高点上。可是,他从来不愿意去思考否定的辩证法如何真的转换为社会历史现实。在观念中反对“第一”拒绝同一性、摒弃总体性并不是无法做到的事情,可是,在现实的社会历史中如何真实地消除连社会主义都无法避免的同一性,阿多诺没有药方,他真是坐而论道。在这一层面上,他对实践的消极态度是反动的。否定的辩证法只是一种理论态度,他固然很深地意识到大资产阶级的工业主义实践态度是现代同一性专制的基础,但他所主张的非工业主义的理论态度在现实中的操作与实现却是可以忽略的。在这一点上,他反对马尔库塞是必然的,马尔库塞的“文化大拒绝”之践行一定会失败,但他毕竟有革命的勇气;哈贝马斯走向资产阶级式的现实改良(“补天”),他也是在实践。——《文本的深度耕犁:后马克思主义思潮哲学文本解读》,2007:30-31

2. In fact, Adorno is so strong in theory that the transcendental reflection he envisions has gone as far as his time allows for. Neverthe1ess, he never thinks on how his negative dialectics cou1d be transformed into social reality. It's not an impossib1e mission to reject in ideo1ogy “primacy,” to refuse identity, or to disavow tota1ity, but Adorno has no answer to abolishing identity, which is even inevitable to socia1ism, in our real social history. He is indeed a metaphysical talker. On this phase, his negative attitude to practice is reactionary. Negative dialectics is just a theoretic stance. He, of course has an insightful interpretation that the practical attitude of arch-bourgeois industrialism constitutes the base of modern identity's tyranny, but the theoretical stance of non-industria1ism he advocates is neg1igib1e in terms of its operation and rea1ization in rea1ity. In this respect, his objection to Marcuse is inevitable. Marcuse's "Culture Abnegation" is doomed to fai1 in practice, but he at least has the guts of revo1ution; Habermas resorts to bourgeois socia1 reform (“Amend the Heaven”), which is a1so a sort of practice. -Quoted from Back to Marx: A Deep Plough: Unscrambling Major Post-Marxist Texts From Adorno to Zizek, 2011: 54.

3. 从简单的同一性走向极端的否定性和非同一性,看似彻底激进,其实必然因其本身的不可能性而对现实同一性没有任何真正的触动,最终以成为现状的一种同谋而告终。这可能也是后来阿多诺坚决反对左派学生践行马尔库塞“文化大拒绝”运动的根本原因之一。——《文本的深度耕犁:后马克思主义思潮哲学文本解读》,2007:36

3. Moving from a simple identity to an extreme negativity and nonidentity seems to be absolutely radica1, but in fact such a move wou1d never shake the identity in reality because of its innate impossibility. Eventually, it would end up with a sort ofcomp1icitywith the rea1ity. This is probably one of the essential reasons why Adorno1ater resolutely disagrees with those 1eftist students who practice Marcus’s “Culture Rejection” movement. -Quoted from A Deep Plough: Unscrambling Major Post-Marxist Texts From Adorno to Zizek, 2011: 61.


例句 1:
After put into practice, his theory of “Great Abnegation” was failed.

例句 2:
In his opinion, the two-dimensional thoughts, criticizing, opposing, and surpassing reality, should be promoted instead of the one-dimensional thought, approving of, affirming and maintaining reality. The solution to alienation is to liberate the Eros. Marcuse regards  the liberation of labor as the foothold of the liberation of the Eros liberation, attempting to progress a “Utopian revolution” on the modern society through the" great refusal", and establish an ideal society being full of freedom, but without depression.

例句 3:
Marcuse also put forward their own revolution, he argued that the big rejection to all capitalist society.





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