

字词 金融市场


financial market






[1] 刘伟.经济学大辞典[Z].团结出版社,1994.
[2] 胡代光,高鸿业.现代西方经济学辞典[Z].中国社会科学出版社,1996.


1. 我们要继续改革国际金融机构,各有关国家要进一步抓紧落实好国际货币基金组织份额和治理改革方案。要制定反映各国经济总量在世界经济中权重的新份额公式。要继续加强国际金融市场监管,使金融体系真正依靠、服务、促进实体经济发展。要建设稳定、抗风险的国际货币体系,改革特别提款权货币篮子组成,加强国际和区域金融合作机制的联系,建立金融风险防火墙。——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014:338

1. We should continue the reform of international financial institutions. The relevant countries should further push forward the implementation of the plan for reforming the management of the International Monetary Fund and for making a new sharing formula that reflects the weight of the economic aggregate of the different countries in the world economy,and continue to strengthen oversight concerning the international financial market, so that the financial system will depend on, serve and promote the development of the real economy in a sound way. The relevant countries should build a stable and risk-resistant international monetary system, reform the basket of currencies for Special Drawing Rights, strengthen the connections between international and regional financial cooperation mechanisms, and build a "firewall" against financial risks. -Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 2014: 371.

2. 回顾过去一年,成绩来之不易。这些成绩,是在极为复杂严峻的国际环境中取得的。去年世界经济增速为6年来最低,国际贸易增速更低,大宗商品价格深度下跌,国际金融市场震荡加剧,对我国经济造成直接冲击和影响。这些成绩,是在国内深层次矛盾凸显、经济下行压力加大的情况下取得的。——《2016年政府工作报告》

2. These achievements in China’s development, a source of pride and motivation for our people, did not come easily. They were made in the context of an extremely complicated and challenging international environment. In 2015, world economic growth fell to its lowest rate in six years, growth in international trade slowed, commodity prices plummeted, and there was growing volatility in the global financial market. All this had a direct impact on China’s economy. -Quoted from Report on the Work of the Government, 2016.

3. 这种现金不断减少的情况已经不能再否认了,虽然政府拚命加以掩饰,把收入和支出的余额一年一年地往下推,并且在统计中不谈已经出现的赤字,反而假造盈余。可见,普鲁士的财政是在“和平时期”,在非常“安宁”和“有秩序”的情况下,被普鲁士政府弄得破了产。当1848年运动开始、金融市场陷入萧条状态的时候,国家对私人不但不能有所支持,反而要他们为自己的继续存在作出新的牺牲。这一切,资产者先生们都应该感谢普鲁士的前任各届大臣和他们的同谋者。如果他们不犯下这种渎职罪,那就不会出现赤字,而会有136000000塔勒的现金,从而也就能够维持信贷。这就是普鲁士刑事立法第三三三节所指的那种罪行所造成的损失。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第六卷)》,1961:352

3. No denials can undo this reduction in the reserves, even though the Government seeks to conceal it by carrying over balances of revenue and expenditure from one year to another, in fact in such a way that an apparent credit balance is still shown in the accounts when there is already a deficit. Thus in “peacetime”, when “calm” and “order” prevailed, the Prussian finances were ruined by the Prussian Government. When the movements of 1848 came and the money-market suffered, the state was not able to support the private sector but at this time of depression was forced to demand new sacrifices to ensure its survival. The Herren bourgeois have the Prussian ex-Ministers and their aiders and abettors to thank for that. If the latter had not violated the law when in office, there would have been 136 million talers ready cash available instead of the deficit, and credit could then have been maintained. That is the injury caused, to which § 333 of the Prussian criminal law refers. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 8), 1977: 388.


例句 1:
The impact of unexpected events on stock market is widely confirmed in academic studies. However, most of the present studies focus on the impact of domestic events on domestic stock market.

例句 2:
Financial and culture development shall be based on financial market as the bellwether of discretionary investment strategy, control the high risk of heterogeneity.

例句 3:
The financial market is an asymmetric information system in which there are dynamic game and cooperation symbiosis between financial regulatory authorities and financial market participants.





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